Political scientist about sanctions on sports: “We will develop sports at home” – News of St. Petersburg

Political scientist about sanctions in relation to sports: We will develop sport at ourselves

Every day, Western countries impose more and more sanctions against Russia. The restrictions also affected the sports sphere. The World Karate Federation did not allow athletes from Russia and Belarus to participate in international tournaments even under the auspices of the organization.

Political scientist about sanctions in relation to sports: We will develop sport at ourselves

Political scientist about sanctions in relation to sports: We will develop sport at ourselves

Every day, Western countries impose more and more sanctions against Russia. The restrictions also affected the sports sphere. The World Karate Federation did not allow athletes from Russia and Belarus to participate in international tournaments even under the auspices of the organization.

Political scientist Alexei Lomov noted that sport has always been outside of politics, the St. Petersburg TV channel reports. However, recently he has become an industry and therefore fell into politics.

Despite this, the political scientist is confident that because of the sanctions, Russia has new opportunities. So, you can develop sport inside your state, as well as compete with those countries that took the neutral side and did not impose sanctions.

“I expect that we will simply be rebuilt and will develop sports at home, the championships of Russia, the CIS countries will be held. We have enough good athletes to show the results, ”the expert explained.

Earlier, gazeta.spb.ru reported that Japan has introduced export sanctions against 49 Russian companies and organizations.

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