Enemies. Cycle of Metamorphoses buy cheaper at, prices, photos, reviews

Enemies. Cycle

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Enemies. Cycle Metamorphoses

Enemies. Cycle

The performance Metamorphoses-3: Enemies is a kind of established tradition, which is embodied in our theater based on the works of the great classics A.P. Chekhov and I.A. Bunin. The performance, filled with colorful video installations, is a literary and stage collage, consisting of eight works of the great classics, shown to the viewer in an unusual format of an open rehearsal (In Paris, Business Cards, Chorus Girl, Styopa, Spouse, Gimp, Enemies, Lita). “I am pleased to invite you to a new performance called “Metamorphoses-3: Enemies”. Traditionally, our production consists of wonderful works based on the great Russian classics A.P. Chekhov and I.A. Bunin. This is a rather free, but at the same time respectful interpretation of the great Russian prose,” notes Nikita Mikhalkov. Genre: literary and stage collage Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes Intermission: 1 intermission Age category: 12+ The premiere took place on November 4, 2018. Chief director – Nikita Mikhalkov. Directors: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Igor Yatsko, teacher Vera Kamyshnikova, actor, director Alexander Koruchekov. Production Designer – Yuri Kuper. Sound design – Pavel Doreuli. Choreographer – Victoria Skitskaya. CREATORS OF THE PERFORMANCE Artistic director: Nikita Mikhalkov Directors: Vera Kamyshnikova, Alexander Koruchekov, Igor Yatsko Production designer, costume designer: Yuri Cooper Choreographer: Victoria Skitskaya Composer: Pavel Akimkin Artistic director assistants: Larisa Sergeeva, Elena Baromykina Sound design: Pavel Doureli Head Artistic and production part: Ivan Nedelyaev Assistant director of art and production part: Igor Maidanov Assistant director: Anastasia Golovanova Lighting designer: Alexander Bukhantsev Assistant costume designer: Elena Elistratova Assistant video designer: Ilya Ryabov Costume designers: Svetlana Vysotskaya, Tatyana Polosukhina, Irina Galchenkova Props: Antonina Sergeeva, Tatyana Duzenko Fitters: Kirill Labuzov, Ruslan Logachev, Alexander Yaroslavtsev Sound engineers: Andrey Govorov, Maria Nedelyaeva Video engineer: Varvara Reshetova Lighting: Vyacheslav Romanyuk CAST Olga Alexandrovna (In Paris, I.A. Boon in); Guest at the Wake (Enemies, A.P. Chekhov); Mermaid (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Elena Alferova Nikolai Platonych (In Paris, I.A. Bunin); Man (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Nikita Buryachek Wandering musician (In Paris, I.A. Bunin); Grandmother (Gimp, A.P. Chekhov); Lita (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Alexandra Titova Wandering musician (In Paris, I.A. Bunin); Guest at the Wake (Enemies, A.P. Chekhov); Man (Lita, I.A.Bunin): Igor Makkoveev She (Business cards, I.A. Bunin); The Doctor's Wife (Enemies, A.P. Chekhov); Mermaid (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Polina Borunova He, writer (Business cards, I.A. Bunin); Krasilshchikov (Styopa, I.A. Bunin); Abogin (Enemies, A.P. Chekhov); Man (Lita, A.P. Chekhov): Arseniy Sonnenstral Waiter (Business cards, I.A. Bunin); Deacon (Gimp, A.P. Chekhov); Ivan Alekseevich (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Nail Safin Wife (Chorus girl, A.P. Chekhov); Mermaid (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Tamara Razorenova Husband, Nikolai Petrovich Kolpakov (Chorist, A.P. Chekhov); Nikolai Evgrafych, husband (wife, A.P. Chekhov); Doctor Kirilov (Enemies, A.P. Chekhov); Male (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Sergei Radchenko Chorusist (Chorusist, A.P. Chekhov); Nun (Enemies, A.P. Chekhov); Mermaid (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Lyudmila Munirova Styopa (Styopa, I.A. Bunin); Granddaughter (Gimp, A.P. Chekhov); Mermaid (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Olga, wife (Wife, A.P. Chekhov); Mermaid (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Victoria Solovieva Maid (Wife, A.P. Chekhov); Mermaid (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Anna Andrusenko Guest at the Wake (Enemies, A.P. Chekhov); Mermaid (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Anastasia Loginova Maid (Enemies, A.P. Chekhov); Mermaid (Lita, I.A. Bunin): Evgenia Sheveleva


category Drama
date 11.05.2022
full date May 11, 2022
place Theater and Cinema Center under the direction of Nikita Mikhalkov


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