St. Petersburg | Flamenco Festival in Russia – No Format

From 2 to 8 December St. Petersburg will turn into the Russian capital of flamenco. Saint Petersburg. St. Petersburg.

Festival “Flamenco in Russia”

Festival “Flmenko in Russia” -

From 2 to 8 December St. Petersburg will turn into the Russian capital of flamenco. The performances will be held in the Concert Hall near the Finland Station. Lectures, meetings and film screenings will take place at the ADELANTE Center for Spanish Language and Culture, the only center in Russia accredited by the Instituto Cervantes, while master classes with dancers will take place at EL [email protected], one of the most modern and active dance centers in the city.

Flamenco Festival in Russia – St. Petersburg 2013 is a project of the Spanish production company ENDIRECTO FT, specializing specifically in flamenco, supported by Russian companies: ADELANTE Center, El [email protected] and concert agency Rona Promotion, dealing with significant cultural events, specializing in flamenco . The goal of the project is to show flamenco to a country that is traditionally associated with music, performing arts and art in general, as well as showing such great interest in flamenco.

The Flamenco Festival in Russia – St. Petersburg 2013 is supported by the Andalusian Flamenco Institute, the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, the Spanish Embassy in Moscow, the Cervantes Institute in Moscow, RNE-National Spanish Radio and Andrés Marín Flamenco Abierto Studio.

Flamenco is one of the most interesting stage manifestations of art. This dance originated at home evenings in gypsy homes in the south of Andalusia. The song ritual, a characteristic activity of these gypsies, was decorated with dance figures solely for the sake of entertainment. The figures were short, spontaneous, and at the same time full of grace. Over time, music and basic movements began to develop and by the 20th century absorbed the components of other artistic disciplines, such as folklore or classical music, singing-cante.

Over the past decades, flamenco has been influenced by jazz and Brazilian melodies. Increasingly, we hear flute, saxophone, piano, Peruvian cajon and violin in flamenco. We see the interweaving of various dance disciplines: classical and modern, oriental dances and tap dancing. Great stage artists such as Pilar Lopez, Mario Maia, Antonio Gades were able to introduce theatrical codes into flamenco. However, despite this evolutionary process, flamenco contains those primitive characteristics of origin, which give it its originality. They retain its defining distinctive features, but with technical, expressive fullness, complex symbolic language, choreographic and narrative tradition. All this makes flamenco an art recognized all over the world.

Manuel Moraga
Journalist – National Radio of Spain
Press Service Director – EnDirecto FT S.L.


Monday, December 2

• 19:00: Lecture-opening-Manuel Moraga (journalist of National Radio Spain)
Lecture name: “Flmenko: Gypsy Heritage”
Place: ADELANTE Center (Nevsky Ave., 54)

Tuesday, December 3

• 19:00: The play “Mi Baile” (my dance) – Andres Marin and musicians
Meeting with artists after the performance.
Place: Concert Hall at the Finland Station

My dance is a representation based on the internal struggle, which the choreographer and dancer Andres Marin experiences for 30 years, where the view, facing the past, leads him to reflection as a means of survival. The dance is represented by Marina in its pure form and tells about the process of transformation and purification of its most symbolic productions. This is a living performance, which is in constant movement, where the artist recreates the world, as if in a laboratory.

Andres Marin – Dance
Jose Valencia – Voice
Salvador Gutierres – Guitar

Wednesday, December 4

• 13:00: Andres Marin, theoretical master class: Dance flamenco according to Andres Marina. Ethics, technology and aesthetics in the modern dance of flamenco".
Place: ADELANTE Center (Nevsky Ave., 54)

• 19:00: The play “Giraldillos” (Seville Stars) – Jose Valencia, Patricia Herrero and Dani de Moron.
Meeting with artists after the performance.
Place: Concert Hall at the Finland Station

Hiraldillo winners at the XVII Biennale Flmenco in Seville, Jose Valencia (Hiraldillo for Kant), Patricia Herrero (Hiraldillo to the best young artist) and Dani de Moron (Hiraldillo for the game on the instrument) will first perform together on the same outstanding flamper-spectacle. Dance, Kant, guitar. Guitar, dance and Kant. Kant, guitar and dance. And nothing more.

Jose Valencia – Voice
Patricia Herrero – Dance
Dani de Moron – Guitar

Thursday, December 5

• 19:00 hours: performances “Sinergia” (Synergy) – Manuel Linyan and musicians.
Meeting with artists after the performance.
Place: Concert Hall at the Finland Station

Hearing those echoes of the past, I thought about the influence, evolution and wealth that form the art of flamenco, having come to the conclusion about the importance of the “whole”, which generalizes a rich set of directions, thanks to which I receive new emotions.
In this journey, I want to emphasize that the field of my emotions is also inhabited by your emotions, that my feelings are determined by yours, that one smile can cause the reaction, that the contribution of others (which is not always noticeable or necessary), filled the space inside me, which is itself By itself, I would not get the same meaning and color.
Because even the most secluded corners of our loneliness are filled with emotions that we got from others.

Manuel Lignyan – Dance
Matias Lopez “El Mati” – Voice
Juan Debel – Voice
Victor Martinez “El Tomate” – guitar

Friday, December 6

Flamenco master classes in EL [email protected]:
• 18: 00-19: 15-Patricia Herrero-Alegrias (basic level)
• 19: 15-20: 30 – Patricia Herrero – Segiriya (middle and advanced level)
• 20: 30-21: 45-Manuel Lignyan-Buleria (basic level)
• 21: 45-23: 00 – Manuel Lignyan – Tango (average and advanced level)

Saturday, December 7

• 12:30: Documentary film Tan Cerca Tan Lejos. Orquesta Chekara y El Flamenco.(So close, so far. Marrokan orchestra Chekara and Flmenko)
Showing the film and meeting with the director, Pepe Sapata.
Location: ADELANTE Center

This film is explored and collected together by various forms of audiovisual art, illustrating vast and close musical relations between Orquesta Chekara and Flmenko, starting from the first meeting under the control of Pepa Eredia, Makam Honda, more than twenty years ago, to this day.

• 15:00: documentary El Fabuloso Sabicas. (Incredible sabikas). Producer Tony Sasal, director Pablo Calatayud. En Clave Audiovisual.
Location: ADELANTE Center

“Incredible Sabikas” introduces the audience to the professional and personal journey of the great guitarist from Pamprol, Agustin Castelon, or Sabikas. Sabikas is a symbol of the guitarist flamenco in a concert performance. He determined the whole era, modernizing and breathing in a new life into the music that he devoted all his life. The film collects evidence of famous artists and art researchers Flmenko, friends, children, as well as the chosen performances of the maestro.

Master classes in EL [email protected]:
• 11: 00-12: 35-Patricia Herrero-Alegrias (basic level)
• 12: 35-14: 10 – Patricia Herrero – Segiriya (middle and advanced level)
• 14: 30-16: 05-Manuel Lignyan-Buleria (basic level)
• 16: 05-17: 45 – Manuel Lignyan – Tango (average and advanced level)

Sunday, December 8

Master classes in EL [email protected]:
• 11: 00-12: 40-Patricia Herrero-Alegrias (basic level)
• 12: 40-14: 20 – Patricia Herrero – Segiriya (middle and advanced level)
• 14: 30-16: 10-Manuel Lignyan-Buleria (basic level)
• 16: 10-17: 50 – Manuel Lignyan – Tango (middle and advanced level)

This material is published on the BEZFORMATA website January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the source’s website!

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