The bailiffs cordoned off the Sport Palace sports complex on the Krestovsky Island ›News of St. Petersburg›

The bailiffs cordoned off the Sport Palace sports complex on Krestovsky Island

The owner of the Sport Palace premium fitness club intends to go to nbsp; ECHR to appeal the decision on nbsp; demolition of the complex. He nbsp; noted that the building was not nbsp; recognized as self -construction, laquo; while the prosecutor Litvinenko played for nbsp; Sport Palace in nbsp; tennis raquo;.

The bailiffs cordoned off the Sport Palace sports complex on Krestovsky Island

The owner of the Sport Palace premium fitness club intends to go to the ECHR to appeal the decision to demolish the complex. He noted that the building was not recognized as self -building, while the prosecutor Litvinenko played for Sport Palace for tennis for several years.

The bailiffs cordoned off the Sport Palace sports complex on Krestovsky Island

Photo: Sport Palace / Instagram

On the morning of July 20, the bailiffs and the Gati order came to execute the decision to demolish the Elite Sports Center Sport Palace on Krestovsky Island at the South Road, the situation was commented on in the fitness center.

The owner of the object Roman Kurbatov explained that the decision on demolition belongs to the St. Petersburg city court, and the bailiffs are fulfilled by this decision. They have a Gati order to demolish the building from July 12, 2021 to July 10, 2031. In connection with what happened, Kurbatov intends to apply to the Supreme Court and the ECHR.

“The Government of St. Petersburg provided a land plot for capital construction, issued all permits, waited for the complete completion of construction, assigned the building a cadastral number of a real estate object, a police address, KGIOP concluded a security obligation with a photofixation of a real estate object, created an acceptance commission that unanimously accepted the work, and after This state bodies refused to execute an investment agreement and the prosecutor filed a lawsuit to demolish the investment object, ”added the owner of Sport Palace.

He emphasized that two forensic examinations have already recognized that the object was built in accordance with the contract and the agreed project. According to Kurbatov, the decision to demolish was made to a person who no longer had a building, but the court did not bother. The prosecutor recognized the conclusions of the forensic examination, but insisted on demolition.

“While the prosecutor Litvinenko S.I. played for several years in Sport Palace in tennis, the building was not recognized as self -building, and when, due to character characteristics, he stopped visiting Sport Palace, a criminal case was opened on the club director. The building was arrested for more than two years as an instrument of crime, and as a result, the Petrograd court issued the director an acquittal, ”Kurbatov notes.

He stated that judges need to be checked for obviously illegal decisions, because the court of general jurisdiction does not have the right to consider claims against commercial facilities at all, but it was he who decided to demolish.

It should be noted that the prosecutor of the Petrograd district filed a lawsuit to declare illegal construction of the Sport Palace sports complex near the Primorsky Park of Victory back in 2015.The department said that LLC Enterprise Range without the permission of the service of construction state supervision and examination built a six -story tennis school. However, the building, which is located in the park, was given to the sports club.

The release of the prosecutor’s office from 2015 says that the club does not meet security requirements. So, in a six -story building, which has a 4th degree of fire resistance, only two floors are acceptable. There is no exit to the roof from the stairwell and evacuation exits from the floors. Also six years ago, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article Performing work or providing services that do not meet security requirements.

At the same time, the premium class now published all the permits on the site. Now Sport Palace is collecting signatures for contacting Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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