The sports channel "Belarus -5" is looking for a starting place – KP. Ru

Messi is ready to go on the field

On October 21, cable networks promise fans to the appearance of the long -awaited fifth button

Sports Channel Belarus-5 is looking for a start place

Messi is ready to go on the field

The main problem with which the leadership of the channel has encountered is to find the operator. According to unofficial information, the first “Belarus 5” will be seen by Zala and Cosmos TV subscribers. Then other operators will be connected.

Technically, you can turn on the channel at any moment. But for him you need to find a place. Simply put, the sports channel should knock out a competitor’s broadcasting grid. If the cable operator is also interested in this in front of the channel, which they want to remove, there are no obligations, then the replacement can pass quickly.

The director of the fifth button Pavel Bulatsky said in the media that someone would see them on the next Monday, and someone later, when the contracts will be concluded.

In the meantime, we looked at the Belarus 5 program from October 21 to 27 and are ready to share several pleasant news.

Belarus 5 will continue to share broadcasts with Belarus 2. The most rating broadcasts of the Olympics – Biathlon, Hockey, Freestyle – will also be shown on the second button. And what is promised in the near future?

For example, on Wednesday on the public Channel Belarus 2 at 21.35 they will show football – Real – Juventus. The second match of the Champions League, which was shown in the last round at night, is only in the Belarus 5 program.

What I liked in the program of the Belarus 5 channel 5

– Direct broadcasts of the championship of England in football.

– A half -hour preview of the Champions League matches.

– The earlier beginning (per hour) of the night matches of the Champions League.

– Online Champions League. Direct inclusions from different arenas.

– Direct broadcasts of the tennis tournament.

– The repeats of matches the next day.

An example of one day of broadcasting. Wednesday, October 23:

8.05 Football. Champions League UEFA. Tour overview 8.40 tennis. The final tournament in Istanbul. Women. 10.45 Football. Champions League UEFA. “Milan” – “Barcelona” 12.35 Football. Champions League UEFA. “Porto” – “Zenit” 14.20 tennis. The final tournament in Istanbul. Women. 16.20 overtime 16.55 tennis. The final tournament in Istanbul. Women. Direct broadcast 18.55 tennis. The final tournament in Istanbul. Women. Direct broadcast 21.00 Football time. Previews to matches of the Champions League. 21.35 Football. Champions League UEFA. Online game day 23.40 Football. Champions League UEFA. Manchester United – Real Sociedad.

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