The fight between the Omsk fighter Andrei Koreshkov and Paul Daily will not take place | 12 channel

The fight between the Omsk fighter Andrei Koreshkov and Paul Daily will not take place

The battle was supposed to take place in London on May 15.

The fight between the Omsk fighter Andrei Koreshkov and Paul Daily will not take place

The fight between the Omsk fighter Andrei Koreshkov and Paul Daily will not take place

The sad news for fans of mixed martial arts was reported by the founder of the Storm school Alexander Shlemenko.

“Andrei Koreshkov was planned to fight on May 15 in London. The contract was signed, but, unfortunately, the battle will not take place, since all Russians stopped giving English visas, and we are no exception. So while the pause, – said Shlemenko In its Instagram.

In February, in the city of Ankasville (Connecticut), the Bellator 274 tournament took place. The American athlete Chens Renkountry entered the Omsk fighter Andrei Koreshkov in Octagon. The duel between them ended in the 38-second-Andrei caught his opponent and pierced his foot into the corps from a turn, after which he inflicted several achieving blows to him.

After the spectacular victory, Spartan called Paul Daily to the battle of the British fighter. Note that before that last summer, at the Bellator 264 Koreshkov tournament, he won a confident victory over Sabah Homashi.

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