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Review of the Turino 1 Lux car boxing

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Review of car box Turino 1 LUX (410 l)

Review of the Turino 1 Lux car boxing

Hello! It's May, which means that the season of car travel is actively gaining momentum. And along with it, there is an acute problem of lack of space for tourist equipment and just personal belongings. In this connection, it seemed to me relevant to tell you about how to easily and naturally get out of this situation. Moreover, with minimal financial losses. As you already understood, today we will talk about a budget car trunk-box, which is installed on the roof of the car and adds several hundred liters of usable volume to you.

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Good day. I am a photographer, my name is Andrey Kirnov and I am glad to welcome you to this cozy photoblog. For the convenience of navigating through the magazine and quickly finding the information you need, all entries are sorted into shelves using the so…

Memories of Dombay or my first time

It's probably rather strange now to write an account of events that happened almost 3 years ago. However, if you are reading this now, then this post was still written and published. And there are at least three good reasons for that. Well, first of all, I literally be sick disheartens what is happening outside my window right now. Mid-December, but no snow, instead of rain, gloomy skies and not a single ray of sunshine for weeks on end. So, it's time to stir up your photo archive and catch the sun on the live bait. Secondly, a mailing list recently came from Shutterstock, where it is strongly recommended to upload pictures about all sorts of winter fun to the stock. Type relevant, well-sold and all that. Well, and thirdly, my blog is primarily a chronicle of my life and someday I will be pleased to read these memories. Therefore, I went into the 2015 folder, then into Dombay_Arkhyz, processed the best pictures, which will also go to the stock, and today I will try to remember and talk about those funny days.

  • Current Location: Dombay, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Russia

Where to shove the unimpressed

When I was going on a photo tour to the Kola Peninsula and realizing that there would be three more people with me in the car with personal things for cold weather and photo backpacks, I was seriously concerned about the capacity of the trunk of my Duster. But we also carry with us tourist equipment (foams, tents, sleeping bags, tables, chairs, and so on), as well as food. And let it all be distributed between two machines and L200 Vasily in_windows He will take the lion's part of the cargo in view of the fact that this is a pickup, but there are also 4 more people with backpacks and photographic equipment. Therefore, it became clear that we could not do without autocoxes on the roof.

Vasily lent his boxing from relatives (though he returned it in a broken state – more on that below), I climbed to look for an inexpensive option on the Internet.

Residential complex from the future or so I live so

It so historically happened that I was born, raised and live to this day in the nearest suburb of Voronezh in my own house. I had an experience of living (and quite long) in apartments, but I remember him like a nightmare. In the courtyard, dirt and thumping punks, in the entrance you can only be in a gas mask, and it’s better not to go into the elevator. It’s good that in those times I didn’t have a car, since I don’t really like quests for the search for a free parking space for the night, looking at night. I still have sympathy for friends and acquaintances now living in apartments.

And the other day we bit on this subject with one of my good friends from the sphere of art Dima Bolshakov. Recently, he began work at the company Innta, and earlier he was the head of the art group Square, the organizer of the Chernozhemo contemporary art festival and the Cultipore contest. In general, a very active and positive person. But not the point. In short, I set out Dima my counterarguments against living in the apartment even in the very center of the city, I say that country housing is steering and all that, he agrees, but he personally asks me to financially master the purchase of a land plot and the construction of a cottage if I had historically lived in City and suddenly wanted to move somewhere closer to the forest and the river?

Clwr Käppeli Jacket or a few words about equipment

As I already wrote, going to Dombai, I never before was on mountain skis and, especially, on a snowboard. Accordingly, I was not very sure if I would like at least one of these classes. Until the last, I was tormented by the question – whether I will learn to ride on snowy slopes for five days or I would just wander around with a camera. But the mountains are mountains, and going on a trip, I naturally thought about what I would ride and, accordingly, fall into the snow. It was decided to take skiing, boots and sticks at rolling points, but something still had to be purchased. Flesk, thermal underwear, warm pants and walking winter boots I already had and were quite suitable for the tasks. But from outerwear in the closet only a powerful and heavy down jacket was found Canadiens, which was suitable for winter walks, but, alas, did not fit for active skiing.

And here, in theory, I would have to go to the nearest sports goods store and buy a ski jacket for myself, but I was very confused by one important factor.

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