Gray floor in the interior: Rules for combining with other shades

Rules for using gray flooring in the interior. What errors should not be allowed, how to choose the right color of walls and furniture.

Gray floor in the interior

Author: Angstrem furniture

Gray -colored floor coverings combine a large number of various shades: ashen, steel, platinum, graphite and others. According to designers, the most important advantage of the noble and calm gray gamut is the ability to balance the palette of the interior as a whole. You can safely implement non -standard ideas. It is enough to make a score of the design floor a gray floor. Often neutral tones are chosen for decoration of rooms in the style of loft and minimalism, but there are no strict restrictions.

The advantages and disadvantages of the gray floor


Although gray, along with black and white, is considered neutral, it is not universal. You can fully show its beauty when fulfilling some rules:

Lighting should be bright, muffled multiple light will give the interior coldness and lifelessness;

The interior in any style will be very decorated with small accents of bright saturated colors – upholstery of upholstered furniture, curtains or paintings;

Wallpaper and doors are chosen so that they are well combined with each other and a shade of the floor, making up a harmonious tandem;

In small rooms, dark colors are used only in limited quantities.

Gray flooring in the interior play the role of a background, which become more visible by the selected decorators. For this reason, the floor is often finished completely monophonic materials: laminate, tiles, parquet board. The drawing is most often barely noticeable because it should not distract attention.

The disadvantage of gray flooring can be considered a rarity. Some manufacturers completely exclude the shade of their assortment, while others offer a limited number of options as part of exclusive collections at a higher price.

Combining rules with bright colors


The perception of the floor in combination with other colors in the interior completely depends on the saturation and intensity of the chosen shade, such as the finishing material and the texture of its surface. The choice of companions by gray will determine the mood and the overall impression of the repair:

Black and white – traditional satellites of ash tones when creating a space in a minimalist style. The predominance of white color in the design of the ceiling and walls visually pushes the boundaries of the room and makes it brighter and more spacious.

Pastel gamma is a good choice for small rooms, where it is very important to try to overcome the feeling of crowding. Such walls are good in the bedroom or nursery, but they will prevent them from focusing on important tasks in the office or in the kitchen.

Green-light walls next to a gray floor will give the overall impression of peace and set up for rest, while dark green shades will give an undesirable dull effect.

Yellow-very bright tones and with a pinkish subton are harmoniously combined with light gray, and more saturated lemon and close to orange, most of all, look next to dark gray floor coatings.

Red-from the whole variety of options, scarlet and raspberry tones will look most spectacular, and it is better to refuse a deep burgundy gamut due to an undesirable pressing psychological impact.

Blue-a saturated color will look even brighter next to a muffled gray floor, and for dark blue gamut, light gray flooring in combination with white or scarlet accessories is more suitable;.

Turquoise – brings a note of freshness and a distinct influence of the marine or Mediterranean style.

It has long been noticed that when choosing a gray color for floor decoration, the most advantageous addition of the interior of any style will be furniture and accessories of natural wood shades. In this way, it is possible to overcome the excessive coldness and detachment of the design of the room, as well as emphasize the beauty of natural wood.

Doors and windows – successful color combinations


Door canvases, boxes and premature strips, as well as window frames and window sills, or rather their shades play a noticeable role in the general design project. It will not be a mistake to choose the same color for them as for the floor. In some cases, this technique helps to connect with each other different in the mood of the room zone. For example, in a studio apartment.

Successful in combination with gray flooring are the following shades of door and window openings:

White is a universal choice in the framework of almost any style, especially when the rooms in the house or apartment are decorated in different ways;

Dark gray-looks advantageous against the background of a lighter shade of floor;

Beige – it is chosen in the tone of the walls to achieve the effect of “dissolution” of window and door structures in the surrounding space;

Dark tree – looks beautiful when the furniture is made of similar material.

Gray floor in the interior of different rooms


Not every room in the same flooring will be appropriate. It is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room, the level of its illumination in order to get a comfortable and functional space.

Living room

The hall filled with light furniture, combined with a gray flooring, will acquire the necessary note of solemnity. It is very pleasant to receive guests in such an atmosphere, because the atmosphere itself acquires sophistication and sets up for calm communication.

A carpet of a beige shade that is pleasant for the eyes next to upholstered furniture will help to add comfort. It is noted that the most aggressive in color and form accessories in such an environment look calmer and lose their pretentiousness.


The peculiarity of this room in most cases lies in the lesser effect of the color of the walls on the palette of the interior. Most of the piers are occupied by the facades of the kitchen set, therefore it is more important to take into account their color. More often in small kitchens, headsets are chosen colors of light wood, in beige or pastel gamut.

Natural light is no less important. With large windows of the southern direction, you can afford to choose cool tones for furniture and walls, since the interior will not look too cold with such a sunny stream. With windows to the north, it is better to abandon blue or lilac tones, stopping warm yellow, peach or even orange colors.

Advice! The gray skirting board in tone the floor will visually make the room a little more spacious.

White furniture will give the kitchen elegance, but you should be neat with the number of metal chrome parts. Their excess will easily give the atmosphere the impression of the operating room.


The gray flooring and accessories and lamps stylized under the old days – with their help, the interior of the bedroom acquires the features of a popular neoclassical style. Coffee and woody shades of furniture and a light brilliance of textiles will only enhance the impression.

Laminate or parquet board in spacious rooms with a pattern of pronounced wood fibers looks especially beautiful. Such a highlight is appropriate even in a minimalist interior. As an alternative, you can consider a coating with a pattern of natural stone, which will create an interesting contrast with warm colors of textiles and walls.


Pearl-gray floor is perfect for the bathroom, if you choose a plumbing of traditional white or very bright colors for it. In such an environment, bright tones of wall tiles and beautiful lamps of lamps will sparkle in a new way. Designers note: the gray varieties of porcelain tile and tiles on the floor in the bathroom look better and more practical than white or other bright light ones.

Non -ceremic gray floor in the interior makes a skillful selection of furniture and finishing materials for walls. It is also important to provide good lighting and not save on the quality of repairs. The mistakes made will be too clearly visible.

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