Psychologist promotion on Instagram and on the website b.17

The promotion of a psychologist on Instagram and on the site b 17

I was always sure that there is no thin one without good! . . . I somehow immediately intuitively disliked Instagram, the development of which coincided with my departure from the organization …

Psychologist promotion on Instagram and on the website b.17

The promotion of a psychologist on Instagram and on the site b 17

I somehow immediately intuitively disliked Instagram, the development of which coincided with my departure from the organization to free swimming.

And I chose this, very intuitively understandable, site and never regretted it!

For all my exalted and creative nature, I am very rational. And I do not like to do unnecessary gestures.

Then I am more interested in the Instagram of the homeless!

With wild firmness, I once really did not want to go into an online format!

At first, nevertheless, she had high hopes for full-time work. Moreover, I live in St. Petersburg – a city of great opportunities!

However, time came, and I realized that without him nowhere, especially in my difficult health situation!

The office on the avenue of veterans, where I live, was extremely inconvenient for residents of the northern regions of St. Petersburg. At first, I rented an office in the center of our amazing city, which I love the whole soul, just as I hate trips at the subway at an hour of peak!
In general, I thought about the fact that it was not worth it from work, which most of all did not suit me with remoteness from the house, so that again all this horror to endure and come to the customers of the tired.

So my stubbornness about the online format fell under the onslaught of common sense.

And I began to develop online practice!

Instagram, as I already said, somehow immediately did not go for a number of reasons:

  • I never considered myself beautiful (and not without reason) to love to be photographed, endlessly shoot myself on video and, moreover, upload them. I always loved to write more. And this site is sharpened just under the writers.
  • The Instagram interface itself seemed and seems incomprehensible to me. I never sit there, I don’t look and read anything. Better the good old VKontakte, where everything is extremely simple as I love.

You can’t argue against the facts!

  • A couple of years ago I had a client, the wife of a very wealthy person in one of the regions of the country. She talked about the fact that her promotion on Instagram costs from 100,000 per month and more and still she does not have many subscribers as a certain blogger from their city, also girls from the highest community.
  • On my arranged course, one young and beautiful girl, spent many years on promoting her Instagram account. She has 19 thousand subscribers. She was already tortured to conduct free marathons, endlessly respond to messages. And applications for paid consultations are no more than 3-4 per month! I am sure that if you write regularly and interestingly, you have much more applications, even with 200 subscribers!

because this site already ready, and most importantly Free targeting, which you receive, rightly by the right of registration!

Targeting – Setting up the show InternetAdvertising A precisely certain group of people on whom the advertised product or service is aimed.

  • And there is also no “foam” that pursues you on social networks!
  • Nobody drags you into the Pyramids
  • And he does not offer intrusively trading in herbalife or other miraculous product!

I will not tire of repeating a simple truth:

If you work here constantly and regularly, and most importantly, competently, success in the form of a large amount of work will not be long in coming!

An example of this is several people who passed my coaching and went into the top-honey and rapidly approaching it! These colleagues already have so many online consultations that they can afford to leave unloved work!

P.S. I do not urge anyone to throw Instagram if you like this resource, however, pay attention to the capabilities of this site. I have a IS, but it is leaded by an assistant, placing there, some of the articles previously published here. I keep it only for paid advertising of the group format. There is little use. Even courses are better gaining here!

Or maybe the whole thing is in reciprocity? 😉 And nAM helps what we love and what do we believe in?

© Family Psychologist Natalia Filimonova, 2021. All rights are protected.

Natalia Filimonova wrote:
I do not urge anyone to throw Instagram if you like this resource, however, pay attention to the capabilities of this site.

I agree with you, this site, psychological, is more suitable for attracting customers than Instagram and other social networks.
Since this year, I on Instagram switched to laying out notes only three times a week.

I am also not fond of Instagram. Maybe by virtue of age, or maybe from the fact that I am not forced to in the means and I am calmer and more interesting on this site.

No. 1 | Kosharykaya Alexander Vasilievich wrote:
Thank you! I remember the words of another smart person: I woke up – make a post or comment)

No. 2 | Dmitrieva Nina Borisovna wrote:
I agree with you, this site, psychological, is more suitable for attracting customers than Instagram and other social networks.
Since this year, I on Instagram switched to laying out notes only three times a week.

I am glad that you think so too. Nobody pays me for the propaganda of this site, although, probably, more than a dozen psychologists sagited here to come from social networks and, apparently, they also do not regret it either.

No. 3 | Novinka Irina Viktorovna wrote:
I am also not fond of Instagram. Maybe by virtue of age, or maybe from the fact that I am not forced to in the means and I am calmer and more interesting on this site.

I'm more interesting here too! Here is the native space, it is clear that I have not yet read from what was signed for!

I also never regretted this wonderful choice 🙂 With instagrams, it’s not very good … but B 17 – what is needed 🙂

No. 5 | Burkova Elena Viktorovna wrote:
Now I’m slowly mastering an inste, while I like) I have not figured out how to make the menu icons.

#5 | Burkova Elena Viktorovna wrote:
Now I’m slowly mastering Insta, while I like it) I haven’t figured out how to make menu icons.

#8 | Sotnikova Inna Pavlovna wrote:
I, too, have never regretted this wonderful choice 🙂 With Instagram, it's not very good either 🙂 But B 17 is what you need 🙂

Inna, it really works! The main thing is not to leave the race! Marina went to the top, she stopped writing. I can't wait for her articles! 😊

#13 | Dmitrieva Nina Borisovna wrote:
I like it too.
Moreover, on my page my granddaughter hones the skills of a designer.
If so, she can help you too.
All icons are made by her.

It's great to have such a granddaughter. And I have a girl for hire just posting articles from here. I don't bother her too much. Although the design is not particularly from the summer photo shoot. It's time to make a new one, but I don't like to be photographed)

And from this site and from Instagram – the same number of clients, I can’t even compare these sites with each other, they are so different and require different actions, approaches. But there is a common thing – being present both there and there takes a lot of time

Natalia Filimonova, “Inna, really, because it works! The main thing is not to leave the race! Marina went to the top, she stopped writing. I can't wait for her articles! ? – and I!:)

Natalia, thank you for sharing your thoughts on promotion here and on Instagram!
Each platform for promotion has its own advantages and disadvantages. I like psychological forums, when there is free time, here you can exchange experiences and discuss with colleagues. I am active here, respectively, the clients are from here. Now, for the most part, word of mouth is working. Haven't posted here in a year and a half. And girlfriends-colleagues have clients from Instagram. I also had requests from Yandex Zen.

#13 | Dmitrieva Nina Borisovna wrote:
I like it too.
Moreover, on my page my granddaughter hones the skills of a designer.
If so, she can help you too.
All icons are made by her.

Burkova Elena Viktorovna,
Yes, and I can also take a link from her to a page that she recently designed.

Natalia Filimonova wrote:
Or maybe it's all about reciprocity? 😉 And what we love and what we believe helps us?

Natalia Filimonova wrote:
Because this site is already ready, and most importantly, free targeting, which you get right away by the right of registration!

Absolutely on point! This is exactly what distinguishes this site from other social networks in which you can write into the void, having thousands of subscribers, and interested people have already gathered here from the very beginning.
And if we talk about ISIS, it has become so commercialized that you need to invest insane money in order to at least promote something, because. IS rules are now set up in such a way that simply posting and stories on a daily basis will not increase reach.

Natalia, thank you for a competent and analytical article.I do not position myself as a professional in Institute, although I have an account there, but our wonderful site does not bring me stable earnings, although the articles read and sign. I am a good professional. It can be seen a universal way of earning in an online format))) otherwise everything would be too simple.

Thanks for the article and for the pictures!)))
What do you mean by the words competently working here (on this site)? Can you share some rules of competent account on this site?

No. 15 | Anna Dzhafarova wrote:
Either with instagram, also does not work out (
I have been tormented for several years and IS))) Naughty)

No. 16 | Stankovskaya Daria Andreevna wrote:
And from this site and from the Instagram – the same number of customers, I can’t even compare these sites among themselves, they are so different and require different actions, approach. But there is a common – presence both there and there, takes a lot of time

No. 17 | Kurakina Tamara Nikolaevna wrote:
It's great that you clearly know why he is ig!)
And I don’t even know – there are definitely no clients from there).

No. 19 | Luiza Vladimirovna Bozhenko wrote:
Yes, it is easier to advance on the B17 as a psychologist. Inst still for bloggers.

No. 20 | Kristina Vyacheslavovna Gorelikova wrote:
Natalia, thank you for sharing thoughts about promoting here and on Instagram!
Each site for promoting its advantages and disadvantages. I like psychological forums when free time appears, here you can exchange experience and discuss with colleagues. I show activity here, respectively, customers from here. Now, for the most part, word of mouth works. It was not published here a year and a half. And the girlfriends have clients from Instagram. I still had appeals with Yandex Zen.

No. 23 | Shmeleva Svetlana Evgenievna wrote:
Without any doubt. I, too, cannot make myself love Instagram, but here I am very comfortable.

No. 25 | Klimova Vera Viktorovna wrote:
Absolutely to the point! This is exactly what this site allocates from the rest of the social networks in which you can write in the void, having thousands of subscribers, and here the interested people initially gathered.
And if we talk about the IG, it became so commercialized that you need to invest crazy money in order to promote something, because The rules of the IS are now configured in such a way that simply by laying out posts and storiz on a daily basis, there will be no increase in coverage.

No. 26 | Galina Yakovenko wrote:
Natalia, thank you for the competent and analytical article. I do not position myself as a professional in Institute, although I have an account there, but our wonderful site does not bring me stable earnings, although the articles read and sign. I am a good professional. It can be seen a universal way of earning in an online format))) otherwise everything would be too simple.

No. 27 | Milkova Evgenia Stanislavovna wrote:
Thanks for the article and for the pictures!)))
What do you mean by the words competently working here (on this site)? Can you share some rules of competent account on this site?

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