Makarov weather, weather forecast tomorrow | Kyiv region |

Weather for a month May: a moderate amount of precipitation and a gradual increase in average daily temperatures

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Weather Makarov for tomorrow Kyiv region

The variable cloudy in Makarov is 06-05-2022. The temperature is the minimum 6 ℃, the maximum 18 ℃. Southeast wind, 2.9 m/s.

Geomagnetic activity KP index tomorrow

The forecast for geomagnetic activity for tomorrow. Three -hour KP forecast for the planetary index

The highest geomagnetic activity index tomorrow according to the forecast will be 2 units.

Geomagnetic storms are not expected tomorrow.

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Weather for a month May: a moderate amount of precipitation and a gradual increase in average daily temperatures

Weather for a month May: a moderate amount of precipitation and a gradual increase in average daily temperatures

Within a month, air throughout Ukraine will warm up to an average of 15-18 ° C. An exception will be mountain locations where the thermometer column does not overcome marks of 11-14 °. The temperature indicators, exceeding the norm, in most regions of the country by 1-1.5 °, within the north-west and northeast of Ukraine, promise to be at the level of average values.

Magnetic storms in May 2022

Magnetic storms in May 2022

The warmest month of spring will be marked in the current year with increased solar activity, the index of which will rise to 4 units.

Weather for a week in Ukraine from May 2 to 8: a moderate amount of precipitation and heat throughout the country

Weather for a week in Ukraine from May 2 to 8: a moderate amount of precipitation and heat throughout the country

🌈 The sun behind the clouds will be hiding less and less, warming the air to the comfortable +18, and further than the temperature at night will rise above zero, to no less comfortable +8-9 ° CPE.

Weather for the weekend in Ukraine from April 30 to May 1

Weather for the weekend in Ukraine from April 30 to May 1

The month of May is probably the most romantic month, expected with the impatience by most of us.

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