It will go out, then it will go out – the private Saratov kindergarten "Firefly" goes into bankruptcy for the third time after the trial with the Ministry of Education | business news agency business vector

The private kindergarten Svetlyachok, owned by the Saratov plant Neftemash-Sapkon, declared self-bankruptcy for the third time in recent months. The children's institution was knocked down by the courts with the Ministry of Education, which demanded that it return the previously received subsidies.

It will go out, then it will go out – the private Saratov kindergarten Firefly goes into bankruptcy for the third time after a trial with the Ministry of Education

Private kindergarten Glowworm, owned by the Saratov plant Neftemash-Sapkon, declared self-bankruptcy for the third time in recent months. The children's institution was knocked down by the courts with the Ministry of Education, which demanded that it return the previously received subsidies.

The previous two applications for self-bankruptcy filed by the Kindergarten Firefly were returned by the court due to procedural violations, the kindergarten did not notify all interested parties of the termination of activities within the 15-day period prescribed by law. Firefly filed a third application for voluntary bankruptcy on March 14. So far, it has been left without movement until April 14. The applicant petitions for a deferral of payment of the state duty, but the court has no information about the lack of sufficient funds in his accounts and he was asked to provide a list of these accounts and bank statements.

The amount of liabilities with which the kindergarten is going to go bankrupt has not changed since previous times, it still amounts to 5 million rubles. The application lists 27 individual creditors.

Earlier, on February 28 this year, the arbitration satisfied the claim of the regional Ministry of Education against the kindergarten. A private institution was required to return 7.4 million rubles of subsidies received in 2019-2020. As the press service of the court explains, the ministry demanded a refund due to the fact that the kindergarten had debts in taxes and fees, and funds can only be allocated to a taxpayer who is impeccably clean in this regard. The court concluded that the minister was right.

The kindergarten's debt has accumulated not in taxes, but in insurance premiums. As of March 1, 2019, the debt to the pension fund amounted to 649.9 thousand rubles, the debt on compulsory medical insurance contributions – 173.8 thousand rubles. These institutions have never disputed the debts. It is also known that in 2020-2021, against the backdrop of quarantine restrictions, a private kindergarten has accumulated debts for utilities.

So far, the children's institution has been marked as operating on Yandex maps. But if until now the site of the kindergarten was available, now it is not working. The last reviews of parents about Firefly date back to the summer of 2021, the kindergarten was praised, but noted that its services are very expensive, about 19 thousand rubles a month per child.

The Ministry of Education actively collected subsidies for educational activities from commercial kindergartens throughout the region and literally for any reason.The Pokrovsky humanitarian lyceum – kindergarten and the Orthodox gymnasium in Khvalynsk could not be taken away, the courts refused the ministry, although the grounds were the same as in the case of a “firefly” – the presence of tax debts. And here Olga Prozorova Academy Top-Top The victim of the fact that it had the wrong form of ownership was closed after quarantine.

Certificate BV. Black Garden of Svetlyak, a former departmental kindergarten of the Neftemash-Sapkon plant, opened in 1989. Since 2002, he became a non -state preschool institution, since 2010 – a private kindergarten whose founder is the plant. The revenue of 2020 amounted to 8.4 million rubles.

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