Russian hockey players will begin the World Cup in Latvia with a match with the Czech Republic

Russian hockey players will begin the World Cup in Latvia with a match with the Czech Republic

Russian hockey players will begin the World Cup in Latvia with the Czech Republic, the International Hockey Federation announced the schedule of matches of the Russian national team at the group stage of the 2021 World Cup in Latvia.

Russian hockey players will begin the World Cup in Latvia with a match with the Czech Republic

Russian hockey players will begin the World Cup in Latvia with a match with the Czech Republic

The International Hockey Federation announced the schedule of matches of the Russian national team at the group stage of the 2021 World Cup in Latvia. The Baltic country was supposed to hold games with Belarus, but the latter took this right due to protests against Alexander Lukashenko.

The Russian national team will hold all meetings at the Olympic Sports Center. The starting match Russians will play on May 21 with the Czech Republic. The start of the game was planned at 17:15 Petersburg time.

The Russians will hold the next meeting the very next day, May 22. The rival will be the UK team. The match will also begin at 17:15 Petersburg time.

The full schedule of matches of the Russian national team looks like this:

May 21st. 17:15. Russia is the Czech Republic

22nd of May. 17:15. Great Britain – Russia

May 24. 17:15. Slovakia – Russia

26 of May. 17:15. Russia is Denmark

May 29. 17:15. Switzerland – Russia

May 31. 21:15. Russia is Sweden

June 1st. 21:15. Russia is Belarus

A few days ago, ABN reported that Latvia will become the only owner of the World Hockey Championship in 2021. Together with her, the tournament was supposed to be held by Belarus, but this right was eventually taken from her due to protests in the country.

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The editors draws attention that the following terrorist and extremist organizations are prohibited in the Russian Federation: Meta (Meta Platforms Inc), National Bolshevik Party, “Network”, Religious Organization “Management Center for Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia” and local religious organizations, which are part of its structure, “Jehovah's Witnesses”, “Misanthropic Divizh”, “ISIS”, “Al-Qaida”, “Medzhlis of the Crimean Tatar people”, “Brotherhood” of Korchinsky, “Artillery”, “Taliban”, “Jabhat Fath al-Sham” (earlier “Jabhat al-Nusra”, “Jebhat al-Nusra”), “Una-UNSO”, “Right Sector”, “Ukrainian rebel army” (UPA). Fund for the fight against corruption ”(FBK), the“ Alliance of Doctors ” – non -profit organizations that perform the functions of foreign agents. The public movement “Navalny’s headquarters” is included in Rosfinmonitoring in the list of organizations and individuals in respect of which there is information about their involvement in extremist activity or terrorism. Instagram and Facebook are prohibited in the Russian Federation. © 2022

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