Marathon of functional literacy

Without Kevordo, a marathon of functional literacy with the participation of leading world scientists and experts in the field of education will be held from December 6 to 10, 2021. The main topics of educational

Without Kevordo

The marathon of functional literacy with the participation of leading world scientists and experts in the field of education will be held from December 6 to 10, 2021. The main topics of the educational events of the online marathon will be key skills in the 21st century, issues of their formation and development. Teachers, managerial teams of schools, students and their parents, as well as students and teachers of pedagogical universities, will be able to take part in events. The organizers of the marathon are the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Academy of the Ministry of Education of Russia.

The functional literacy marathon will open a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Anastasia Zyryanova. During the meeting at the Academy studio, the development of functional literacy will be discussed, which are among the national goals and strategic objectives of Russian education.

The webinar “Practical-oriented tasks as a means of developing functional literacy” will be held on December 7, the director of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements of Oksana Reshetnikova and the acting Director of the Academy of the Ministry of Education Pavel Kuzmin.

Public online dissection Actual. Expert. On education ”with the participation of the head of the PISA International Program, the head of the Department of Education and skills of the OECD Andreas Shlyaher, will be held on December 8. As part of the event, teachers will be able to ask questions to an expert with a worldwide name.

On December 9, Dr. Biol will perform with the educational lecture “Formation of the XXI century skills”. Sciences, Dr. Filol. Sciences, Professor of St. Petersburg State University, corresponding member of RAO Tatyana Chernigovskaya. The public lecture “Teacher of the XXI century: Key skills” will be held by Elena Kazakova, director of the Institute of Pedagogy of St. Petersburg State University, Dr. ped. Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the RAO.

The saturated program of the online marathon also includes meetings with experts in the field of education, discussion clubs, master classes and webinars, which will be held by employees of the Academy of the Ministry of Education, teachers and school principals, teachers and heads of IT-Kub centers and Kwantorium Children's Technopots.

In addition, school management teams will be able to do self-diagnosis in remote mode in the main areas of functional literacy on the platform of the information and educational environment of the Academy of the Ministry of Education.

The program of the online marathon is available on the link.

Links to broadcasting:

10:00 Opening a marathon. Meeting at the Academy studio with Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation
A.V. Zyryanova. Link

12:00 Discussion club with student leaders of public opinion of pedagogical universities.Link

14:00 Discussion platform Quality of education and functional literacy. Link

16:00 Dialogue on the topic: Federal State Educational Standard and Pisa: Unity of Requirements for Educational results. Link

10:00 Special issue of the seminar Vector of Education: challenges, trends, prospects. Link

12:00 Public lecture Performance and poor performance: why do children experience difficulties in learning. Link

14:00 Webinar “Features of the formation of the functional literacy of students of digital centers
education IT-KUB. Link

16:00 Webinar Practical-oriented tasks as a means of developing functional literacy. Link

10:00 Dialogue on the topic: Reading literacy as a key to all types of functional literacy. Link

12:00 Webinar Functional literacy of the leader. Link

14:00 Webinar Practices of the formation of functional literacy of schoolchildren using the equipment of the center
Growth point. Link

16:30 Meeting with A. Shlyaher, director of education and skills of the OECD. Link

10:00 educational lecture Formation of the skills of the 21st century. Link

12:00 Public lecture Teacher of the 21st century: Key skills. Link

14:00 – Webinar “Development of the functional literacy of students using the resources of the children's technopark
Quantorium. Link

16:00 Webinar Development of mathematical literacy. Link

10:00 webinar Development of natural-scientific literacy. Link

12:00 Webinar Organization of methodological work on the formation of functional literacy in
educational organization. Link

14:00 Analysis of the results of self -diagnostics of managerial teams of schools in the Russian Federation in the main areas
functional literacy. Link

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