Zip code Ulitsy Koltsov Arzamas: 607228.

Zip code Ulitsy Koltsova: 607228

The postal code for Koltsov Arzamas Street is 607228. Find out which post office serves the houses of Koltsov Street using the zip code 607228.

Koltsov Street Index in Arzamas – 607228

Zip code Ulitsy Koltsova: 607228

The postal code for Koltsova Street is 607228. In words, it reads as six, zero, seven, two, two, eight or six hundred seven thousand two hundred and twenty eight. Koltsova Street is located in the city of Arzamas. According to our data, there are 22 houses and buildings on Koltsova Street, the indices of which are listed below.

Indices of houses on Koltsova street

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10B, 11, 12, 12A, 14, 16, p. 11A, p. 11B, p. 13A, p. 13B, p. 13C, p. 13D, p. 13E, p. 13G

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  • Street brick order
  • Plot Archive area
  • Upper embankment street
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  • Dostoevsky street
  • .
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