Sport. Health. Beauty – Scenario of Health Day – Corporation Russian Textbook (Publishing House of Drof – Ventana)

Material from the section Scenario of Health Day dated 03/28/2017 – Sport. Health. Beauty is available for free viewing and downloading from the site.

Sport. Health. the beauty

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The state of health of the population of Russia does not cause optimism: experts note low birth rate, high mortality, low life expectancy, spread of infectious and cardiovascular diseases, and deterioration of people's habitats. The possibilities of modern medicine are truly stunning. But in order to be healthy, one should not rely only on medicine. She copes with many diseases, but cannot provide a person with health. To be healthy, you need to make your own efforts.

The information and educational work of the libraries can make a significant contribution to the formation of a culture of public health.

This work is built in two directions: the formation of a stable, positive attitude to a healthy lifestyle, the education of respect for your own body, the education of a sense of beautiful, the organization of intellectual leisure and preventive work on the formation of a negative attitude to smoking, alcohol, drugs, and the idle pastime. Municipal libraries of Nizhny Novgorod carry out purposeful work with users and the population to form a healthy life position, involving an active intellectual leisure.

Target: The formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren.


  1. Activation of creative initiative and realization of the sports potential of students
  2. Development of sports skills
  3. The formation of a cohesive team, the ability to work in a team.

Location: Reading Hall of the Library, a house area around the library.

The form of the event: Physical and health day

Participants: Pupils of the 7th grade.

Hall design:

  1. Book and illustrative exhibition Healthy life-happy life!
  2. Book-habitative exhibition Bold! Higher! Stronger!
  3. Exhibition-recommendation Health from Nature

Event program:

  1. Virtual journey through the book exhibition Take care of the health of a young man
  2. Hour of periodicals On the pages of the magazine Physical Culture and Sport
  3. The presentation of the information and bibliographic booklet “Know yourself” with the video presentation “I am successful! I am well!
  4. Interviewing My favorite sport
  5. Showing video videos bad habits
  6. Fun starts Faster! Higher! Stronger!
  7. The song marathon To be healthy is great!
  8. Fito-tea to help health

The content of the event

1. In the reading room of the library, schoolchildren are told about the rules of a healthy lifestyle. They virtually travel around the book exhibition, visit the country of Lazybones, the city of Gryaznul, the country of Guessing and end up in the city of Cleanliness and Order. During the trip, they answer questions and solve riddles about a healthy lifestyle. They remember the daily routine, hygiene rules, learn to compliment each other.

Photo 1

2. Students are invited to an hour of periodicals, where children receive useful information about the journal Physical Culture and Sport, interesting articles in which you can find tips that will improve health, increase physical and mental performance, and protect yourself from many diseases.

3. There is a presentation of the information and bibliographic booklet Know thyself. Children play games for psychological relaxation and emotional unloading. Watch videos about bad habits.

4. An interview is conducted by a librarian or a social teacher, where the guys will talk about the sports sections in which they are engaged (for example: football, rugby) and name their favorite sports.

5. Everyone goes outside, where a playground for fun starts has been prepared.

– Warm-up. Simple sports exercises are performed, running on the spot as in a physical education lesson.

Photo 2

The students are divided into two teams and sports competitions begin. From the teams, 1 person is allocated for each type of competition. They jump rope (who will make more jumps in 1 minute), run a race with a sheet of paper, with water in a glass (who is faster), tug of war (the team that will pull the opposing team to their side wins), play ball (who will make more jumps and throws up).

Photo 3

6. After outdoor games, they participate in a tasting of herbal tea with mint, viburnum, sea buckthorn, black currant. Representatives from each team talk about the benefits of tea and recall songs on a sports theme.

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