The creators of Comedy Club selected the trademark from Myspace – News

The creators of Comedy Club selected the trademark from Myspace

The creators of Comedy Club selected the trademark from MySpace – News All about legal law.

The creators of Comedy Club selected the trademark from Myspace

The creators of Comedy Club selected the trademark from Myspace

The Intellectual Rights Court deprived the Myspace Secret Standup trademark, owned in 2003 by the American social network, legal protection in Russia. The Standup-comedy is the general name of the conversational entertainment program that appeared in the USA, such programs appeared on Myspace. The disputed trademark was registered in Russia for entertainment services in the 41st MKTU class.

The lawsuit in the case of SIP-185/2013 was filed by the Comedy Club Production registered in Cyprus, which produces the popular TNT channel programs Comedy Club, the series Interns, University and others. She demanded to terminate the legal protection of Myspace trademark ahead of schedule in Russia due to non-use.

The lawsuit was filed on September 20, 2013, but the court of intellectual rights on the merits was carried out on January 13, 2015. The meeting was postponed, since the proper notice of the defendant (located in California, USA) was not proved, the case file says. The dispute was considered by judges Nikita Pogadaev, Nadezhda Kruchinina and Vitaly Golofaev.

The reason for the filing of the claim commented during the meeting representative Comedy Club Production Sergey Lomsky From a law firm Lomsky and partners. According to him, Comedy Club Production applied for registration of the Stand-Up trademark, under which an entertaining show is released on the TNT channel. But Rospatent saw in this sign a resemblance to the existing MYSPACE SECRET StandUP trademark and refused to register. Now this obstacle is eliminated.

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