Upset and Dissenting: How the 'Game of Thrones' Cast Really Feel About the Final Season (The Telegraph, UK) | 01/18/2022, InoSMI

Another star, which had recently been “departed” by the plot, Natalie Emmanuel, who played Missanda, also expressed doubts about how she treated her on the screen. “I really wanted me to have more time or scenes this season, possibly with Daenerys or even Cersei, scenes, where, before she dies, we would see how magnificent it is,” she said.

Did the actors mind when they learned that their character on Game of Thrones was about to die? The producer of the series told previously unknown details about how different… | 09/29/2019, InoSMI

Upset and Dissenting: How the 'Game of Thrones' Cast Really Feel About the Final Season (The Telegraph, UK)

Another star, which had recently been “departed” by the plot, Natalie Emmanuel, who played Missanda, also expressed doubts about how she treated her on the screen. “I really wanted me to have more time or scenes this season, possibly with Daenerys or even Cersei, scenes, where, before she dies, we would see how magnificent it is,” she said.

Did the actors mind when they learned that their character on Game of Thrones was about to die? The producer of the series revealed previously unknown details about how different actors felt about the final season. However, it is impossible to say how everything will be perceived in 10 years, the author adds.

In early March 2015, shortly before the start of the fifth season of Game of Thrones, David Benioff (screenwriter and producer of the series – ed.) sat at a table in the (200-year-old) debating room of the Oxford Union debating society, trying to suppress a smile.

Sitting next to him were stars Kit Harington, who played Jon Snow, and John Bradley, who played Samwell Tarly, and fellow showrunner D.B. Weiss (DB Weiss). They've been on stage for over an hour now, discussing the series and answering questions from the audience. Now, belatedly, a woman seated close to the stage asked if the actors had objected to learning that their Game of Thrones character was about to die.

“Before handing out scripts… we call on the phone,” Benioff replied, smiling. “Usually people are very supportive. This year, for the first time, some kind of disagreement was expressed to us. Are you sure?. And we said, Yes, … we are quite sure that you will die this year. There was a long conversation, and we [received] a long letter explaining that we decided in vain. And this only increased our desire to ‘kill’ this person.”

Benioff tried not to laugh. But he was clearly enjoying himself. He did not name which of the actors was so unhappy. It was later revealed that it was veteran Belfast actor Ian McElhinney, who was very upset to learn that his character, Ser Barristan Selmy, was about to die in an unexpected bloody fight.

His dissatisfaction was caused not only by professional ambitions or careerism. McElhinney has done well in theater and film and has never been short of roles (he currently plays the deadpan grandfather on Channel Four's Derry Girls). It hurt him that in the George R.R. Martin novels, of which he is a fan, Ser Barristan is quite alive and right next to his queen, Daenerys Targaryen.

I made a few of my arguments that I think Barristan is important in Daenerys' story, important enough to stay in the Daenerys storyline, but that didn't happen, McElhinney told The Huffington Post. Huffington Post).


Upset and Dissenting: How the 'Game of Thrones' Cast Really Feel About the Final Season (The Telegraph, UK) | 01/18/2022, InoSMI

Did the actors mind when they learned that their character on Game of Thrones was about to die? The producer of the series told previously unknown details about how different… | 09/29/2019, InoSMI

Upset and Dissenting: How the 'Game of Thrones' Cast Really Feel About the Final Season (The Telegraph, UK)

Did the actors mind when they learned that their character on Game of Thrones was about to die? The producer of the series revealed previously unknown details about how different actors felt about the final season. However, it is impossible to say how everything will be perceived in 10 years, the author adds.

In early March 2015, shortly before the start of the fifth season of Game of Thrones, David Benioff

(screenwriter and producer of the series – ed.)

sat at a table in the (200-year-old) debating room of the Oxford Union debating society, trying to suppress a smile.

Sitting next to him were stars Kit Harington, who played Jon Snow, and John Bradley, who played Samwell Tarly, and fellow showrunner D.B. Weiss (DB Weiss). They've been on stage for over an hour now, discussing the series and answering questions from the audience. Now, belatedly, a woman seated close to the stage asked if the actors had objected to learning that their Game of Thrones character was about to die.

“Before handing out scripts… we call on the phone,” Benioff replied, smiling. “Usually people are very supportive. This year, for the first time, some kind of disagreement was expressed to us. Are you sure?. And we said, Yes, … we are quite sure that you will die this year. There was a long conversation, and we [received] a long letter explaining that we decided in vain. And this only increased our desire to ‘kill’ this person.”

Benioff tried not to laugh. But he was clearly enjoying himself. He did not name which of the actors was so unhappy. It was later revealed that it was veteran Belfast actor Ian McElhinney, who was very upset to learn that his character, Ser Barristan Selmy, was about to die in an unexpected bloody fight.

His dissatisfaction was caused not only by professional ambitions or careerism. McElhinney has done well in theater and film and has never been short of roles (he currently plays the deadpan grandfather on Channel Four's Derry Girls). It hurt him that in the George R.R. Martin novels, of which he is a fan, Ser Barristan is quite alive and right next to his queen, Daenerys Targaryen.

I made a few of my arguments that I think Barristan is important in Daenerys' story, important enough to stay in the Daenerys storyline, but that didn't happen, McElhinney told The Huffington Post. Huffington Post).

“This proves that you probably should not read these books. I read these books, ”he said in another interview. – Therefore, I thought that this season I would be more busy, and I waited with great impatience. And then I received the terms of my contract from my agent and thought: They do not match ″.

At that time, it was believed that the Game of Thrones will become the most popular television series in the world. The objections of McElehinni, as well as Benioff's mocking remarks in the Oxford Union, were easily forgotten (but as for George R. R. Martin, he denied the recent statement by McElhinni that the last two volumes of “ice and flame songs” are terrible, they are ready, But they are not published until the end of the series).

But now, when the audience is amazed, in the general opinion, the final season, his objections become something like what Benioff and White, apparently, are not very versed in: omen.

And when the actors gathered together in Los Angeles at the Emmy-2019 Award ceremony, they also did not shine with pride. Gwendoline Christie (Gwendoline Christie) nominated herself on the title of the best actress and received the most loud applause. But were the approving exclamations partly addressed to the Eich-Bi-Ou (HBO) television channel, which refused to nominate it on this award, forcing Christie to do it on his own? In any case, she and the other stars of “Games of Thrones” – Lena Headey, Sophie Turner (Maisie Williams) lost Julia Garner, who played in the series “Ozarka”. Ozark).

There was no particular enthusiasm when 10 actors entered the stage to speak with a brief farewell word-except with the exception of the reaction to the appearance of Isaac Hempsted-Right, the king, which, it turns out, was needed. “No matter how we wanted the series to continue forever, the hour has come when we need to leave,” Macy Williams from the television room read with the missing look. “Tonight, we have the opportunity to once again thank all those who watched the series.”The reaction to these words is best called the most lethargy of some those present in the hall.

At the followed press conference, restraint and silence reigned. Some pleasant words about the “Game of Thrones” muttered Alfie Allen (Alfie Allen) and Kit Harington, despite the fact that their body movements and facial expressions said that they would prefer to be somewhere else. Even Benioff and Whice did not express much delight. “It’s not for us to decide what people think about the series,” said Wase. “We hope that he will last long … In fact, it is impossible to say how everything will be perceived in 10 years.” It was not quite the triumphant moment when you feel like the Lord of the World.

At the Emmy presentation ceremony, I had to read between the lines. A much more frank assessment of the “Game of Thrones” was given by Alexander Siddig, known for the role of Dr. Julian Bashir in the series “Star Way: Deep Cosmos 9” (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine), who gave an aggressive “Farewell interview” after leaving after departure From Westeros. It was after his character, the ruler of Dorn Daran Martell, was suddenly destroyed after returning at the beginning of the sixth season.

“The fans were very excited when they found out that I would be in the series, and everyone rejoiced:“ God, yes, Daran Martell. He will be great, like Daran Martell ″, ”Siddig said in an interview on the official page of the series.

“This probably ruined everything. Maybe they did not want this character so much attention to this character. Maybe they thought: “Well, let's show that we want to deviate from the plot of the book. We want to do something else, and this will be our first example. Or maybe I just screwed up. Maybe I said something or wrong.

As in the case of McElhinni, at that time it was perceived as if a displeased actor spreads gossip, rummages in dirty linen. But now, three years later, when the “game of thrones” ingloriously came to an end, it becomes clear that even better famous actors have questions about how Benioff and Whice sent the plot of the series since they began to miss the material for film adaptation.

“I would say that I wanted the best death,” Lena Hidi, aka Cersei Lannister, admitted in an interview with the Observer in June in an interview. She had in mind not the impressive death of the most delightful villain of “Game of Thrones”. She was actually crushed under the royal harbor in the arms of her returning lover/twin brother Jamie, when Daenerys turned into a crazy queen. It was about a fleeting, formal farewell, during which it was not felt that in the previous seasons of Cersei and Jamie together the path of origin and take -off of feelings.

“Naturally, you think about your death,” Hidy specified. – You can be present in this series in any “form”. So I was, in general, disappointed. But I think that they simply could not please everyone. Regardless of what they did, I think that some big decline should have occurred after lifting. ” She hinted that she could express all this to Benioff and Wisses, someday during a “friendly drinking”. Please, Lena, can I with you?

“I don’t sleep because of all this at night, yes, however,” Kit Harington told reporters on the red carpet during the European premiere of “Game of Thrones” in Belfast. “The last two nights I slept very badly, because I'm just worried all the time.”

The red carpet is the place where the actors come to smile and say nothing meaningful. But Harington was sincerely concerned about the direction in which Benioff and Whice went.

“I'm really worried, and here a lot affects. I really hope that we did something that most people who watch this series will like – although it is impossible to please everyone. Therefore, I am nervous, but I am excited due to the fact that people will see it.

Given that only one episode remained, his fears are certainly justified. The image of John Snow, in fact, was written from his own story. Winterfell Bastard was created as a resurrected warrior who was destined to fight the king of the night.But then the cunning and impudent Arya Stark appeared and did it instead (since John hid in the front yard, hiding from the dragon).

Against the scene in which Arya kills the king of the night, even the actress playing her, Macy Williams. “I immediately thought that all this would hate, and that Arya does not deserve it,” says Williams, although ultimately she came to the conclusion that the turn of events that violates all expectations is an example of the creators of the Game of Thrones. Total.

“In any series, the most difficult thing is when you create the image of a villain who cannot be defeated, and then you win it. This must be done in a humble, competently, because other people will say something like: “Well, [villain] cannot be so bad if some girl weighing 45 kilograms come and threshes him.” We must do it beautifully And then I told my boyfriend, and he said: “Well, John should be …, although, actually, do it owe?”

An unexpected turn with Arya, of course, is a trifle compared to how the creators of the Game of Thrones “pulled a hand brake” with Daenerys Targarien (Emilia Clark). In the very last episode, she became a completely “crazy queen”, brought to a catastrophic fury … with a ringing of bells.

Clark, being one of the largest stars of the Game of Thrones, never publicly criticized Benioff and Wase. But, as in the case of Harington, she, without a doubt, worries what path the saga has passed.

“I was just stunned,” she said in an interview with Vaniti Fer (Vanity Fair) when she was asked about a sharp change in Daenerys in the eighth season. “Knowing that someone has the feeling of someone who is actually Daenerys will remain for a long time …”

She also gave a very strange interview on the red carpet during a party arranged by the Aich-Bi-Ou television channel in September last year about the presentation of Emmy. Now they started talking about him again, when dissatisfaction with the eighth season of the series spreads, like a fire from the mouth of a dragon, blazing on a medieval horizon.

“The best season for all the time,” said Clark, while squinting her eyes too much and pronouncing the words with a too sharp, piercing voice. Maybe she tried to tell us that in fact it would be the worst season in history? Such ambiguity was noticed in an interview with a camera in which Peter Dinklage, who played Tyrion Lannister, in a voice that does not give any emotions, said: “There are no best scriptwriters on television than Dan Whassa and David Benioff.”

“And you, people, will not get away from this, you will have to understand,” he added. His words sounded not as a recommendation, but as a warning.

Not so stellar actors have the opportunity to speak more freely. Conlet Hill, after his character, Varis, who made a clumsy attempt to betray Daenerys this week, incinerated the Dron Dragon, could not restrain himself.

“[Varis's significance] in a sense came to naught when we closed our eyes to the books [George R. R. Martin],” he said. – This special, “highly specialized” interest in eccentrics no longer gave such results as before. Last season, this season there were excellent scenes, and then I came and at the end of these seasons, as it were, I gave a “weather forecast” – “Film at 11 ″. So I thought that he was losing his qualifications. ”

“If he was such a smart person and possessed such resources, then why didn’t he understand anything? It upset me even more. ”

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