Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023. New New Year's games and funny entertainment for a large company.

Funny table competitions for the new year 2023

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

A selection of contests is better to do in advance. When choosing, you should pay attention to the age of the audience, as well as how guests relate to outdoor games. We offer you funny table competitions that can be used for the new 2023 year. The script in which you include New Year's games and entertainment should be approached responsibly.

Contests are table

Table games are held right at the table, people will not need to go to the middle of the room or scene.

What's the secret

What is required: sheets of paper in the number of participants and pencils for everyone.
A large company should take part in this competition. When holding guests can be at the table. The company is divided into two groups. The first group is proposed to write questions on the sheets, the second group will write answers. Questions can be on any topic.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

As an example, you can offer guests the following questions:

• How often do you change your second half?
• Do you drink alcohol in the morning?
• Do you look at someone else's refrigerator when you are visiting?
• Do you love your mother -in -law or mother -in -law?
• Are you running in the morning?
• Do you go to visit your neighbors?

The answers that can be written by the second team can be as follows:

• with great pleasure;
• only when there is no one nearby, and no one sees;
• on a regular basis;
• only when I am next to my wife or husband;
• every day in the morning or evening;
• I can’t say anything, I have never tried it;
• if only crossed.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

After the questions and answers are written, the sheets are transmitted to the host, form in two piles – questions and answers. The presenter from one pile takes a sheet with a question, with another sheet with an answer. It turns out rather funny. This game is not in order to identify winners or losers. The ridiculous combination of questions and answers sounds a lot of fun.

Not without me

The leader is selected from the company that will ask questions. Regardless of what the leader asks, a person must give his last name, name and patronymic. It is better to start with simple questions when the answers are consistent with the questions asked.

• Who dressed the Christmas tree?
• Who arrived in the VAZ 2115 car?

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

After the guests begin to provide answers on the machine and just call your data, you can proceed to tricky questions:

• who was rolled today by the governor’s car;
• Who stole the sleds standing next to the house?
• Who ate the whole herring under the fur coat?
• Who is sitting without underwear now?

When compiling questions for the competition, it is worth choosing those that will not offend guests. Everything should be fun and interesting.

Tin jars

You will need: lemonade tins, you can use yogurt cups. Don't forget to prepare a prize that will be awarded to the winner.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

To participate in the competition, you will need exactly as many jars as there will be participants in the competition. Everyone is given one jar, after which, the guests take turns putting one jar on another, the one whose jar falls first loses. After the jar has fallen, the participant makes a phantom. There is only one winner left, who gets the main prize.

Congratulations from the heart (toast)

All guests who stand in turn, introduce themselves and say congratulations participate in this competition. The beginning of the congratulations My dear friends, I wish you …. And then you need to say three words that begin with the same letter. Congratulatory words should begin with the letter that begins the name of the person who got up.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

It will be quite difficult for those whose name begins with Yu, E. Therefore, you can give the task in advance.

Crocodile Tears

To conduct the competition, you will need pens according to the number of participants in the game, a piece of paper, a card with a question.

Cards are prepared in advance. After that, regardless of what will be written on the card, you need to start the answer to the question with the phrase: “I am crying with crocodile tears …”, and then the answer to the question.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

The following questions can be entered on the cards:

• why did the panties fall?
• is the sky blue?
• Negroes are black because…;
• why are roses prickly?
• Why is an orange orange?
• why divers don't drown.

The best contests are those that attract guests. Most often, fans are used for this.

Competition Congratulations from the President

This competition let each guest feel like a president. Each piece of paper should contain 5 words that a person must use when preparing his speech. Words should be unusual, funny.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

For example: we write on one paper – raspberries, a mirror, a snowman, a carrot, a slide. A person who becomes president for a couple of minutes must make a speech using words written on paper.

Evaluation is done by the guests. To the president who made the funniest speech. The winner needs to give a gift at the end of the competition.

Reading Lips

If you need a funny, drinking contest for the New Year 2023, then use the Lip Reading contest.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

The rules of the New Year's game are as follows: 2 players are invited, who are invited to put on headphones with music turned on. The music should be played so loudly that the players can't hear anything that's going on around them. Then, one of the players takes off the earpiece and tries to ask the second player a question.

Questions are asked silently, just moving their lips. The second player, in turn, answers the question. The winner is the pair of players who were able to give more answers to the question posed.Such entertainment by a large company is perceived on Hurray!. Try and you have fun in this way.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

Competition Interesting smell

What is required: in order to have the opportunity to hold a game, the presenter must prepare in advance items or foods with a certain smell. It can be sausage, peach, orange or something else that you have at hand.

The participant of the competition is called to the center, his eyes are blindfolded, and after which objects are brought to him and let them sniff. You can’t touch objects with your hands. A person who can guess more objects by smell becomes a winner.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

After holding several sedentary competitions, your guests will want to move. Of course, mobile contests can be held in the room where the area allows. We offer you several options for funny mobile contests that can be held when celebrating the new 2023.

Outdoor games for a large company

No matter what New Year's game or competition you stop your attention, the main thing is that the company is interesting and fun. Do not forget that the choice of entertainment directly depends on the age of the participants.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

Competition Photo Studio

To conduct the competition, you will need to prepare in advance cards for which you need to write tasks.

The competition is held as follows. Each participant pulls one card where there will be a task. After reading the assignment, the participant must choose the pose in which he will appear before the participants. It is important not only the pose, but also the emotions by which it will be possible to determine what the participant wanted to show.

After all the participants froze in the poses, the host takes the camera and begins to photograph everyone. The best and funny option is obtained when the pictures are immediately displayed on a large screen so that others see everything that happens.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

After the competition is finished, the pictures can be printed and distributed to participants, if there is a technical opportunity.

Roles for participation in the game need to be prepared in advance.

For example, you can use ready -made options:

• displeased cleaning lady;
• Negro playing on drums;
• Snow Maiden-wrestling;
• Deer of Santa Claus.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

By filling out the cards, you can fantasize. Guests like this competition, so come up with as many roles as possible.


It is impossible at the holiday to just sit at the table, the legs themselves go to the dance. So why not arrange the competition Dangerous dances. No more than 8 people are invited to participate in the competition. An inflated ball must be tied to the leg of each participant. After that, incendiary music turns on, and the dancing participants are trying to save their balls so that they do not burst. The winner of the dances is the one who can stay with an unknown ball by the end of the game.

Game Catch the Egg

For the game, you will need to prepare the shell of eggs in advance, in which a hole is previously made and the contents are drained.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

Paul players are invited to the center of the room. One of the players throws the egg, and the second catches it. When playing Catch the Egg, it is most interesting to observe the reaction of the players, since they do not know that the egg inside is empty.

How to get to the table

If you do not know how to entertain your guests for the new 2023 year, we offer you a New Year's game How to get to the table. The competition does not require special training. The participant draws a card on which the task will be written, the implementation of which is mandatory.

The cards may be as follows:

• sing a Christmas ditty;
• dance gypsy;
• show a girl crawling on skates;
• dance the dance Apple;
• To sing in the voice of Baskov.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

The participant performs the task indicated in the card. Only after everything is completed, you can sit at the festive table. The competition is quite funny, so be sure to use it.

In addition to adults, at the holiday there may be children who are unlikely to be interested just to sit at the table and look at how adults have fun. Therefore, it is necessary to come up with children's competitions in order to attract children in a festive event.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

Competition program for children

Funny contests for the New 2023 must be prepared for children participating in the event. We offer you several options for New Year's games, which will surely like the children present.

Game Box with a Secret

A box is required to conduct the game. It is advisable to glue it with bright, thematic paper. After that, you need to put several items inside, cover everything with tinsel and ask leading questions. If, according to the description, the participant of the competition guessed an object, the presenter takes it out of the box, and gives the subject to the one who guessed. The participant wins, who was the most active during the game and was able to collect more objects.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

The game Who will deceive Santa Claus

For such a game, it is worth preparing questions in advance, so that later on the holiday not to come up with something. The main condition for the game is that participants should not pronounce the word of truth. Anyone who answers the question truthfully from the game. Each released can be given a task that he must complete, and only then go to the table.

Questions may be as follows:

• however, that Santa Claus comes only for the New Year;
• snow fell outside;
• Is it true that now it is slippery on the street.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

Any question should be posed in such a way that the child would like to answer him in the affirmative.

Green crocodile game

The proposed game is very popular. Players are divided into two teams. One team takes out the assignment from the magic bag, and the second is trying to portray what is written there. After the command, they change places.

Funny table contests for the New Year 2023: New Year's games and entertainment, cool

Of course, if we are talking about children, you definitely need to drive a round dance around the Christmas tree, read poetry and perform New Year's songs.If you are planning to become the host of a festive event, then you should develop a script in advance. In the script, do not forget about games for children and adults. Only in this way will your holiday become truly fun and interesting. And the Rabbit – the future symbol of the year, loves fun. Therefore, as you meet the new year, so you will spend it.

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