Club Club Club – First 🥇 Family Fitness Club Fitness Family

A network of fitness clubs with a basin 🏊 Fitness-Family in St. Petersburg. Krasnogvardeisky, Moscow, Nevsky district. Pool, children's room, gym, group classes.

Kondratievsky coaches

Trainer. Nutriologist NSA. Analysis and diagnosis of nutrition. Speaking athlete in bodybuilding.


Ust Be Trainer Moscow, LLC Scientific Fitness.
Personal trainer. Category Expert.
The course Nutrition, as an underestimated component to achieve a result.
The course Methodology for the development of functional training.
The course Methodology of power training.
The course Sales of personal training.
The course The path from the beginner to the elite trainer.
TRX STC course. Certified TRX coach.
Higher Military Command School.


CCM (lying bench press)
2016 Silver medalist of the NWFO BB master
2016 bronze medalist of the North -West BB 75kg.
2017 Silver medalist of the North -West BB 75 kg.
2017 bronze medalist of the North -West BB master
2019 Silver medalist of the North -West BB 80kg.
2019 Silver medalist Grand Prix Russia NBC BB 80kg.
2019 bronze medalist Grand Prix Russia NBC Masters 40+
2019 5th place IFBB Pro League International Russia Masters 40+
2019 Bronze medalist IFBB Pro League International Russia BB 80kg.

Albert Nabaters


General (losing weight, strengthening, lifting, muscle mass), increase in power indicators: powerlifting and heavy athletics, as well as the general strengthening of the ode. Work experience since 2006. The title of MS for powerlifting, 1st of the Russian Championship according to the ACPC 2008; 1 month Championship of Eurasia 2009.


Association of Fitness Professional on the basis of the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports.

Tel +7 921 405-64-42

Onoev Valentine


Functional training: (including TRX loops – certificate), crossfit, interval. Training, workout, power training (increased muscle mass with a decrease in subcutaneously fatty tissue), conducting training for pregnant women, taking into account physiological characteristics – (certificate).


1992-1998 St. Petersburg State Technical University 2012 School of Pavel Ershov for fitness and bodybuilding 2017 Educational Center for Fitness Professional SPF 2020 Educational Center Fitness SPF (profile retraining)
Experience from 2012 to the present.

Tel +7 921 378-38-16
Instagram @onoevvalentin

Vinogram Natalya

«PERASPERA AD ASTRA.per Ardua Ad Astra.»


Exercise therapy and rehabilitation for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A set of muscle mass and a decrease in body weight due to the burning of adipose tissue. Correction of nutrition.


SPbGPMA, doctor pediatrician. Specialization: ambulance and emergency medical care, experience since 1991. Medical massage. International TRX Certificate.


CCM in athletics.

Zvyagintsev Ivan

“Everyone can become better as they want. The main thing is to work hard and believe in yourself.


Bassin: training in children and adults, improving swimming techniques, preparing for competitions.
Silentic hall: a set of muscle mass, figure correction, weight loss, development of physical qualities. Functional training.


Higher: H.G.U. The name of Leshafta


I am a master of sports in swimming, always striving for leadership, won city, Russian and international competitions, became a winner of Europe. I have a higher profile education, I also finished courses for working with pregnant women and stretching (stretching, flexibility). I train not only adults, still teach children to swim and engage in their physical development.
I am a happy husband, we have wonderful son and daughter.
With great joy and pleasure, I will show you what to love sports, love myself and take care of my body, eat right and tasty.

Sahakyan Armen

“Love God and do what you want.
(St. Augustine)


Bodybuilding, powerlifting, heavy athletics.


SPF School of Professional Fitness
Pilates, TRX, Stretching.


1 category in heavy athletics and powerlifting
Judge 3 of category for powerlifting IPF.

Tartynsky Denis


Group programs, table tennis. Table tennis: personal training for adults and children, group classes. Teaching technique and tactics of the game. Preparation for competitions. Sparring games.


Higher SURGTU. The first pedagogical – coaching category. Work experience since 2004. Achievements: CCM for table tennis winner of the Southern Federal District of Russia, a participant in tournaments, master tour player players of the Higher Table Tennis League.

Komelkov Vladimir


Rehabilitation after injuries; correction of muscle tone, symmetry, posture; Power training, a set of muscle mass, fatty fat, dietological support. Experience: sports – 11 years, coaching – 4 years. Champion of St. Petersburg Armrestling, winner of the boxing competition.


RSPU them. A. I. Herzen Adaptive Physical Culture for Persons with Deviations in Health State

Tel +7 999 247-23-02
Instagram @komelkov_vladimir

Atrashchenko Stanislav


OFP for athletes (triathlon, running, football, hockey, basketball, skiers). Correction of hyperkifosis, stoop, curvature of the spine associated with muscle imbalance. Development of skills in working with free weights and your body. Functional bodybuilding is a harmonious development of flexibility, endurance and strength performance in favor of aesthetic appearance. Training of the elderly and people with restrictions (back hernias, flat feet, chronic diseases). Additional methods of myofascial release, manual muscle testing, applied kineisiology for solving specific problems. Sports achivments. Competition participant: for fitness and bodybuilding in the category up to 80 and 85 kg; Crosslife Gran up to 90 and up to 100 kg. Three times he prepared a team from students and jointly passed the race of heroes.Repeated finisher of races and half marathons.


College of fitness and bodybuilding named after Ben Vader.

Tel. +79218844945
Instagram @slaimad

Muminov Dior

“Do more norms.


Figure correction, adaptive physical education
Functional training, training from scratch (water supply), leading to competitions, aquaerobics
Children's coach


GUFK Leshafta


Master of Sports of Russia in Swimming-Champion of Russia in swimming, multiple winner of all-Russian competitions
Master of Sports of Russia in Subway Swimming
Finisher of the triathlon Vyborgman
Member of the Maratho swim 16 km
CCM for the Greco-Roman wrestling

Krupnikov Alexey

In work – do not harm


Set of muscle mass; Correction of body weight by reducing the fat component; the development of force; work in the TRC; Women's training during pregnancy


Higher Medical (St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy 1993-1999)
Higher Economic (St. Petersburg State Economic University 2002-2008)
2012 – receipt of a certificate for work in TRC
2013 – receipt of the certificate “Features of women training, personal training stratagems”


A two-time silver medalist of the open cube of St. Petersburg and the northwest for bodybuilding and fitness (2008; 2009);
Bronze medalist of the Eastern European Cup for bodybuilding and fitness (2009);
Master of sports in bodybuilding;
Coach of the prize -winners in bodybuilding, bikini, powerlifting.

Gaintsev Leonid

Correct movement – heals, wrong – cripples


Normalization of muscle tone. Moster correction. Setting the techniques for performing exercises. Power directions.


Student (magistracy) NSUFK Lesgft.
Certificates-“Credit-Ton and mechanoregulatory reactions, chains and stereotypes (manokhin)” “Correction of the lower back biomechanics by means of the IFF and correctional exercises”. “Applied kinesiology. Fundamentals of manual muscle testing in application to therapeutic tape (GUMAROV). ”

Russiana Olga


Conducting individual training with various equipment (TRX, free weight, simulators) compilation of physique correction programs depending on age, physical fitness. Compilation of a balanced diet Features of women training. A set of muscle mass. Correction of body weight by reducing the fat component. Functional training. Women training during pregnancy.


Certified coach Animal Flow Knowledge of the basics of anatomy, physiology, dietetics, methodological foundations of power training.

Tel +7 921 910-37-01
Instagram @dobriytrener

Vorobyov Anton

Direction of activity:

Silentic hall: power training, a set of muscle mass, compilation of a personal training plan, general physical fitness, reduction of body weight due to the fat component. Work experience in the field of fitness since 2010.


Repeated finisher of races and half marathons.


College of fitness and bodybuilding named after Ben Vader.

Tel. +79218844945

Instagram @slaimad

Muminov Dior

“Do more norms.

Figure correction, adaptive physical education
Functional training, training from scratch (water supply), leading to competitions, aquaerobics
Children's coach


GUFK Leshafta:



Master of Sports of Russia in Swimming-Champion of Russia in swimming, multiple winner of all-Russian competitions

Master of Sports of Russia in Subway Swimming
Finisher of the triathlon Vyborgman

Member of the Maratho swim 16 km

CCM for the Greco-Roman wrestling:

Krupnikov Alexey

In work – do not harm


Set of muscle mass; Correction of body weight by reducing the fat component; the development of force; work in the TRC; Women's training during pregnancy

Higher Medical (St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy 1993-1999)

Higher Economic (St. Petersburg State Economic University 2002-2008) :

2012 – receipt of a certificate for work in TRC

2013 – receipt of the certificate “Features of women training, personal training stratagems”


A two-time silver medalist of the open cube of St. Petersburg and the northwest for bodybuilding and fitness (2008; 2009);

Bronze medalist of the Eastern European Cup for bodybuilding and fitness (2009);
Master of sports in bodybuilding;

Coach of the prize -winners in bodybuilding, bikini, powerlifting.
Gaintsev Leonid

Correct movement – heals, wrong – cripples


Normalization of muscle tone. Moster correction. Setting the techniques for performing exercises. Power directions.


Student (magistracy) NSUFK Lesgft.

Certificates-“Credit-Ton and mechanoregulatory reactions, chains and stereotypes (manokhin)” “Correction of the lower back biomechanics by means of the IFF and correctional exercises”. “Applied kinesiology. Fundamentals of manual muscle testing in application to therapeutic tape (GUMAROV). ”
Russiana Olga


Conducting individual training with various equipment (TRX, free weight, simulators) compilation of physique correction programs depending on age, physical fitness. Compilation of a balanced diet Features of women training. A set of muscle mass. Correction of body weight by reducing the fat component. Functional training. Women training during pregnancy.:


Certified coach Animal Flow Knowledge of the basics of anatomy, physiology, dietetics, methodological foundations of power training.

Tel +7 921 910-37-01

Instagram @dobriytrener
Vorobyov Anton

Direction of activity:

Silentic hall: power training, a set of muscle mass, compilation of a personal training plan, general physical fitness, reduction of body weight due to the fat component. Work experience in the field of fitness since 2010.:


Instagram: @anuta2911

Tel. 8-965-075-44-13

Rodriguez Christina
Areas of work

Ball dancing (children, adults), echoing dance, refreshing, cocked dancing


2007-2011 St. Petersburg State College of Physical Culture and Sports 2011-2015 RSPU named after Herzen experience since 2011. Until now.
Tel. 8-921-422-87-23
Instagram: @chrisrodriges
Lozotkova Natalia
Areas of work
A coach for working with pregnant women – power formats, aqua (Birthlight system) and yoga, Pilates, yoga, stretching, breathing gymnastics – Bodyflex and Oxisase, along the gym, via Bodyart and Faceformig.

RSPU them. Herzen, master of pedagogical education. A certified specialist on perinatal and postnatal yoga, healing gymnastics for women at different stages of the reproductive period. A certified specialist in Pirates and Yoge. lang=en style=height: 28px;Average special, know -the National University of Fitness.

Tel. +7 931 265-65-78
Mikhailov Vladimir

Lucky for those who are lucky

Training in the gym, setting effective exercises.


AFK named after Leshafta

Northwest Academy of Public Service

Certificate of advanced training for classical, sports and point massage

Certificate of Seminar Effective Communication

Molotilkina Anna

Group programs, personal training dance aerobics, step aerobics, strength areas, functional training, mind Body, Stretching. Reducing weight due to reducing the fat component, the development of muscle strength and endurance, a set of muscle mass, functional development of the body, dietary accompaniment, compilation of training programs depending on the goals of the training process. Functional training of athletes. Recovery after childbirth. Recovery after injuries. Certified Trainer TRX, PILATES MATWORK, PILATES Small Equipment, Pilates for pregnant women, Stretching, Trigger Point therapy, Curcuit, Flowin, Aeroyoga DRT, etc.


Higher. Sports. GAFK named after P.F. Zhelegft. CCM skiing. International Certification In-Trinity Board from Matrix. Work experience is more than 17 years. /p

Instagram: @anuta2911

Tel. 8-965-075-44-13

Rodriguez Christina

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