Social project "Women's Marathon of Unusual Entities" Creative and We "of the district wife -Soviet became the winner of a grant competition

Without Kevorda – March 1, the district women's council launches the female marathon of unusual activities Creative and We. Initiative women gathered together and came up with unusual events for their friends,

Without Kevordo

– On March 1, the district women's council launches the female marathon of unusual activities Creative and We. Initiative women gathered together and came up with unusual events for their friends, colleagues, and countrywomen. For 6 months, 19 activities will pass. Among them are knitted cinema in the open, street performance, creative defile, art picnic on the day of neighbors, karaoke in a woman, television program “Happy”, Hakaton at the School of Creativity, Art Vernisage, Joy Workshop, Battle “Book Against Cinema . We hope that Novosergius women will like our ideas. And all of us will be interested in communicating together and conducting our female leisure, ”says N.P. Podshivalova, chairman of the district wives council.

In addition, the winners were the open -air laboratory “not a day without science” and “towards changes”.

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