The most complex games in history

Someone plays to relax. Someone wants to measure their own strength with friends, family and other gamers from different countries, and someone just likes to subject themselves to the most difficult trials that you can only imagine. Why? Why not!

The most complex games in history

Someone plays to relax. Someone wants to measure their own strength with friends, family and other gamers from different countries, and someone just likes to subject themselves to the most difficult trials that you can only imagine. Why? Why not!

For a gamer, the successful passage of the most important game is one of the greatest achievements, which he will perceive for a long time, like a sign of distinction. In the selection of this week, we consider the top 10 most difficult, problematic and energy-consuming games that you can only imagine. Are you ready to cope with them?

10 – ghosts ‘n goblins

Ghosts ‘n goblins

Ghosts ‘n goblins

For NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), many complex games were created (you will find a few more), and our top opens the first of these 8-bit hits-the Capcom classic-Ghosts ‘N Goblins. The game stood out with its exciting gameplay, for which accuracy and good memory were simply necessary (like ordinary luck).

This is a game in which it was possible to disappear for hours, albeit without special results, but at the same time have a good time. What is the moment that makes it so legendary? The whole catch is that, having defeated the final boss, you are discarded at the very beginning, where the player will have to pass these hordes again.

9 – Contra



Another NES game that was simply impossible to cope with in childhood, but at the same time it contributed to our formation as gamers in the future. Contra is an incredibly complicated game that will not let you relax, destroying your plans in any affordable ways. It is good that the readers of the developers of the Konami ([up], [up], [down], [down], [to the right], [left], [to the right], [a], [a], [a], [a]. , [Start].), Gives you 30 lives instead of lives by default, which is very pleasing, since each of them will need to go through the game to the end.

8 – FTL: Faster than Light

FTL: Faster than Light

FTL: Faster than Light

It happens that in a video game a certain surprise can help you. She can help out in a difficult position, or help defeat a strong enemy. In FTL, surprise is at the same time your best friend and sworn enemy. You can fly to yourself, enjoy life, when suddenly everything can change dramatically.

There is nothing worse than dealing with the enemy at the moment when your spaceship smokes with might and main, oxygen disappears, and the crew of your ship begins to take it to outer space. It just resembles chaos.

7 – God Hand

God Hand

God hand

Of all the games listed in this list, God Hand can be considered the strangest (sounds … blows), but no one cancel the fact that this is an excellent game in the Beat'em Up genre will squeeze all the juices out of you and will never allow you To prevail over your enemies.

All thanks to the ingenious balance, which consists in an automatic increase in the level of the enemy, after increasing yours. Therefore, it does not matter how strong you are – the danger will still wait for you.

6-Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out !!

Mike Tyson’s Punch -out !!

Mike Tyson’s Punch -out !!

Returning to Nes, we meet the next game of our list. Mike Tyson’s Punch -out !! (or Mr. Dream, depending on the version that you have installed) was a game that I simply hated as a child. My children's mind refused to understand the essence of the gameplay, the characteristic features of which were the accuracy of the reference and clever movements.

In addition, it was incredibly difficult for me to go through Glass Joe, and I could only dream of a fight with Iron Mike. Later, I tried to play this game again and felt at the same time joy and deep disappointment, taking an open position in front of the enemy, which delivered a lot of pleasant sensations of Little Mac.

5 – Ninja Gaiden II

Ninja Gaiden II

Ninja Gaiden II

The old version-Ninja Gaiden was, without a doubt, light, but 128-bit versions brought everything to a completely new level, and of them Ninja Gaiden II was the hardest. Given the accuracy of an eight-bit version, well-armed enemies, powerful (incredibly powerful) bosses, a 3-D platformer-it becomes clear that it was a game that really checked a gamer for strength, and it was considered a real achievement to pass it to the end.

4 – ikaruga



Games in the “Bullet- Hell” genre never imply the ease of passage, and no matter how many games of this genre there are on this list, not one of them would be equal to the rapid heart rate with high intensity of Ikarruga. You will have to not only evade enemy fire, but also take into account the polarity of the ship, switch colors in order to neutralize any impending bullet, avoiding color discrepancies. This game is complicated from the very beginning, and only the pro-Gamers will be able to.

3-F-zero gx

F-zero GX

F-zero GX

Among all the games of this list, F-Zero GX plays a special role for me, since I played it for a whole year and a half, observing all its capabilities, at the same time admiring its complexity. Even the usual mode will check your reflexes, moreover, there are still 2 levels of complexity, each of which requires second accuracy and calculation to win victory.

The action takes place at the moment of descent along the winding path by 1 max, when overtaking 29 other gangs of aggressive riders, and you admit to yourself that this is the most difficult racing game from ever created.

2 – shinobi



I don’t know what's wrong with the ninja, but if you are in search of tests, you will not be mistaken if you choose a game that mentions shadows. And, undoubtedly, the most difficult of them is Shinobi for PlayStation 2. Cruel battles and difficult platforming make this game really difficult to pass, but those who play it for a long time, perceive the game as a classic that has not received proper attention. But we love you, shinobi, and assign you an honorable second place in our ranking of the most difficult games in history.

1 – Battletoads



And our rating is completing the next game that enriched Nes-Rare’s Battletoads. This game is completely unknown due to the fact that it surpassed the limits of the so-called “NES”, delivering a lot of trouble to both beginner and experienced players in the past. Until now, Battletoads remains a difficult test-game, which is worth playing a person who considers himself a hardcore gamer.

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