The court put an end to the case of the “wallpaper thief” shot dead by SOBR in Yekaterinburg.

The court in Yekaterinburg put an end to the case of the wallpaper thief shot dead by SOBR in Yekaterinburg

The court put an end to the case of the “wallpaper thief” shot dead by SOBR in Yekaterinburg Photo: Polina Zinovieva YEKATERINBURG, April 28, UralPolit.Ru. Sverdlovsk Regional Court completed

The court put an end to the case of the wallpaper thief shot dead by SOBR in Yekaterinburg

The court in Yekaterinburg put an end to the case of the wallpaper thief shot dead by SOBR in Yekaterinburg

Photo: Polina Zinovieva

​YEKATERINBURG, April 28, UralPolit.Ru. The Sverdlovsk Regional Court has completed its consideration of the case of Vladimir Taushankov, who was shot dead by the Russian Guard for stealing four rolls of wallpaper. The criminal case has been closed.

The Sverdlovsk Regional Court has closed the case of wallpaper thief Vladimir Taushankov, who was shot dead in Yekaterinburg last year by SOBR for stealing four rolls of wallpaper. Consideration of the criminal case was terminated today, April 28. As UralPolit.Ru was informed by the press service of the court, consent to dismiss the case was received from the parents of the deceased.

“The court ruled to terminate the criminal case against Taushankov Vladimir Anatolyevich on the commission of acts prohibited by the criminal law, in connection with his death and consent to the termination of the case on the part of Taushankov’s parents,” the press service of the court noted.

Recall that the incident occurred on Rassvetnaya Street on the concrete goods on the night of June 1, 2020. The police received a report from a wallpaper store about the theft of four rolls of wallpaper. According to local media, when the victims tried to catch up with the thief, he threatened them with a knife and fled. It is specified that at about 12 a.m., the police, together with a detachment of the Russian Guard SOBR, began an assault on the apartment, as a result of which the alleged abductor was killed.

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