Guest book KK , 18.12.2011 13:57 Freken – happy birthday! P.S. Navara, give me a calendar of kvachin D.R.s! ๐Ÿ™‚ navara, 12/17/2011 11:59 PM Well, Freken happy birthday! Managed! @rtistarch

Guest book

KK , 12/18/2011 01:57 PM
Freken – happy birthday!

P.S. Navara, give me a calendar of kvachin D.R.s! ๐Ÿ™‚

navara, 12/17/2011 11:59 PM
Well, Happy Birthday Freken! Managed!

@rtistarkh D.West-Skywalker , 12/17/2011 9:49 PM
And I'm joining! I wish you a full bag of golden knaks, a golden fish in an aquarium, iron health and an inhuman buzz in life!

O'Montpensier , 12/17/2011 07:26 PM
And I, in turn, congratulate Freken on his birthday.
She and I were born on the same day.

Freken, good for the joy of people.

KK , 12/17/2011 19:18
Olga – Happy birthday!

O'Montpensier , 12/17/2011 6:14 pm
I just saw how our MNG was presented on the Amusement Park channel in the program Live Sound – Time-Out.
Only half of the works got into it (the broadcast), and, for some reason, it was not the most positively optimistic one.
And yet, in this video recording, for some reason, the mood on the stage and the atmosphere in the hall are not felt at all.
It looks like another concert was shown.
In the photos and amateur videos posted earlier on the site it was, in a professionally edited program – it disappeared. incomprehensible phenomenon.

Will have to watch more replays. Maybe it's just my mindset was wrong?

O'Montpensier , 12/17/2011 05:58 PM
From congratulations, today I am light, like a swing without a leader.

Khuyan Antonych, 12/17/2011 5:01 pm
With pleasure I congratulate our dear O'Montpensier on a significant event!
And I also congratulate (and propose to join the congratulations) on the No Less-Significant-Event No less-Dear Freken Bock, Natalia Pavlova in the world!

Z.Y. And the concert began to show with a delay of half an hour ๐Ÿ™

SHYMANCHYK , 12/17/2011 03:48
I join in the congratulations! And the slogan: Nimble, like a leader on a swing.

Yolkin Alexey, 12/17/2011 02:39 AM
Dear O'Montpensier!
Happy Birthday.
Thank you so much for promoting Motology to the masses.

navara , 12/17/2011 00:17
As an experienced kvach, I donโ€™t remember motologists named Olga.

By the way, it's Olga O'Monpensier's birthday! With what I heartily congratulate and wish many successes in the difficult post of director of the authorities!

Olga , 12/16/2011 21:37
I apologize deeply, but as a motologist with experience. I just watched a replay in the park .. alas, the Time-Out is dead for me. This is not MNG, guys, this is a commemoration.

navara, 12/16/2011 11:49 AM
We arrived half an hour before the concert – it was already packed.

Karbofos Mizantropych , 12/16/2011 11:10
People, tell me from the experience of the last concert in Gulyak: will there be free tables by the beginning of the concert or do you need to book in advance?

O'Montpensier , 12/15/2011 11:48 PM
The program of the channel Amusement Park says that the repetition of the concert of the anniversary MNG will be on 12/17/11.
Beginning at 16-30, the transfer is called Live sound. Time-out.

And also on 12/18/11: at 06-30, 12-30.
19.12.11: at 02-30

The program has not yet been published.

So, there will be an opportunity to see (thank God Kvacha)!

O'Montpensier , 12/15/2011 11:31 PM
I suggest to everyone who can
Tomorrow at the Gulyak to 20-00, ask to configure the TV to the Channel Entertainment Park and hold a collective viewing of the program about our anniversary MNG before the concert.

Moto-Lozung: . Taking day Mosel Az Od-cheap!

Navara, 12/15/2011 16:57
Added a ticket of the 20th anniversary of the motorological new year, 11/26/2011. The image was sent by Klominow Clovachok.

Navara, 12/15/2011 16:52
Karbofos, just recently clarified by Minau: the beginning will be at 21:30. The program is acoustic. All these data are in the schedule of speeches.

Karbofos Mizanthropych, 12/15/2011 16:44
Does anyone know if there will be an acoustic program or an ordinary electric one tomorrow at the Gulyak? By the way, on the site Gulyaks it is written that the concert begins at 22 hours.

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