See at once 2 football matches at your Mac

Watch 2 football matches at once on your Mac

And not only football.

See at once 2 football matches at your Mac


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Watch 2 football matches at once on your Mac

The TV has long outlived himself. We are used to reading and watching news on the network, watching films or TV shows online or by subscription, and let grandparents watch ads and talk shows on TV.

The only thing that kept from the TV was to view direct broadcasts of sports events. Most likely, for this you have already connected the IPTV from your provider or paid one of the many services on the network.

You can watch your favorite sport right on the screen of a computer or tablet, without looking up from other tasks.


But what to do when two interesting events are taking place at the same time? For example, today in 21:45 (MSC) for access to the semifinals Champions League Fuck Real with Bavaria and Lester City with Atletico. Both matches deserve attention, it is originally difficult to choose more interesting. And tomorrow it is not at all clear who to expect the fluff from: from Barcelona or from Borussia?

If you have long moved to IPTV, now I’ll tell you how to turn the Mac into a “full -fledged TV”.

What do we do

In fact, we will add to the MAC the function Picture in the picture. It will be possible to run a couple of broadcasts at once and quickly switch between them.

It is so perfect to watch football when two interesting matches play at the same time. You can watch any film or series, and simultaneously keep on hand the news or other video with the possibility of instant shift between them.

What is needed for this

  • any IPTV service with the required channels;
  • VLC player (download); BettertouchTool (download); or iPhone for switching channels (you can do with a keyboard);
  • 5 minutes of free time.

How to configure everything

To begin with, we need to configure the VLC player.




1. In the parameters of the program you need to click the button Show all.

2. In the expanded settings menu, we go to the section Video And turn on the option On top of all windows.

3. Below in the same section, turn off the flag Window design.

4. Restart VLC.

This is necessary that one copy of the program can work on top of the other and during the video playing the frame around the window is not displayed.

Now you need to get two copies of the player. To do this, you can use the instructions for launching several copies of one application or banally copy the program.

Now you need to create a special SNAP Area area in the program BettertouchTool.

1. We run the VLC player, turn on the reproduction of any video (not necessarily IPTV) and set up the size and position of the window. We need to get a convenient size for the video in the corner of the screen so that it does not overlap the main full screen, but at the same time it could be disassembled what was happening there.

2. Open the menu line BettertouchTool And choose Snap Areas – Create New Snap Area.


3. The editor of the zones will start, the last advanced application will be in the focus (it should be VLC with the right window size and in the right position).


4. We need to move the rectangular selection to a convenient place and make it an acceptable size.

After the end of the procedure, this selection will become a kind of Drope Zone and will appear when you drag any window of any program. If you place a window in this zone, it will take up the space and size that we selected for VLC earlier.

It remains only to set up convenient switching between programs through BetterTouchTool.

1. Open the BetterTouchTool options and go to the appropriate section. If we want to control the switching from the remote, we open the Apple Remote, if from the keyboard – Keyboard, and if through the application on the iPhone or iPad – BTT Remote.

2. In the left panel, add the VLC application.


3. We create a new action and bind it to any key, remote button or special button in the BTT Remote application (depending on the selected section, in a specific example, I create an action for the application on the iPhone).


4. We tie the Backspace key to the button (it is used to switch VLC to full screen mode).

5. Add an additional action and select Application Switcher.


6. We create a number of additional actions: Left key (left arrow), Return (Enter), Backspace. The resulting set of actions allows you to exit full-screen mode, turn on the multitasking panel, select the previous program, switch to it, turn on full-screen mode.


7. It remains to add sound control. VLC uses the combination to mute the sound. ⌘ + ⌥ + ↓. We add two identical actions. One to turn off the sound in the main application, and the second to turn it on in the second program.


Now pressing a special button will mute the sound in one copy of the player (on one channel), switch to another player (on another channel) and turn on the sound in it.


After all the settings for viewing in Picture in Picture mode, we need:

1. Run two copies of VLC;

2. Move and drop each of the players into the created zone so that they shrink and fit in the corner of the screen;

3. Any of the players put in full screen mode.


Now we try to press our super button and we get a quick switch between channels with the mute of one and the inclusion of another.

If your IPTV provider supports playlists, just turn on playback in both players and you can switch channels in each player if necessary. Using this example, you can set up work with other applications for viewing IPTV.

Bring your Mac videos to the big screen via HDMI or AirPlay and you're the king of the evening. Gather your friends to watch the Champions League!

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