Sports – Beach Bunny | Translation and lyrics | Listen online

Sports song translation (Beach Bunny) | Text and translation of the song | Listen online | Video clips | Lyrsense

Sports song (Beach Bunny)

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IF You Feel Lonely
I COULD Be Lonely with you
Tell Me, Baby
Who do you seem so blue?

Who are we so complicated?
Maybe love is over.

I'M Tired of Waitin '
I WAS NEVER Good at Sports
Save the Games for the Girls on the Tennis Court
Say You Need Me
But Latly, You Feel Unsure
Come On to Me, Come On to Me
I Need More

IF You Feel Broken
Promise I Wonmet Break Your Heart
IF You Shatter
I Won'T Let You Fall Apart

Who are we so complicated?
Love's a Word i've Always Hated

I'M Tired of Waitin '
I WAS NEVER Good at Sports
Save the Games for the Girls on the Tennis Court
Say You Need Me
But Latly, You Feel Unsure
Come On to Me, Come On to Me
I Need More

IT Always Feels Like
I Need More
Jesus Christ, you're so confusing
If we keep score
Bet My Money that I'M Losing

If you are lonely
We can be alone together.
Tell me, baby,
Why are you so dull?

Why are we so difficult?
Probably love is overestimated.

I'm tired of waiting
I have never been good in sports.
Leave games for girls in a tennis court.
Say that you need me
But lately you are uncertain.
Come to me, come to me,
I need more.

If you are broken
I promise, I will not break your heart.
If you split
I will not let you break up.

Why are we so difficult?
Love is a word that I always hated.

I'm tired of waiting
I have never been good in sports.
Leave games for girls in a tennis court.
Say that you need me
But lately you are uncertain.
Come to me, come to me,
I need more.

It always seems to me
That I need more.
God, you are so complicated
If the account does not change
I give my word, I will lose.

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