Mishustin's sister received land from a suspect in Udodov's fraud | Incidents / crime

Alexander Udodov. Source: navalny.com

Without Kevordo Alexander Udodov. Source: navalny.com, sister of the new Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin Natalya Stenina received land plots with an area of ​​9 thousand square

Without Kevordo

Alexander Udodov. Source: navalny.com

Alexander Udodov. Source: navalny.com

The sister of the new Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin Natalya Stenina received land plots with an area of ​​9 thousand square meters from the acquaintance of Mishustin Alexander Udodov as a gift, which was suspected of fraud with the return of VAT. This is stated in the investigation of Alexei Navalny.

'Mishustin’s estate on Rublevka occupies 2.6 hectares of land, 6 houses are located on the site. It consists of three parts, one of which is recorded on the stenin.

Stoenin combined this land plot from 10 parts, the large of which received in 2009. Of the 12 thousand square meters of Udododa, he gave 9 thousand stenina.

In 2011, the media wrote that Udodov was suspected of organizing the theft from the tax almost 2 billion rubles. In addition, the Swiss law enforcement agencies conducted an audit against him on suspicion of money laundering.

Mishustin and Udodov are old acquaintances. In particular, Udodov played with the future prime minister for the Sportima hockey club, in 2010 and 2014 he was a guest at the conferences of the international computer club, which was headed by Mishustin in the past.

Stenina and Udodov are the Sportimy Soborters, a charitable foundation that restored the temple of the Savior of a miraculous image on Rublevka, as well as the Fund for Mercy, Education and Sports. In the third fund, the co -founder is also acted by Vitaly Kachur, who was sentenced to 5 years in prison for a bribe deputy of the Communist Party Denis Voronenkov.

In total, the investigation says, real estate is recorded on Stenin for 1 billion 600 million rubles.

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