RKO of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs | Bank Avangard

Services of settlement and cash services in the Avangard bank for small business, LLC, IP. Fast operational service for legal entities in Moscow and throughout Russia.

Settlement and cash services

Avangard Bank promptly opens accounts in Russian rubles and foreign currency for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation in 75 Russian cities.

More than 100,000 legal entities use the settlement and cash services of Avangard Bank.

The main advantages of servicing an account with Avangard Bank:

  • Low maintenance cost
  • Internet banking does not require the installation of special software and is easy to use
  • 250 offices providing cash services throughout Russia
  • Extensive possibilities of SMS-informing service or push-notifications

You can apply for opening a current account and get the necessary consultations at any bank office convenient for you that maintains bank accounts of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, as well as online.

Avangard Bank accepts online applications for opening accounts in all regions of its presence.

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