On March 11, 2020, as part of the project “Grandpa and Grandpa for an hour”, the partner of which is the Russian Knowledge Society, a full -time lesson was held in the Center “My Career”. The lecture on “how to protect a child from cyberbulling” was made by Puchkova EB, candidate of psychological sciences.

Autora de la Presentación Irina E. Shígina Técnico de Sonido E. Panférova Supervisor de la Traducción Lic. Ricardo Herreras

Los Sonidos de la Lengua:

Los Sonidos de la Lengua /Fonétika i fonoloxía/: los sonidos de la LenguaLa Lengua Como Sistema de Signos Facultad de letras y de la educaciónLa Lengua y la cultura de méxico

Histologia Y Embriologia de la Lengua

La Lengua Como Sistema de Signos. Niveles de Estudio Facultad de Letras Españolas Licenciatura En Lengua Y Literatura Hispánicas La Rima, Coincidencia de Sonidos. Sistema de Relaciones Gramaticales en la Lengua dʉmʉna

Origen Y Desarrollo de la Lengua Española

La Lengua Como Sistema

Funciones de la Lengua

On March 11, 2020, as part of the project “Grandpa and Grandpa for an hour”, the partner of which is the Russian Knowledge Society, a full -time lesson was held in the Center “My Career”. The lecture on “how to protect a child from cyberbulling” was made by Puchkova EB, candidate of psychological sciences.

Origen Y Evolución de la Lengua Española

Funciones de la Lengua

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Organización de la Lengua

Estructura de la Lengua

The XIX season of the All -Russian contest “My country is my Russia” - one of the projects of the presidential platform “Russia - the country of opportunities” - it is dedicated to the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. Students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology plunged into the essence and idea of ​​the competition, and dismantled.

Act_2.4_FUNCiones de la Lengua

Funciones de la Lengua

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Prototipo de Sonidos Graves y AgudosPraktika_studentov_magistraturi_kognitivnaya_psixologiya_v_sotsialnix_praktikax_v_kompanii_cognifit_

The practice of magistrates Cognitive Psychology in Social Practice in Cognifit has successfully completed | The main portal of the MPGU

On March 14, 2022, students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology took part in the discussion of the topic “Intercultural dialogue in the megalopolis: the role of religion in the self -realization of youth.” The framework of the event with students raised the formation of all -Russian civil identity among believing youth, as well as features of self -realization.

The practice of master's students Cognitive Psychology in Social Practices in Cognifit has successfully completed – [Gallery IDS =

The practice of students of the magistracy Cognitive Psychology in Social Practice in Cognifit has successfully completed

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Within the framework of the agreement


The director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Tatyana Nikolaevna Sakharova made a welcoming speech to the participants of the international scientific and practical conference Social pedagogical innovations in education. Tatyana Nikolaevna spoke about modern models and forms of organization of research work of students at the MPSU. Offered possible areas of interaction.

with company

Cognifit (cognepit),

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Which is included in the TOP-50 of the most innovative companies in the world, the masters of the preparation areas of “Cognitive Psychology in Social Practices” received a unique opportunity to implement joint projects and mutual exchange of experience between Russian and foreign specialists and scientists in the field of cognitive sciences. Students of the master's department of the psychology of labor and psychological counseling, starting from the 1st year, publish their scientific works and research on the media resources of the company, which is the world leader in the field of Brain-training, cognitive stimulation and cognitive testing.

Masters' publications can be found at the link: https://www.cognifit.com/ru

The scientific sector of the student council of the IPP invites everyone to join the student community and to read and analyze the latest news about modern research together. This week we offer you to get acquainted with the material of T.V. Chernihiv and other famous authors about information pollution and.

Cognifit certificate (“Cognifite”):


Cognifit (cognepit)

Founded in 1999 by a cognitive psychologist, professor Shlomo Brezhnitsa. The company operates in the medical research sector, is focused on assessing and improving cognitive health and is a leader in neuropsychological testing and training of cognitive abilities. Cognifit (“cognifite”) provides personalized training aimed at strengthening cognitive functions taking into account gender, age and individual characteristics of each user. All Cognifit programs (“cognifite”) have passed clinical tests, their effectiveness is scientifically confirmed. The product is available in 18 languages. Cognifit (“cognepit”) works with hospitals, educational institutions, funds and research centers around the world.


Show the discussion


The head of the psychological service of the MPSU, associate professor of the Department of Psychology of the Personality of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the MPSU N.A. Tsvetkova gave expert councils on the psychohigien for students.

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Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (announcements)

Elena Nikolaevna, head of the Department of Pedagogy and Family Education of the Family Education of the attack, made a report at the International Online Conference “Pedagogical Calling. Education of a person and citizen ”on the Platform Jacques on April 28, 2022. From the choice of whom to study, to professional heights is a considerable way.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

The institute on the 1st floor organized a corner of assistance, where you can make a piece of good, starting from today. Today, personal hygiene products, essential items, are acutely needed as humanitarian aid.Special support is necessary for children, for them you can.

On April 23, 2022, in the framework of the discipline “Foreign language for special purposes”, the final thematic conference of professionally oriented translations and translations of poetry, dedicated to the birthday of U. Shachspir, was held. The conference was attended by undergraduates 102, 103, 104, 105, 109 and 115, leaders.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

On April 27, 2022, under the leadership of the Deputy Director-Bataeva Maria Dmitrievna, a second-year student of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the MPGU Krylova Karina and Fonina Vera, conducted a master class on the Lyceum's students on the topic: “The influence of psychological characteristics on the choice of a profession”. AT.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology were presented with the gratitude of the rector for actively participating in the online quizzes of the MPSU: “The Auditor Corps of the MVZHK: more than a century in education” and for the quiz “In a dance circle of inspired: the traditions of the New Year's rector at the MPSU”. Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.

This week we recall the base and discuss the theories of personality. The types of personality began to consider in ancient Greece. Hippocrates correlated the types of temperament with the cardinal points, Galen – with liquids. It is on the ideas of the ancient Greek and ancient Roman scientists that the famous domestic scientist Ivan Pavlov.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

On April 29, the Director of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University- (pharmaceutical garden)- Retuyum Alexey Alexandrovich performed at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. In his speech, Alexei Alexandrovich covered the stages of the historical development of the garden, as noted in 1706 by decree of Peter I on the then.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

On March 9, 2022, the scientific sector of the student council of the IPP held an online carrot for students. The purpose of coworking was to stimulate students to study at the expense of collective work and parallel performance of homework. The work went according to the Italian method of intensive training Podorodro: intensive work in.

On April 27, 2022, the Laboratory of Cognitive Psychology in Social Practices of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology held a distance round table “Digitalization of Education and the psychological well -being of the subjects of the educational process”.On the round table with reports were made by: Sorokomova Elena Aleksandrovna, professor of the Department of Psychology of Labor.


Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the MPSU Tatyana Nikolaevna Sakharova met with students of the university as part of the Specific Conversation project. The topic of the meeting: Psychological health of the individual: how to cope with stress and survive the transition to full -time training.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

On March 9, 2022, under the leadership of the Deputy Director-Bataeva Maria Dmitrievna, a second-year student of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, MPGU Krylova Karina and Fonina Vera, conducted a master class on the Lyceum's students on: “How temperament affects the learning process”. AT.

On April 23, a scientific and practical conference “Psychology of the Conflict: Calls of the Modern World” was held at the Odintsovo branch of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the conference was to comprehend psychological factors that help to understand the nature and content of conflicts in modern conditions.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

April 26, 2022 at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, the XVII inter -university conference of young scientists was held based on research in the field of psychology, pedagogy, and sociocultural anthropology. The conference was opened by the speech of the director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Psychology.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

On March 5, 2022, the intellectual game “Quiz” dedicated to the International Women's Day was held at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology - March 8. It was attended by guys from the 4 sectors of the student council of the SPP, the team Grimerka, Glass, Good, R2D2. All in the game.

On April 25, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology was held on the stretching of “Stay Healthy”. The training was conducted by Polina Mironova, a 1st year student, a participant in the sports sector, a candidate for master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. In the lesson, students: ✔️ found out basic exercises for the development of flexibility.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

The master class was held by the deputy director for educational work, Maria Dmitrievna Bataeva and fighters of the student pedagogical detachment “Glass”. At the master class, students: ✔️ found out the basic theory of technology of game interaction ✔️ played in traditional camp games ✔️ analyzed the games in which, took part, p.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

On March 5, 2022, the 54th Moscow International Exhibition Education and Career was held in the Gostiny Dvor. Participants in the career guidance sector: Anna Karpenko, Mochalova Sofya, Kobtseva Marina, Augshkap Polina and Sokolova Anastasia under the leadership of the deputy director for educational work - Bataeva Maria Dmitrievna.

On April 19, in full-time format, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems and Prospects for the Development of Primary Education” at the NGPU named after Kozma Minin in Nizhny Novgorod. At a plenary session devoted to urgent problems of modern education, a report on the topic “Development of methods of work with.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Elena Nikolaevna, head of the Department of Pedagogy and Family Education of the Family Education of the attack, made a report at the International Online Conference “Pedagogical Calling.Education of a person and citizen on the Platform Jrass

On April 21, 2022, students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology took part in the annual conference “Prevention of religious extremism in the youth environment of Moscow, the organizer of which was the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow, the Christian World Union, the Center for the Prevention of Religious and Ethnic.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Thematic conference Spring collection of translations

The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Family Education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology organized and conducted a methodological seminar “Application of professional standards for working with family in practical work” April 19, 2022. Form of work of the round table: remotely (on the TIMS platform).

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Master class on the topic: The influence of psychological features on the choice of a profession

On April 4 at 18:00, a webinar was held “Parents note: we develop the social competencies of the child” for parents of schoolchildren, teachers and methodologists of all regions of the Russian Federation. Social competencies and their formation are an important part of the formation of the personality of the child. Social I develops continuously, starting from the first days.


The scientific sector of the student council of the IPP invites everyone to join the student community and study science together

On April 14, 2022, a working meeting of experts was held on the assessment of materials sent to the competition For the Moral Feat of the Teacher by teachers of Moscow. Experts of the competition were professors and teachers of the MPSU, as well as representatives of the capital's clergy.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

At the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, the director of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University performed

On April 18, 2022, IPP students visited the grand opening of the science of youth of the North-East District of Moscow.The event took place at VDNKh in the Robostation pavilion. The organizers introduced the participants to the prospects for cooperation with Roscosmos, the possibilities of working in a thematic children's robo-camp. After the grand opening of the Week of Science.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (news)

Round table of the laboratory Cognitive Psychology in Social Practices to discuss the psychological well -being of students in the process of digital learning

On April 12, 2022, the conference Business Excellence – the Key to Sustainable Development was held. The event is organized by Roskachestvo with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. The moderator of the Session The role of diagnostics of business processes in improving the quality of education was Elena Nikolaevna Prystupa, Head of the Department of Pedagogy.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (news)

Director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the MPSU T.N.Sakharov in the project “Specific Conversation”

On April 12, 2022, the Scientific Sector of the IPP Student Council, in honor of the World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics, held a quiz Let's go to Space! The students of the Institute were lucky enough to listen to the reading of an article by Professor Vladimir Grigoryevich Stepanov, who worked with Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin in the preparation of cosmonauts, and.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (news)

Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of Education Filippov S.P. took part in the scientific and practical conference Psychology of the conflict: challenges of the modern world

April 7 – 8, 2022 The fourth All-Russian symposium Psychology of the 21st century: trends, prospects, vectors of development was held at the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Alexander made a report at the plenary session: Educational Systems in a Digital Society.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (news)

XVII Interuniversity conference of young scientists based on research in the field of psychology, pedagogy, sociocultural anthropology

The Department of Labor Psychology and Psychological Counseling of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology published a collection of Actual Issues of Contextual Education based on the materials of the round table held on February 25, 2021, dedicated to the memory of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A. A. Verbitsky. The collection includes memoirs.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (news)

The Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology hosted a master class on game interaction technologies for future counselors and players.

GOU HPE Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages and Moscow State Pedagogical University, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Family Education – colleagues, like-minded people and just friends.Professor Elena Nikolaevna of the attack became the supervisor of students of the Family Education profile of 1.2.3 training courses in the VI International.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of Education MPSU Molodtsova N.G. took part in the 2nd All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems and Prospects for the Development of Primary Education”

On April 6–7, 2022, the III All -Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students with International Participation “Special Pedagogy and Psychology: Traditions and Innovations” of the Childhood Institute of the MPSU was held. More than 250 participants – students of the magistracy and undergraduate, graduate students, teachers, and employees of educational organizations from.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology took part in the annual conference “Prevention of religious extremism in the youth environment of Moscow.

On April 05, 2022, a seminar-meeting “Psychological Service in the Higher Education System: Conceptual Fundamentals and Development Prospects” was held on the basis of the Senezh Management workshop. As part of the implementation of the concept of development of the psychological service in the education system in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

The Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology conducted the methodological seminar “Application of professional standards of family specialists in practical work” April 19, 2022

On March 29, at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the MPSU, the second round table Psychological well -being of schoolchildren was already held. The round table took place in remote format on the Teams platform, uniting more than 150 listeners: students, teachers of the MPSU and teachers of the Yerevan State University, Sofia University named after.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Family Education of the attack Elena Nikolaevna held a webinar “Parents by note: we develop the social competencies of the child” at the Yuklass site for parents and teachers of Russia

March 31, 2022 Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of Labor and Psychological Consulting Ferapontov Maria Vyacheslavovna held a master class “Your future career by 100%” for participants in the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in literature. At the meeting, schoolchildren learned how to accurately choose the focus of learning. What you need to know when you need.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Working meeting of members of the expert commission of the regional stage of the XVII All -Russian competition For the moral feat of the teacher

On March 30, 2022, a round table “Modern family in a megalopolis: development, crises, transformation”, organized by the Department of Psychology of the Development of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the MPSU. The Organizing Committee of the Round Table as part of Sakharyova Tatyana Nikolaevna, director of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, and Tsvetkova Natalia.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

FRI students visited the grand opening of the science of youth of the North-East District of Moscow

The Department of Psychology of Education invites to the program of professional retraining Methodist of secondary vocational education

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

An attack Elena Nikolaevna took part in the conference Business perfection - the key to sustainable development from Roskatistics

On March 25 and 28, 2022, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology held a career guidance for students in grades 9-10 of MBOU Moscow School 171 and School 1514 as part of the project “Week of Carefores” from the Office of Professional Orientation and Promoting Students Employment. At the meeting.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Celebration of Cosmonautics Day at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology

Academician of RAO, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Education and Prevention of Deviant behavior, Director of the Center for Socialization, Family and Prevention of Associal behavior Arthur Aleksandrovich Rean for Merit in the development of psychology was awarded the L.S. medal Vygotsky. Honorary award of the Russian Academy of Education.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology at the All -Russian Symposium “Psychology of the 21st Century: Trends, Prospects, Development Vectors”

The collective of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology with all my heart is congratulated by the academician of RAO, the scientific director of the Department of Psychology of Personality, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor – Valery Sergeyevna Mukhina with the appropriation of a well -deserved high government award – the Order of Friendship! This state award is the recognition of yours.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Publication of the collection Actual issues of contextual education dedicated to the memory of Academician RAO, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A. A. Verbitsky

03/26/2022 Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of Education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the MPSU Molodtsova Natalya Gennadievna held on the basis of MISIS with teachers and parents – winners of the All -Russian contest Big Change training on the topic How to form a motivation for achieving success in adolescents, on.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Educational students Family Education took part in the VI International Competition of Research Student Works on Pedagogy (Gorlovka)

For the first time, after a long break, March 25, 2022 in the building of the Humanitarian faculties of the MPSU (at the address: Vernadsky Avenue, house 88), a general university open day in a traditional full -time format was held.The Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology was represented by the director of the Institute Tatyana Nikolaevna Sakharov, responsible.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Professor of the attack Elena Nikolaevna took part in the III All -Russian Scientific Conference of young scientists and students with international participation “Special Pedagogy and Psychology: Traditions and Innovations” of the Institute of Childhood MPGU

March 22, 2022, the Department of Pedagogy of Psychology of Family Education of Pedagogy of Psychology and the Department of Continuing Pedagogical Education (Head of Olga Ivanovna Baydarova), a scientific and practical round table “Professional competencies of specialists working with families” Target audience: students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, teachers of higher .

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Seminar-meeting Psychological service in the system of higher education: conceptual foundations and development prospects

On February 28, 2022, hot lines were opened in the country's higher educational institutions to provide psychological assistance to student youth. To get the help of psychologists, and the same information about the situation related to the behavior of the special operation on the demilitarization of Ukraine and the protection of the LPR, the DPR, students, including foreign citizens, as well as persons arriving from the LPR and the DPR.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Round table Psychological well -being of schoolchildren at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology

On March 22, in the building of the humanitarian faculties there was a ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners of the online contest of career guidance projects “Choose your own path”, in which students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology under the leadership of Bataeva Maria Dmitrievna, Shcherbina Anna Ivanovna, Korneva Elena Nikolaevna, Bolotova Natalia Petrovna.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Master class of the Department of Psychology of Labor and Psychological Consulting Your Future Career is 100%

At the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, the implementation of the project “Individual plan for the development of a student” continues. More than 50 students take part in the project. The objectives of the project are to increase the level of motivation for students' education; Improving the level of performance, supporting students in the development of self -development technologies and increasing levels.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Round table Modern family in a metropolis: development, crises, transformation

On March 19, 2022, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology conducted career guidance diagnostics for students in grades 9-10 of the MOU secondary school No. 27 in the framework of the project “Week of career guidance” from the management of professional orientation and facilitating students' employment.At the meeting, the executive secretary of the qualifying commission of the IPP -.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

The opportunity to get new professional skills!

On March 17, 2021, the head of the Department of Pedagogy and Family Education Elena Nikolaevna attacks performed at the site of the media platform of the Center for Support for Family Education (CPSO) with the theme of “soft” skills of children and parents. “Soft” or “flexible” skills are communicative skills, the skill is creative.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

The Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology is being implemented by the “Week of Career Guide” project with the support of the Office of Professional Orientation and Promotion of Students Employment

On March 16, 2022, the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Family Education of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the MPSU as part of a scientific session for 2021 held an event-Foresight Session Family and Education in the modern world. Chairman – head of the department, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Professor Arthur Alexandrovich Rean was awarded the L.S. medal Vygotsky

On March 18, 2022, a scientific session of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Education named after Academician RAO V.A. Slastenina. As part of the scientific session, teachers of the department, graduate students, doctoral students, masters, and school teachers took part.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Congratulations to the professor of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Valery Sergeevna Mukhina with a government award

11 reports were submitted to the Social Psychology section, 9 reports were presented during the section, two reports were presented in writing. The work of the section was opened by the report Psychological well-being of orphans and children left without parental care in different conditions of socialization.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of Education Molodtsova N.G. took part in the All -Russian project Big Change

Spring scientific session covers various regions of Russia. March 17, 2022, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kostroma State University”, state budgetary institution of additional education of the Kostroma region “Palace of Creativity”, with the participation of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, conducted All -Russian.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology at the University Day of the open door

On March 15-16, 2022, the International Scientific and Practical Conference Socio-Pedagogical Innovations in Education (սոցի-մ նոր կրթությ մեջ)2nd year students of the Family Education profile presented their reports to the listeners. Lutokhina Tatyana Dmitrievna- “Communicative competencies of the teacher-psychologist”; Karpova Evgenia.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

The Department of Pedagogy of Psychology of Family Education and UNPO held a scientific and practical round table “Professional competencies of specialists working with families”

Traditionally, in March, this year on March 16, a scientific session of the Department of Education of Education was held based on the results of scientific research of 2021. The meeting of the scientific section of the department took place in three deductions: the problems of studying the inner world of the personality of the child and the adult; Family and family values.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

News from the psychological service of the MPGU

On March 16, 2022, the Grimero theater studio of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology held an on-line master class “Voice of Cinema” for first and second-year students. The aim of the master class was to reveal the new talents of the participants in the voice of a beloved character from foreign films, so that later the guys.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

Students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology became prize -winners of the contest Choose your own path

The scientific session at the Department of Psychology of Personality Development was held in the Bigbluebutton video conference on March 16, 2021. The main ideas for organizing the content of the scientific session of the MPSU at the Department of Psychology of Personality Development were: to get acquainted with modern studies conducted by teachers of the department in the field of psychology.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

At the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, the implementation of the project “Individual plan for the development of a student” continues.

On March 16, a section of the Department of Psychology of Labor and Psychological Consulting was held in the framework of the annual scientific session of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. The sections were attended by employees of the Department of Psychology of Labor and Psychological Consulting, employees of the laboratory of cognitive psychologists in social practices, as well as students.

Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (News)

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