Salavat Mechanics and Construction College.

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Salavat Mechanics and Construction College
state budgetary professional educational institution

College hotline:

8 (3476) 38-58-90

  • Information about the educational organization
  • Independent Evaluation Results

Department for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan


The college was founded in accordance with the Order of the BASSR Labor Reserves Administration dated 10/22/1953. No. 158-k On the creation of the School of FZO No. 12

Information about reorganization and renaming:

  • Secondary school FZO No. 12 was renamed GPTU No. 27
    on the basis of the order of the Department of Vocational Education of the RSFSR order of 06/11/1963 No. 181
  • GPTU No. 27 renamed to SPTU No. 20
    on the basis of the order of the State vocational education of the RSFSR order of 09/04/1984 No. 213
  • SPTU No. 20 was renamed VPU No. 20
    on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Belarus, order No. 285 dated April 10, 1992
  • VPU No. 20 was renamed into GOU NPO Professional Lyceum No. 20
    on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Belarus dated 04.04.1995 No. 254
  • GOU NPO PL No. 20 and GOU NPO PU No. 32 were reorganized
    on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated 12.05.2006. No. 705 by attaching the latter to the former.
  • GOU NPO PL No. 20 and GOU NPO PU No. 36 were reorganized
    on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated June 29, 2010 No. 948. in the form of joining the latter to the former.
  • GOU NPO PL No. 20 (state educational institution of primary vocational education professional lyceum No. 20) renamed to GBOU NPO PL#20 (state budgetary educational institution of primary vocational education professional lyceum No. 20)
    in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated April 12, 2011 No. 102 On the Model Charter of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
  • The State Budgetary Educational Institution of Primary Vocational Education Vocational Lyceum No. 20 was renamed into the State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution Salavat Mechanics and Construction College.
    (Decree of the Government of the Republic of Belarus dated December 14, 2015 No. 1402-r).
  • The state budgetary vocational educational institution Salavat College of Mechanics and Construction and the state budgetary vocational educational institution professional lyceum No. 72 were reorganized by joining the latter to the former.
    (Decree of the Government of the Republic of Belarus dated November 08, 2016 No. 1276-r, Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus dated November 29, 2016 No. 1429).

The college has a License for the right to carry out educational activities No. 3679 dated February 1, 2016, series 02L01 No. 0005423, valid indefinitely. Certificate of state accreditation No. 2395 dated March 06, 2018 Series 02 A 03 No. 0000161, valid until March 06, 2024.
Currently GBPOU SMSK, in accordance with the current license, implements training programs for skilled workers, employees:

15.01.05 Welder (electric welding and gas welding)
15.01.05 Welder (manual and partially mechanized welding (surfacing)
13.01.10 Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment (by industry)
29.01.05 Cutter
08.01.08 Master of finishing construction works
23.01.03 Auto Mechanic
15.01.23 Adjuster of machines and equipment in machining
09.01.03 Master in Digital Information Processing

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