Mundered Notification – Forbes Kazakhstan

How Flysms binds services for travelers, affecting the world's interval-industrial

Mundered notification

How Flysms binds services for travelers, affecting the world's interval-industrial

Automation of processes more and more penetrates into the daily life of each person, going down from the level of corporations. Where there is traffic of consumers, automation services appear in the first place.

Over the past year, about 5 billion travelers have been transported a total of about 5 billion travelers, this figure should double by 2030. On the growth of the passenger traffic, I decided to earn a Flysms service, which has Kazakhstani roots, which provides a warning service through text messages about the fact of planting the aircraft. After all, not every passenger flies with roaming on, not every airport has free access to Wi-Fi, and at the same time the first thought that comes after landing for everyone: you need to inform loved ones.

The plane landed, the message to the relatives goes away – it sounds easy, but everything is not so simple in terms of technical implementation and monetization. “In order to understand whether the demand for our service will be hired by the All -Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), which conducted a deep marketing market for us. 92% of respondents replied that they would like the service, but they never heard about this, and about 76% said they were ready to pay for it. Of these, 76% more than 50% agreed to pay $ 3-5, ”says Flysms Inc. CEO. Almas Toleubay.

According to him, the idea was discussed by partners for several years, the company was registered at the end of last year in the American state of Delaver. Investments – about $ 300 thousand – were obtained from the Singapore Unlimited Capital fund at an early stage of the project. In the first month, Flysms used several tens of thousands of people, which surpassed the most daring expectations.

“The team is based on three Kazakhstanis: I, Executive Director Roman Khlynovsky and Technical Director Yuri Golobokov,” continues Almas. “My associates worked for a long time in Telia Sonera.”

Connect everyone

The service is negotiating with the world's largest airlines, tourist and online agencies. “There are a lot of airlines, so the process is intense,” says Almas. – In a week we answer 300-400 letters, permanent flights, meetings …

The traveler’s interaction with the service occurs through the website, a mobile application and during Internet purchase tickets. The user is offered to the user optionally – for example, as insurance for the duration of the trip or an additional place of baggage. At the time of preparation of the material, the site worked in the procedure, that is, you could use the service for free: indicate the flight number, select one or more phone numbers and write a message, they say, I flew there.The managing partner of Unlimited Capital Ruslan Shakin explains that the promoter is launched to familiarize users with the service, all costs are due to the company. Flysms mobile application already offers two subscription options: 10 flights for a month for $ 7.65 and 100 flights for a year for $ 50. The company began to receive the first revenue from B2B- and B2C. “The fund considers its investments as strategic, for a long period, and sees the company among the world leaders of the Trevt Industry,” said Roman Khlynovsky, Executive Director of Flysms.

Currently, FlysMS has concluded a strategic partnership with,, With eight agencies, contracts have been signed, and testing is underway.

“We came to the existing monetization model after a while, having worked several options. When you buy a ticket, you can additionally purchase insurance, a place for baggage, a more comfortable chair, on some airlines-food, ”says Almas. -We suggested that the airlines and the aggeny traates add our service. They call it ancillary service (additional service – English). Many people liked the idea. ”

The service is interesting to airlines, especially the low -cost airlines, as an additional source of income. Flysms closes its expenses, takes a small margin, and leaves the rest to them. At the same time, the airlines themselves set the price tag for the service. A similar scheme allows the carrier to earn 30% of the cost and above. “Airlines can sell a service of $ 3-5 per flight segment,” Almas notes, “we take on technical integration and support. If necessary, we “put” the number of a number for the carrier. That is, the costs are minimal for them: the integration of the service on the site plus the funds earned from it create an additional line in the financial statements. I think this is not a problem for accountants. ”

The company does not disclose the cost of service and the exact number of passengers who have already used the service, referring to a commercial secret, but mentions hundreds of thousands of travelers. At the same time, Flysms does not offer to save on roaming, but rather gives convenience and saves time. “This is a service for travelers who do not want excess headache at the airport. They know that the message has gone and you can immediately go about your business, ”Almas explains. -This is especially true for some exotic countries and new directions, where you still need to find a way out of the terminal, understand how to catch a taxi and connect to the Internet. In addition, the function is suitable when buying tickets to children and elderly family members. ”
The developers of the service initially assumed that their main users would be flying abroad. Practice showed that, for example, in Russia, 62% of buyers made internal flights, such as St. Petersburg-Sochi, Moscow-St. Petersburg and others.

Valuable asset

Message delivery technology is the company's intellectual property.At the moment, Flysms has been submitted for registration of about 10 applications designed to “stare” the key elements of the service on the territory of all basic jurisdictions of the world: the CIS, Europe, China, America, the Middle East, African countries, and Southeast Asia. FlysMS intends to become the only service that will have the right to implement, distribute, receive commercial benefits from delivery of notifications on the landing of flights. Russian Claims is engaged in legal support. These are experts who previously worked as part of the Ernst Young in the CIS, who recently created their company.

“Flysms technology is an important and integrated process,” says Claims managing partner Igor Nevzorov. – For its implementation, we are actively interacting with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIS) in Geneva, as well as with the patent departments of each of the states. Despite the existence of unified international conventions – on patent cooperation, about the protection of industrial property, on the registration of trademarks – each of the countries has special requirements. Given the ambitious goal, make Flysms Inc. The only company that has the right to use this or similar technology, the correct structuring of the applications submitted for registration and the experience of our colleagues from other countries for the future to identify and suppress possible violations plays a key role. ”

There is something to protect – this is a special technology, only at first glance apparent simple. “When we started this project, we asked us the most important question for us: how to track (track – trace, English) flights around the world? – Almas recalls. – I needed an algorithm for understanding that the flight landed. After all, it is obvious that the service is relevant precisely from the moment the plane sat down until the moment the person came out of it. It is necessary that the messages be delivered in this short period of time. ”

The first large channel for obtaining information about the movements of aircraft is services such as Flight Aware and Flight Radar 24, broadcasting it directly from the sides on which the ADS-b-transponders are installed. These are systems that transmit information about the state of the aircraft: speed, height, angle of inclination and other parameters. Flight Radar 24 through the receivers on the ground, tied to a single network, collects data and sells to its subscribers – to retail (through the application) and wholesale.

The second channel for the landing of a flight is an online score of airports, which, by the way, are not everywhere. To exclude errors, Flysms take data on the movement of aircraft around the world from six independent sources.

Another problem that arose during the implementation of the project is guaranteed SMS delivery. Delivery of messages to foreign numbers with one provider gives a guarantee of 40-60%. That is, in approximately half the cases, the message is lost. Therefore, Flysms decided to work with the best messages of messages in different regions of the world.The result was a cascading system: if one provider cannot deliver a message, then this makes the second, third, etc., the whole process takes a second and is completely not noticeable for the user.

Large numbers

Flysms sees about a tenth of passengers around the world with its customers. “500 million people a year is a completely achievable goal,” Almas believes. “Connecting one airline gives us an average of 10 million potential customers per year.”

The company plans to develop channels for delivery of information about planting are, for example, bots for instant messengers, solutions for a taxi and hotel reservation services, and other directions. “Even at the initial stages of our work, when we started on the Product Hunt, Airbnb addressed us,” Almas recalls. – They had a problem: when guests come to the owners of apartments, they do not always wait for them. I myself had a situation when my wife and I went for two hours and could not get through to the person who was supposed to meet us. Airbnb was interested in the possibility that a person who booked housing could not inform the hosts about his arrival. I think we will soon be able to offer them a decision. ”

In addition, the company tests artificial intelligence to optimize the interaction with the client and increase the efficiency of the platform itself, which today processes several hundred thousand “data points” per day. Technically, it is engaged in the processing of a large amount of data (Big Data).

Flysms are not looking for funding, but the service managers admit that if there is a good offer, they will consider it. Russian, Chinese and Indonesian funds already show interest in the project.

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