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Tests and puzzles Vocabulary of any language is constantly evolving: new words are constantly appearing in it. Most often, the language is enriched by writers, but scientists and scientists also come up with new terms.

Tests and puzzles

The vocabulary of any language is constantly evolving: new words are constantly appearing in it. Most often, writers enrich the language, but scientists and inventors also come up with new terms.

Today it is difficult to imagine Moscow without its famous subway. After all, the metro allows residents of the city and visitors to get from one point to another, bypassing all traffic jams.

Informal names of sights and significant places in the city often take root better than official ones. And local residents put their own associations and meanings into them.

Each country has its own unusual, colorful and interesting holidays with special traditions. It can be the New Year, the festival of flowers or the harvest.

Viewers have seen these Soviet New Year's films more than once, and many recognize them from one frame or quote. However, after the premiere, not all of them were highly appreciated by critics.

The names of Eugene Onegin and Natasha Rostova are still remembered from the school curriculum. But in the works of literature there are not only the main characters. The secondary characters are also important to the development of the plot.

In their works, writers often use characters with speaking surnames. But sometimes people with such surnames are found in real life.

A few days ago, the first section of the Nekrasovskaya metro line was launched in Moscow, one of the stations of which is called Dmitrievsky Street. But, unfortunately, not all residents know who Boris Dmitrievsky is, whose name can be seen on the map.

On June 13, it became known that the musician Vyacheslav Butusov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The decree was signed by President Vladimir Putin.

The Great Patriotic War is the most important part of the Second World War, which became the bloodiest in the history of mankind.

The names of the main characters of works of Russian literature are remembered by many readers. But do you remember how their appearance is described in the lyrics?

On March 19 in Russia, military personnel, veterans and civilian personnel of the submarine forces of the Russian Navy celebrate the Day of the Submariner.

In the Soviet Union, the Indian theme was very popular. Schoolchildren read the books of Fenimore Cooper, Mine Reed and reviewed the red westerns many times.

Often musicians achieve success not under their real names, but under pseudonyms. Someone chooses a sonorous name for himself, someone is helped by producers.

A domain is a website name registered on the network, by typing it in the search bar or entering a URL, you can go to the required resource.Simple domain names are in high demand because they are easy to remember.

Abbreviations in modern speech are widespread. The most successful of them not only shorten the complex name, but also enrich the language, more capaciously and briefly naming the subject.

On December 6, Russian traveler Fedor Konyukhov set off on a round-the-world voyage in a rowboat from the port of Dunedin in New Zealand. During the journey, he will overcome more than 27,000 km.

Do you know the nickname given to the legendary guitarist Eric Clapton? How many guitars are in the collection of the famous Keith Richards? And what musical instrument could Kurt Cobain play besides the guitar?

Do you know what the famous Raphael's surname was? And what famous artist bore the name Vecellio?

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