It became known where an aerospace innovative valley will appear in Russia

It became known where the aerospace innovation valley will appear in Russia

The aerospace innovation valley is planned to be created in the Ryazan region. The corresponding resolution was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

It became known where an aerospace innovative valley will appear in Russia

The aerospace innovation valley is planned to be created in the Ryazan region. The corresponding resolution was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

It became known where the aerospace innovation valley will appear in Russia

Photo: Moscow Aviation Institute
It is expected that the main activities of the innovative scientific and technological center will be aerospace, biomedical and information technologies, as well as electronics and radio engineering.

The Moscow Aviation Institute and the Government of the Ryazan Region acted as the initiators of the creation of the Center.

Experts predict that the emergence of an “aerospace innovation valley” will create 2.8 thousand new jobs and by 2031 will increase tax revenues to the budget of the Ryazan region by 5.6 billion rubles.

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