Five steps to happiness – Articles – Kabanskaya regional newspaper "Baikal Lights"

How to adopt a child? Suppose you have made this difficult and very important decision. From this moment on, not only your life will change dramatically, but also the life of your loved ones and the very baby who may soon become a member of your family. What does the adoption process involve? Where to start, where to go and who to contact?

Five steps to happiness

How to adopt a child? Suppose you have made this difficult and very important decision. From this moment on, not only your life will change dramatically, but also the life of your loved ones and the very baby who may soon become a member of your family. What does the adoption process involve? Where to start, where to go and who to contact?

The best place to start is by studying laws and regulations. Firstly, this is Chapter 19 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which is called: Adoption (adoption) of children. Secondly, the Rules for the transfer of children for adoption, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 275 (the latest version of the Rules was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 882 of September 4, 2012).

From these documents you will learn who can become an adoptive parent, what children can be adopted, everything about changing the name of the child, date of birth, the secrecy of adoption, and even about what should be the age difference between the child and his potential parents.

Get started. You need to come to the department of guardianship and guardianship of the district administration at: Kabansk, st. Kirova, 10, office 16 and contact the specialist Oksana Valerievna Koneva. You can do this any day from Monday to Friday, from 8 to 17 hours (lunch from 12 to 13 hours). The telephone number of the department is 41-006.

You will be given a list of documents that you will need to provide: an application, certificates of income and ownership of housing. You will also need to obtain a medical certificate (form No. 164 / y-96), a certificate of no criminal record. Literally on the same day, it is advisable to contact the foster parent training school. In our district, this operates at the Kabansky Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children. A certificate of training at school is another of the necessary documents that future parents must submit to the guardianship authorities.

As the director of the Kabansky Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children, I.V. Lazareva, last year 25 future parents received training here. The school is young and is in its second year. Classes are taught by a psychologist and social worker. How to find the way to the baby's heart, avoid or resolve conflicts, get used to each other faster – experts will tell you about everything, conduct the necessary tests and trainings. “Schedules of classes are compiled individually, taking into account employment, place of residence of future parents. When it is more convenient for them, then they come to class.If you go far, we give assignments to the house, ”Irina Viktorovna explained. The training will take about a month (just so much time will be required to collect other certificates and documents). The phone director of the center is 41-504.

Documents, certificates, certificate of graduation in your hands. Further, again, it will be necessary to visit the specialists of the department of guardianship and trusteeship and transfer the package of documents to them. Within two weeks after that, they will check your housing conditions, study documents and give you a conclusion about the possibility (or impossibility) to be an adoptive parent. If the conclusion is positive, you are officially recognized as a candidate for adoptive parents.

And, of course, the most responsible one is a search (although it is not rare to situation when future parents know their baby long before undergoing the entire procedure). You can look for a child in any corner of Russia. The conclusion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent is really throughout Russia. With it, you can contact any department of guardianship in any region and register there.

Departments (or you can register in several departments at once) will inform you about the presence of children taking into account your wishes.

“We have a regional data bank in Ulan-Ude in the republic. Experts will help to choose the baby taking into account the wishes of the parents, give referral to the institution where the baby is located, ”says E.I. Zharkovskaya.

There is another way of searching – active. It may well happen that your future son or daughter is waiting for you in our area – in the Kaban Center for Social Assistance to families and children (Kabansk, 39 Lenin St.), Kamensky orphanage (Kamensk, Kirova St., Tel. 77 -612), Klyuyevsky rehabilitation center (village Klyuyevka, 4 Victory St., tel. 70-324).

The Internet is full of sites of orphanages, charitable organizations where information about children who need, perhaps in you, is posted. Federal Bank for the Ministry of Education and Science:; The website of the project Children's question Radio of Russia At you will find the all-Russian information and search system for adoptive parents Video passport of the child, where the most detailed information of regional data banks are available without parental care.

What if you find your happiness in another region? To contact the telephone indicated on the website with employees of the guardianship authorities, to confirm by sending by mail or fax the conclusion about the possibility of being an adoptive parent and, having received confirmation, agree on your arrival. By the way, the guardianship department where you are registered may, at your request, make a request to his colleagues to another region.

You come to the place, look, communicate with your future baby. If you liked each other, the adoption procedure will begin.

The child is also undergoing a medical commission.Some orphanages and baby homes (such as Malyshok in Ulan-Ude, where the smallest, and therefore the most sought-after children are waiting for future parents) recommend that adoptive parents accompany the baby at the same time, ask questions to doctors about his state of health.

Adoption cases are considered by the court. Therefore, you will again have to collect the necessary documents and apply to the court at the place of residence of your unborn child. On average, such cases are considered within a month, very soon it will take only 10 days for the decision to enter into force (now it is 30 days). It is important to remember that you can ask that his last name, first name and patronymic be changed (if the child is older than 10 years old, his consent will be required), date of birth (no more than six months and the baby should be no more than three years old) and Place of Birth. All these changes must be spelled out in the decision of the court.

Then, together with the decision, you go to the orphanage to pick up your newfound son or daughter, sign a document that your new family member has been transferred to you. In the registry office at the place of residence, you can issue new documents for an adopted child.

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