Cable TV channels in Mozhaisk.

No keyword Today, Orbita plus Mozhaisk actively provides cable television services to the population of the city of Pushkino. We offer our subscribers the widest range of

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Today, Orbita plus Mozhaisk actively provides cable television services to the population of the city of Pushkino. We offer our subscribers the widest range of TV channels. The company's cable television network package includes 61 cable TV channels. All TV channels are broadcast in Russian. The set of relayed channels is designed for every taste and age and will satisfy any, even the most unexpected requests! Sports, music, news, fashion and beauty programs, the best films of all genres, children's programs – these are just some of the programs that our subscribers can see! We are sure that in the list of channels broadcast by our company there will definitely be something even for the most demanding viewer. We strive to ensure that the channels are diverse, interesting, with perfect image quality, and we work for this!

The coverage area of ​​our cable TV services is constantly expanding. Your questions by phone: +7(496) 385 94 34. We are waiting for you!

Offers viewers a wide variety of programs – news, journalism, movies, TV series, games, children's, entertainment and music programs.

The channel has an extensive film screening. In addition, news, sports and entertainment programs, and journalism are broadcast. The channel was established by the Moscow government. Along with programs that are interesting for residents of the capital, TVC creates programs for viewers throughout Russia.

One of the three leading national TV channels in Russia. After the events of the spring of 2001 (the change of the owner of the channel, a split in the journalistic team), the volume of entertainment programs, films and television series, news and political programs was increased.

Broadcasting is based on programs about culture in all its manifestations: operas, ballets, dramatic performances, classical and contemporary music, journalistic and scientific-educational programs, documentary and feature films, cultural news.

The topics of the Podmoskovye channel releases include a full range of information and artistic broadcasting: coverage of the activities of the Government of the Moscow Region and the Regional Duma, education and culture, history and local history, ecology and religion, sports and weather.

Lots of new movies, popular TV series, news. The channel is actively developing. Significantly improved own information broadcasting. It was Ren-TV that began showing the cult TV series The X-files (X-files) in Russia.

The first entertainment television in Russia. There are no news, journalism and other genres in the STS program.The channel translates only feature films, popular television series for children and adults, entertainment programs for every taste. The potential audience is 82 million people. STS is the fastest growing national television channel.

The basis of TNT ether is the original television production, as well as high -quality film and television films of domestic and foreign production. The series Streets of Broken Lights that has become a hit was created by order of TNT.

“Home” is a specialized channel with clear positioning, with an targeted audience, with programs designed throughout the family. The home television channel is addressed, first of all, a family audience.

Friday is a funny and charming heroes of the most striking series and world films, crazy love passions of the most exciting reality shows, the most precious ingots of the Golden Fund of entertaining TV, as well as a wide variety of programs about everything in the world – from the kitchen, fashion and health to adventure, Mysticism and sports!

The concept of the Mir channel is based on the idea of ​​the priority of human rights and freedoms. In its broadcast policy, the company focuses on the satisfaction of information needs and spiritual requests of a mass audience – peoples living in the territories of the founders of the MIRK MIRM.

NTK Zvezda is the first state -patriotic television channel in Russia, the basis of the broadcasting of which is the principles of objectivity, continuity and creativity. The TV channel demonstrates the best achievements of Russia to the audience and is the bearer of healthy patriotic ideas.

The channel consistently develops the concept of creating television that reflects the pulse of life in our large country; Television, respecting the interest of millions of inhabitants in their own pressing problems. The fifth channel also seeks to unite people of various views, different nationalities and religions living in Russia.

Real mystical television channel broadcasting Russian and foreign feature films. TV 3 – art television channel originated in St. Petersburg, gradually expands its audience throughout Russia.

Vesti TV channel is an international information television channel of federal significance. Broadcasting is carried out 24 hours 7 days a week in Russian.

The channel was created on the basis of the largest broadcasters and manufacturers of a children's television product, with the assistance of leading psychologists, teachers, authors of innovative educational programs. Channel Carousel is focused on a wide children's and adolescence. Carousel is a bright kaleidoscope of the best educational and entertainment shows, favorite films and cartoons, funny quizzes and gaming projects. In an exciting and affordable form, unique programs, combining educational, developing and game elements, teach young viewers, activate creative abilities and expand the horizons.The channel program mesh is formed taking into account the characteristics of children's television viewing

The television channel My Planet is a Russian round -the -clock cognitive channel about travel, science, history and people. For many years, we looked at the world with other people's eyes – now there was an opportunity to look at our own. Broadcasting time: around the clock of broadcasting: Russian

RBC TV channel is the first television business channel in Russia. Roma of the professional presentation of information, the channel pays great attention to analytical programs and an operational review of situations in various sectors in direct broadcast mode.

Public television of Russia (OTR) is a new Russian federal television channel. The main goals and objectives of public television: development of civil society in Russia. Education and education. Propaganda of universal moral values. OTR – a new platform for discussing the most urgent problems that excite society, as well as a means of open and direct interaction between the authorities and citizens of Russia.

Walt Disney is the founder of Disney-a person who has become a legend of the 20th century. He managed to create not just a studio of animated films, but a whole world of entertainment for millions of families. Now the doors to the magical world of Disney are widely open to children and adults in Russia.

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