Tale of the added time. How the first day of Chemal Journalism -2020 went – a blog from cardboard – blogs.

Tale of the added time. How did the first day of Chemal Zhurbaka -2020 – Blog Blogs – by.tribuna.com

Tale of the added time. How the first day of Chemal Zhurfaka-2020 passed

The Football Championship of the journalism-2020 was supposed to be another simple step on the way to local legendary for the current third-year students: worthy rivals were not visible even taking into account the fact that the first-year-olds could be called decently playing (and crying about the general subsidence of the level at the same time). But the evil spells of coronavirus intervened, because of which the 2020 Cup was lost-as compensation, graduates of the frantic year allowed to finish with journalism this fall, turning the lost time into added. They took advantage of the invitation with joy, and the lot gave their battle with the current champions without swing. It ended so that further everything threatens to solve the added time – to specific matches that magicians and cards will not skimp this year.

4 course

Reading the interview of the captain of the hopeless outsiders of Roma Kendysh about how many people from their course could play in the national team of journalism, conducted an involuntary smile on his face. And the discussions about the potential three glasses in the match with the second course responded in the head during the game, in which no chance was visible, even if Gene Borodun scored an unfortunate penalty, in which he had the will of strict rules for the goalkeeper and the ardor of Anton Shevyerinov To be an infinite number of attempts, but he did not fall into the target of the second. Yes, the fourth did not gather the composition again, which again brought Temir Isaenko on the field, who was quite loudly recognized in fear in some episodes. But the coming to football Yegor Rudachenko was indicative. On the one hand, he became the embodiment of the idea of ​​Zhurfak football as a whole – a desire is more important than skill; Yegor constantly broke off the offsayan line (including because of this, the team missed a couple of light heads), but at the same time he fought as best he could, knocked out the ball even at the strong move, and further than some experienced partners, and did not try to get into any occurrence that was happening The episode when it was not necessary, clearly following the instructions of his goalkeeper Yaroslav Kalinovsky – by the way, an understanding of how to use the advantages of his growth and why the cyper needs his hands, this guy again became a bright glimpse of his composition. On the other hand, if Rudachenko so easily becomes a noticeable asset of your team, what victories can we talk about here?

Of course, these guys are able to find the level at which the team will look quite worthy, but it is already clear that this can only happen outside the journalism department. Within the framework of the championship, everything is already saying the difference in balls in the day.3:14 – the moment when jokes about how pi begins, grow into the sad truth that pi begins with this. The unresolved communication problems on the field finished off the depressing impression – the players of the fourth continued to alternate rather vicious cries with direct accusations of insufficient diligence. And yes, while solidarity comes to the fore in the current country, at the moment actions in support of fourth-year player Maxim Nesterkov his teammates seemed to be the fewest in the group photo.

2 course

The guys for the year that we did not see them on the field, just pulled up the level, but this is hardly enough for great achievements. They managed to get the first victory, but not in the match with the pervaks, who were drawn by the main rivals for getting into the top 3. The match of the youngest teams, which opened the tournament, turned out to be approximately equal, the chances were at both gates, and everything was decided by the right out – in the first half there was a complete disaster with their inputs, and the ball was taken away from the players six times for violating the procedure, but in the second it was just a quick Maxim Miklashevich's throw-in was multiplied by the absence of offsides in this scenario and the excellent reaction of Daniil Pivkorets, who picked up his leg and flashed Sheverinov into the near corner. After this, the keeper ran to save the fatherland in the attack (and received a yellow card, because it is necessary to warn), but in his main moment he missed the ball.

However, the anger of the sophomores – after the match the bench in the locker room was almost damaged – in the game against the fourth year was for the most part translated into a constructive channel: the guys, rather, got excited and sent four balls to Kalinouski's goal, but could have been more. At least in this match, the team did not find any dependence on the captain Nikita Yukhnovich – yes, he scored one goal on pure individual actions, but with the other three he did not write his name on the score sheet, and the Aksinushkin trio caught the synergy of the pass even without him. Kachanovsky-Lyakhovsky. However, do not forget that both matches with the strongest opponents were prepared by the calendar for the second on the second day – and then the attack can run into a better defense, and your own shortcomings in defense will not be so easy to forgive. The more interesting it will be to watch the team next Saturday.

Course 1

The first-year students do not manage to win so often in the first match (sometimes they do without victories in the entire starting championship, even the current “fifth” will confirm), so in the match with the second, the debutants should have received a good charge of positive, overshadowed, however, at the very beginning playing with the injury of the nimble forward Viktor Krivopustov, who had a very unfortunate encounter with Sheverinov. However, in the second meeting of the day, the freshmen had an unexpected pain. Although at first it seemed that the third-year students would even have any problems – the young ones put up a good bus with powerful Nikita Safiullin at the head and for the time being coped with the attacks of the champions.But first, Dmitry Varennikov needed only a touch with a second of confusion of the rivals, and then the leader of the “blue” even twisted into the gate directly from the corner.

Perhaps, we can say that Pervakov after that failed just the desire to play and recoup, and not continue the previous tactics. Yes, Safiullin twisted ahead of three opponents, but in the end they knocked out the ball both from him and his comrades, but enthusiasm for the attack crawled sideways in the form of quick answers from the third, which contains a person for whom such a course of the game is perfect – Anton Gridyushko. The flanks of protection could not cope with him over and over again, and the striker himself perfectly monitored the offside line, froze from the place, beat, as it seemed, not ready for such a development of the events of the freshmen of Pavel Schucarduk and rolled the balls into the net-as a result, there was a penta-trick. . To the honor of the debutants, it should be noted that they did not stop bending their line and in a crushing score, desperately trying to arrange a goal of prestige – and only the triple saves of Ilya Sheleg in one of the episodes could prevent this from happening. As a result, from the novice team on the second day, it is ready to expect everything – at least the victory over the fifth, the defense of which Safiullin is able to pass, even if problems with the fourth, whose attack can also escape from sluggish opponents. The advice remains the same and works for anyone – to beat more.

3 course and 5 course

The full -time match of the main rivals for the title, as it seemed at first, will kill the intrigue immediately – the third looked painfully confident in the first half. The mistakes of the goalkeeper Vlad Polevoi and the defender Maxim Bichchychyan took advantage of Gridyshko and Varennikov without pity, and the fifth could not create almost anything at the gate – the casts did not work, and failed the sight with blows. But in the second half, deciding to transfer the scorer Andrei Zhivitsa to the center of protection, the graduates conducted a real blitzkrieg – two blows of Sergey Melnik (one of them, frankly, slept, and the second was most unsuccessfully repulsed by Dmitry Arkhipenko that had surpassed himself in the burners) To rapid equality in the account. After this, the teams seemed to fight not only for the desired three points, but also with fear of losing even one. Closer to the victory was still the third-Varennikov hung from the penalty area to the crossbar, and Karpuk did not use another Bichenchyan’s mistake at the very end of the match-but the final whistle recorded 2: 2. The teams realized that with one hundred percent result in other games they need to earn the best difference in balls.

And then much began to depend on just on the added time, which neither Alexander Konstantin Bayanddin did not skimp on. It decently helped the favorites in the fight against the departed rivals: at first the third course issued his three goals already in the compensated minutes, but there it was at least the first or second, and then the same number of balls brought into the asset the fifth at the mark of 20+4 and 40+5.Both the whites and the blues were dissatisfied with the time management in favor of direct competitors, but, as you know, it's pointless to argue with the referee. Graduates, thanks to such generosity, not only took the lead in the table at the end of the day, but also repeated their own record for goals scored in one match, forcing the scoreboard to switch to “two digits”. However, the current ten, in contrast to the cup in 2018 against the course of Meleschenya comrades, turned out to be not dry – a penalty kick prevented, his own enthusiasm for the attack and inattention at the corner, cunningly twisted by Jan Lipai. Well, the fourth-year student at least rejoiced at his balls, while it is impossible not to note the poker in their goal from Arkhipenko (massive scoring successes of someone other than Zhivitsya with Melnik were not characteristic of his team). The battles of the third and fifth for scoring breaks will continue next Saturday. The final match of the tournament will be played by the defending champions, which gives them the advantage of knowing exactly how many times they need to excel; but after all, the fifth, subject to the creation of a worthy reserve, will understand who and how to motivate to play against the third as for the last time, that is, as the graduates themselves.

In our time, the situation changes too often to predict anything – anything can happen in more than five days. The main thing I want to wish is meetings according to the plan and in the strongest lineups. And fairy tales, to tell the truth, do not care who they are about, as long as the main characters are positive.

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