Rostov-on-Don | On the air "Local News" – BezFormat

Correspondents of Nashe Vremya took part in the filming of a television series under the working title Local News. Rostov region. Rostov-on-Don.

On the air Local News

On the air Local News -

Correspondents of Nashe Vremya took part in the filming of a television series under the working title Local News. This film about Rostov journalists will be released on the Rossiya1 channel. Each episode is a new reporter's story. In many episodes – acting writing and filming colleagues.

Correspondents of Nashe Vremya took part in the filming of a television series under the working title Local News. This film about Rostov journalists will be released on the Rossiya1 channel. Each episode is a new reporter's story. In many episodes – acting writing and filming colleagues.
Theater and film actor, not a star
On the set of the film, journalists performed their usual roles. For example, they attended press conferences in several episodes at once. Filming of one of them took place in the Rostov Hotel. According to the plot, the well-known theater and film actor Pavel Bliznyuk came to the Don capital for the premiere of the film “Resident’s Ultimatum”. Pavel was played by Mikhail Politseymako.
His hero is an actor playing a scout in the film Resident Ultimatum. Rostov journalists played themselves – at a press conference.
When the shooting of the episode ended, its characters – the journalists invited to the shooting – had time for a little communication with the Policemako. During a short, no longer cinematic press conference, Mikhail said that he did not like to be called a star. He prefers to talk about himself simply: actor of theater and cinema. And he is proud of it. The son of Semyon Farada and actress Maria Politseymako, Mikhail is the successor of the acting dynasty. His grandfather, by the way, is also an actor.
Policemako became perhaps the only artist of the all-Russian level who played in the series Local News. Other roles were played by theater actors in Rostov, Taganrog and Novoshakhtinsk, Yuri Dobrinsky, Natalia Askarova, Sergei Belanov and others. It looks like the series will be their film debut.
food as props
– Get ready, everyone to the original! Camera, motor! – this command was heard by the film crew regularly for four months. That's how long the shooting went on. However, work on the project began even earlier. Screenwriter Sergei Medvedev says:
— The history of the project is a chain of accidents. I have long wanted to write something about Rostov journalists, the director Viktor Shamirov had an idea to make a series about Rostov. Producer Sergey Golyudov helped to realize the ideas. The idea proposed by us was liked by the Rossiya1 channel. When Moscow gave the go-ahead, we wrote a pilot and filmed it. It was a year ago.
– And what did you, as the author, put into the plot of the film? What's the idea?
– To show the cheerful madness of the city of Rostov-on-Don and the very profession of a journalist.I hope that after watching the film, the audience (and above all, of course, Rostovites) will understand what I mean by these words.

The main characters – correspondent Marina and photojournalist Maxim – work in the same publication. Perhaps there is even love between them. But the pace of the profession does not allow feelings to develop.
20 episodes of Local News filmed. The final action of the film takes place on board the pleasure boat Moscow 76. There is a press ball. Journalists are awarded awards and, of course, as it should be on such solemn occasions, they serve a buffet table. However, we were warned that it serves as a prop and you can put something on your plate only in “doubles”. It was also very important to remember what position you were in during the filming of the previous episode, so that there would be no annoying inconsistencies later.
Each of those present played episodic roles – it was necessary to create the effect of mass character. However, someone got roles with words. So, the director suggested to the photojournalist of Our Time Arkady Budnitsky. become one of the chief editors. In the film, viewers will see a small dialogue between Arkady and one of the characters.
The press ball ends with the triumph of the young photojournalist Maxim. As the best photojournalist at the press ball, he receives an award. Maxim is congratulated by his colleagues. Inspired by the first success, he consults with his editor San Sanych on how to develop himself further. San Sanych advises to go to Moscow. He says that the capital is a city in which there is a lot of fuss, but there are more opportunities, and salaries are higher there. What decision will Maxim make? We'll find out in the movie. The premiere should take place at the beginning of 2013 on the Rossiya1 channel.

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