Rostov-on-Don | On New Year's Eve, Rostovites are promised a severe frost – BezFormat

Forecasts are becoming more and more contradictory, but it is already becoming clear that this winter (at least – the end of December – January) is expected to be colder than the previous ones. Rostov region. Rostov-on-Don.

On New Year's Eve, Rostovites are promised a severe frost

On New Year's Eve, Rostovites are promised a severe frost -

Forecasts are becoming more and more contradictory, but it is already becoming clear that this winter (at least – the end of December – January) is expected to be colder than the previous ones.

Already today, a severe cooling will begin in the Don capital, sub-zero temperatures will reach peak values ​​by Wednesday-Thursday. After that, according to forecasts, a sharp warming of up to 10 degrees plus and above awaits us again. But from December 28, a wave of arctic cold will again penetrate into Rostov – they promise up to 12-15 degrees below zero at night.

On New Year's Eve, according to the head of the Yandex.Weather weather forecasting group, Alexander Ganshin, it is expected to drop to -12.

On the one hand, we, of course, weaned from such weather. On the other hand, in purely geopolitical terms, this is even beneficial for Russia as a state – General Frost will complete for Russia what politicians and economists fail to do.

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