Sport is something native "

Women's volleyball team of OmSPU Univerochka

The women's volleyball team of OMGPU Univerchka is a member of all volleyball competitions held in Omsk and the Omsk region. The team includes students of the OMGPU, athletes of the first category. From the day of founding (1994) to this day, the team is trained by the senior teacher of the Department of Valeology Sergey Mironovich Olshevsky. I asked a few questions to the participants of the team

Sport is something native

Women's volleyball team OMGPU Universal He is a participant in all volleyball competitions held in Omsk and the Omsk region. The team includes students of the OMGPU, athletes of the first category. From the day of founding (1994) to this day, the team is trained by the senior teacher of the Department of Valeology Sergey Mironovich Olshevsky. A few questions were asked by the team participants by Ulyana Mazurova, a second -year student at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

– Please tell me how you came to sports?

Elina Bagautdinova, team captain:

– We all trained in sports schools for more than one year. Personally, I have been playing from first grade. As a child, it was high, and therefore I decided that I would play volleyball. In school years, she trained in SDUSSHOR No. 4. In addition, my parents are athletes, which, perhaps, also influenced my future interests.

Anna Yurkova:

– In elementary school, she loved sports games, was high and active. In sports
School (SDYUSSHOR No. 4) began to train from the sixth grade. A sports spirit lives in our family, so for me sport is something native.

Women's volleyball team of OmSPU Univerochka

– Your team is friendly?

Alena Klchkan:

– Our team is not only the most friendly, but also the best in the city. We know each other
Since school times: we met, talked in competitions. Now we play in one
team. In general, all the girls are cool!

Elina Bagautdinova:

– Yes, friendly. We have a common goal – to win. There is the spirit of the team. We are friends in life, a warm relationship has developed between us, in difficult times we help each other. And if someone has a birthday, then we will celebrate such an event together. It cannot be otherwise, since we spend most of the life in the gym!

– Do you watch sports programs on TV?

Tamila Tneskina:

– I like to watch female volleyball, because I myself am engaged in this sport, as well as football and basketball.

– Svetlana Galagoza:

– Mostly I watch figure skating and female tennis. Volleyball games
I try not to miss, because I evaluate them from a professional point of view.

– As far as I know, your team has a hymn. What do you feel when Do the first notes begin to sound?

Elina Bagautdinova:

– Our anthem cheers both players and fans. You feel a positive charge that accompanies you the whole next day.

Julia Boldyrev:

– I treat the anthem with a smile, because he is kind and cheerful.

– What should be the ideal volleyball player? Have you already achieved this ideal?

Natalia Palenaya:

– An ideal volleyball player, first of all, should strive to win. He must be temperamental, and at the same time be able to control himself. It is necessary to say about the high dedication, which, probably, is present in the blood of every athlete. I consider myself a person who loves sports and works out for himself.

Svetlana Galagoza:

– The ideal volleyball player should be tall, strong and technical. As for spiritual qualities, here one can single out endurance, purposefulness and efficiency. I try to work on myself to reach this level.

– I know that Sergei Mironovich is a very experienced and talented coach.

Natalia Palenaya:

– Sergei Mironovich is an ideal coach and person!

Svetlana Galagoza:

– Our coach lives for us and volleyball, helps to unite the team, constantly improves. Kind, has a sense of humor!

Anna Yurkova:

He is our mentor, friend and helper.

Julia Boldyreva:

– Sergey Mironovich always encourages and supports us. We easily find a common language with him, this is the reason for our success.

Alena Grechkan:

– A very good coach.

Anna Nosenko:

– Sergey Mironovich is demanding and responsible.

Elina Bagautdinova:

– A kind, generous person. We just adore him and wonder how he can find an approach to every girl. At the same time, he is demanding, and we try to fulfill everything he teaches us. Thank you, Sergey Mironovich! We love you very much!

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