Cloudy and light rain: weather forecast for Sunday in Perm

Cloudy and light rain: weather forecast for Sunday in Perm

Weather forecasters promise rainy weather

Cloudy and light rain: weather forecast for Sunday in Perm

Cloudy and light rain: weather forecast for Sunday in Perm

April 12 in Perm is expected cloudy weather. According to Gismeteo, there will be little rain.

In the morning it is cloudy and light rain, the air temperature is +5 degrees. The wind is 4-7 meters per second.

In the afternoon, the thermometer column will rise to +10 degrees, it will still be cloudy and rainy. Wind 2-9 meters per second.

By evening it will become cool, the temperature will drop to +3, light rain is expected. Wind 3-7 meters per second.

It will be colder at night: the temperature will drop to -1, but it will be cloudy. Wind 1-5 meters per second.

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