Spartak ” -“ Real ” – 2: 1. Overview of the match of the Champions League September 30, 1998 in the ZTE project. Sport-Express

SE, together with ZTE, recalls the legendary victory of the red and white in the Champions League over the Madrid club.

We have our own royal club ! How Spartak beat Real Madrid

“SE”, along with ZTE, partner of FC “Spartak-Moscow”, recalls the legendary victory of the red and white in the Champions League over the Royal Club.

23 years ago, in the fall of 1998, Spartak won one of his most striking European cup victories. In Moscow, the team of Oleg Romantseva defeated Madrid's “Real” by Husa Hiddinka – 2: 1. We remember how it was.

“Spartak leaders may be in an oak. To Tsymbalar are considerable claims

Spartak approached the match of the 2nd round of the group stage of the Champions League-1998/99 after a ringing slap in the face received in Derby from CSKA-1: 4. Despite the fact that the leaders of the red and white did not participate in the game with the army-Yegor Titov and Ilya Tsymbalar, Oleg Romantsev did not try to look for any excuses. Moreover, in an interview with SE, the coach said that a number of players seemed to have ceased to be aware of which club they represent:

“I thought that on the eve of decisive fights, the team would leave the hibernation, in which it was already a month and a half,” Oleg Ivanovich sadly stated. – A trip to Graz was encouraging (in the first round of the Champions League, the Spartakites on the road defeated the “assault” (2: 0). – Approx. SE). Guys, despite all the difficulties, gathered for that game. But the continuation, alas, did not follow. Unfortunately, in recent years the match with the “storm” is the only bright spot. The guys go to matches with extinct eyes. We pay the salary regularly, this is a lot of money. We pay bonuses too. Apparently, many players began to overestimate themselves in the team and in football in general. After matches with Ajax and Inter in the UEFA Cup, it seemed to them that everything was smooth with them. They did not appreciate their achievement correctly. And I see the result of such an assessment every day in relation to training: when they come, how, with what mood they are engaged.

– Do you exclude the influence of the economic situation in Russia on the current crisis of Spartak?

– In our club, everything is done so that the players do not feel the problems that most Russian citizens affected. I can assume the opposite: to players too easily everything is given in life, so they stopped straining. I thought for a long time how to get out of the situation on how to stir the guys. Many famous coaches, and not only football, did this: they expelled two or three leading athletes from the team. Not those who are in stock, namely those on whom a lot depended. The rest immediately shook.

– Cardinal measure.

– I do not argue. But I do not exclude that some Spartak players who are considered leading and indispensable, depending on the result of the match with Real Madrid, may be in an oak.

– In problem cases, a large role belongs to the captain. In this sense, Ilya Tsymbalar, probably there are no complaints?

– There are, and considerable. He is a leading player, the best football player, captain. If the team cannot win several matches, probably, it lies with a big responsibility. Ilya has authority among players, but, apparently, does not always use it. If not everything, then a lot of things now depend on Tsymbalar.

Twice in a row Spartak does not play well

Egor Titov, in turn, emphasized that after Fiasco in Derby, even a draw with Real Madrid cannot arrange his team.

– We have already played with Ajax and Inter. I do not think that Real Madrid is worse than them. I saw only separate fragments of his matches. But it seems to me that Real Madrid is not one of the unusual teams.

– Will a drawing Spartak?

– In this situation – no. Now, if we beat CSKA, then another thing. But now we need to rehabilitate ourselves in front of the fans, which means it is imperative to win.

– There is no concern that on Wednesday the game will follow the same scenario as the match with CSKA? – asked the correspondent SE Evgenia Bushmanova.

– Not. Twice in a row, Spartak does not play well. Moreover, the Champions League is a special tournament. Here is another atmosphere, another mood. The most important thing is to believe in yourself again.

– If you need to add during the match, will Spartak have enough strength?

– I think yes. Autumn is our time, and the weather is Spartakovskaya.

“Roberto Carlos? Babangida from Ajax scared us too

Champions League. Group tournament. 2nd round. Group S.
“Spartak” (Russia) – “Real” (Spain) – 2: 1 (0: 0)

Goals: Raul, 63 (0: 1). Tsymbalar, 72 (1: 1). Titov, 78 (2: 1).
Spartak (Russia): Filimonov, Parfenov, Bushmanov, Ananko, Khletov, Baranov, Titov, Tikhonov, Tsymbalar, Robson (Buznikin, 90), Pisarev (Kanishchev, 67).
Real (Spain): Illgner, Roberto Carlos, Panucci, Yerro, Sanchech, Zeedorf, Saviu, Karambe (Maryentes, 81), Redono, Miyatovich, Raul.
Warning: Baranov, 33. Raul, 69. Tikhonov, 76. Titov, 87.
Judge: Heinemann (Germany).
September 30th. Moscow. Stadium Luzhniki. 62000 spectators.

The first half turned out to be, in principle, little -consuming. The incessant rain did his job. The heavy lawn of Luzhnikov prevented the teams from combining at speeds. There were many losses, martial arts. Nevertheless, the game, of course, kept in tension.

“Rain made its adjustments,” Titov admitted. – Indeed, the field was unimportant, which equalized the chances of teams. It was easier for us to play in such conditions. In Madrid, everything will be different.

Spartak was not going to give the initiative to eminent guests. The percentage of ownership of the ball to the break is 50 to 50. In terms of the number of approaches to the other people's gates, the red and white ones certainly did not yield to the Madrid. So, for example, after a discount of Tsymbalar, Pisarev beat from the penalty line, but he got into the defender. And then Robson, having received an excellent pass from Khlesov from the depths, was confused – he did not beat from a favorable position, and he did not really succeed in PAS on Pisarev.And finally, in the 45th minute, the hosts created the most dangerous moment in the first half. This Tikhonov, after an excellent translation from the flank of Baranov, entered the penalty area and faded from his left leg into the far corner with a blow from under Panucci-it was close.

In general, the Spartak defense managed to restrain the trio of Savio – Miyatovich – Raul, even if the latter and inflicted several blows on the goal of Filimonov – all past the alignment. Ananko and Bushmanov acted almost flawlessly in the center of protection. And on the left flank of the rams and Parthenov, Roberto Carlos was quite successfully opposed.

– We do not have Roberto Carlos, as there is no football player such as Babangida, who many were afraid of us before the match with Ajax. But we coped with him then, he did not run away anywhere. Because they reacted to the matter with an increased sense of responsibility. I hope that this time everything will be in order, ”Romantsev said before the game.

Toward the end of the half, the announcer in the stadium announced: “The Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov is present at the match.”

“Let's hope that“ Spartak ”does not absorb, and in our country everything will work out. Indeed, for many, the match “Spartak”-“Real” is a very good outlet and the opportunity to forget about the troubles, ”said Vladimir Maslachenko, the leading television portage, referring to the financial crisis that erupted in August 1998.

September 30, 1998. Moscow.

September 30, 1998. Moscow. “Spartak” – “Real” – 2: 1. Red and white execute a penalty. Photo Alexander Wilf, SE

“Andrey, well, cut the ball with the outside! You know how! »

Immediately after the break, Muscovites could go forward. Baranov, unexpectedly for everyone, easily figured out his flank with two rivals, rolled the ball bursting into the penalty area of ​​Pisarev. He decided to fulfill himself, but Illgner coped with a blow to the near corner. Tsymbalar spread his hands: Why didn't he give it?

And almost immediately the guests again helped the goalkeeper, ahead of Robson's exit. The camera grabbed the face of the steering of Madrid Hus Hiddinka closely – then without a middle name Ivanovich. The Dutchman was noticeably nervous.

“Real” for a long time could not come up with anything ahead, but still built a goal. Zeedorf made a long raid in the center completely unhindered, and his mighty blow was reflected by the crossbar. Raul first managed to the bounced ball first and finished it in an empty gate. 0: 1.

Spartak did not even think of being blabbed, rushed forward. Again, Tikhonov almost fell into the far corner.

“Well, cut a little with the left, the outside of the foot. Andrey, you know how! I have no doubt about this that you are doing this in training. Well, do it now in the game, ”exclaimed annoyed Maslachenko on the air.

Ilyukh, in the wall aiming the third to the head

And then Robson took the word, earned a promising penalty in the fight against compatriot Roberto Carlos. Tsymbalar with his magic left masterly threw the wall and sent the ball to the Nine. Shine!

Former Spartak coach Viktor Samokhin in Oleg Romantsev’s book “Truth about me and Spartak” says that this masterpiece goal is not an accident at all.

“Tsymbalar always listened to coaching advice. I remember at one time we worked out the penalty. I advised him: “Ilyuh, try to aim the third in the head in the wall. It will be perfect in the direction of the blow, and there is always a chance that he will dodge. ” Time passes – and Ilyushka scores his famous goal “Real”! The pleased run to me: Sergeyich, I beat the third in the head!

Ilya himself subsequently said that he was almost called to “Real” after that famous victory.

“Fernando Jerro, after a memorable Moscow match in the Champions League of the season-1998/1999, mentioned English, which, they say, in December-after our season-they are waiting for me in Madrid. I did not really know “Inglesh”, but I generally understood the essence, ”said Tsymbalar.

September 30, 1998. Moscow.

Jealous and rejoice in our mediocre time!

Five minutes later, the next attack of the red and white again led to the goal. Tikhonov on the left made a long translation to the front line, Robson in an incredible jump dropped the ball with Titov's head. And he calmly with his left was driving the ball into the gate! 2: 1.

– I didn’t succeed, and the program came out. And I saw Titov already at the moment when he struck on goal, – the Spartak legionnaire admitted after the game.

– How will you note the victory?

– A call. For two weeks now I can’t contact either my mother or my bride. Now I will come home and I will call.

The score has not changed before the final whistle.

“What happened on the field in the following minutes does not lend itself to any description,” wrote the observer “SE”. – “Real” is not only trying to equalize the score – he practically did not cross the center of the field! Muscovites, as if not the 80th, but the first minute of the match, rushed into the tackles of the same penalty at and over and over again. The victory of Spartak over Real Madrid is especially valuable. She came at her native stadium, and came more than ever on time. At that moment, when many have already lost hope at all for anything, Spartak gave this hope to them. We have our own Royal Club! ”

“Make gifts to this beautiful people! The only thing that has not yet been devalued is football, ”Maslachenko rejoiced at a matter of seconds before the end of the game. – And now – the whistle of the arbitrator. Be healthy, dear friends. My congratulations! Jealous and rejoice at life in our mediocre time! ”

September 30, 1998. Moscow.

September 30, 1998. Moscow. “Spartak” – “Real” – 2: 1. The score on the score is after the match. Photo Alexander Wilf, SE

“I smoked almost two packs. From the new year I want to quit

“To beat such a team is happiness,” said Romantsev at a press conference. – The result is logical, because we had better the ending of the match. But I have no euphoria. Bushmanov, Titov, Tsymbalar, Tikhonov tried very hard, but, apparently, so that later Spartak acted successfully, it was necessary that these players go to the second peak of form.I always smoke a lot during the match, and this time almost two packs of cigarettes took. From the new year I want to quit. At the end of the match, we released Buznikina. It was a forced replacement. Not a single coach played a perfectly playing Robson would dare to replace, but at the end of the match he was injured. It was the best game of the Brazilian in Spartak.

But Hiddink considered that Real Madrid that evening deserved more:

– I think that today my team dominated, which held the best match this season. However, the opponent used two points out of the two, which we provided him, so the outcome of the game is not entirely logical.

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