Developing games from 0 to 3 months.

Developing games from 0 to 3 months.

Developing games from 0 to 3 months. We are convinced that concern for the intellectual, tactile, visual and other development of the child is laid from birth. That is why, we have prepared for you a list of exercises for babies from 0 to 3 months. 0-1 month exercise for visual sensitivity. The child’s vision is not yet developed and he is not yet interesting to the toys. But he really likes mom's face. You can build faces for the child, show the tongue, smile and “be sad”.

Developing games from 0 to 3 months.

Developing games from 0 to 3 months.

We are convinced that concern for the intellectual, tactile, visual and other development of the child is laid from birth. That is why, we have prepared for you a list of exercises for babies from 0 to 3 months.
0-1 month

Exercise for visual sensitivity.
The child’s vision is not yet developed and he is not yet interesting to the toys. But he really likes mom's face. You can build faces for the child, show the tongue, smile and “be sad”.

Exercise for tactile sensitivity.
During bathing or dressing, touch different parts of the body and tell something. Thanks to this, the baby will receive the first knowledge about his body.

Healing sensitivity exercise.
Speaking with different intonation and volume, as well as sing or tell a rhyme, this will help to develop a hearing.
1-2 months

Exercise for tactile perception.
Take shreds of various fabrics and gently touch the body of the child.

Exercise for visual communication.
Kids from a month of age learn to follow the eyes of objects, especially black and white pictures. Images of lines of different thicknesses and figures can be hung on the wall or shown independently to the child.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the neck, abdomen and back.
Put your fingers in children's palms and slightly lift the baby when he sees.
Also, you can put the child with a tummy down on his mother’s chest so that he learns to raise his head when he wants to look at her.
2-3 months.

Exercise on the muscles of the pens.
At this age, the baby begins to actively unclench the fists. Therefore, games can be associated with the retention of small items.

As exercises for the development of hearing and vision, games with rattles from different fillers are suitable. And in order to stimulate coordination of movements, you can put rings with bells on the handles and legs of the baby.

As an orientation exercise in space, you can use the already well-known game Ku-ku or Where is mom? – And here she is! Mom hides her face behind her hands or covers with a handkerchief and asks where she is, and then located! The child likes such a game, and it helps to understand that objects do not disappear, even if they are not visible.

To develop the vestibular apparatus and muscle training, you can use the ball. Put the baby with a stomach on the ball, hold it and, slightly clutching, swing forward – this will prompt him to raise his head. Then, return to the starting position. Also, shake the child left-right.
Such exercises will later help the baby turn over and control his body.

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