The question of the dialect is the noise of the oceans of Mars – LJ


Here I ran into one funny linguistic paradox, and I want to discuss it with respected frands. Look, in nature there is such a piece of clothing: I recently talked with a wonderful resident of Kharkov Mademoiselle_le, and the term slipped in a conversation

The question of the dialect is the noise of the oceans of Mars – LJ

Here I ran into one funny linguistic paradox, and I want to discuss it with respected frands. Look, in nature there is such a piece of clothing:


Recently talked with a wonderful resident of Kharkov Mademoiselle_le , and in the conversation the term Wesaka slipped. The term was completely unfamiliar to me, I even asked for what is the workshop? – To the great surprise of the interlocutor 🙂

If I was asked that it was in the picture, I would answer – Sports jacket/jacket or top from a tracksuit. Then I contacted my mother and asked how, in her opinion, this item is called. She, too, was absolutely not aware of the word trowel, but showed an acquaintance with the term Olympic, which seemed to me familiar (although I never used it). Following which I walked a short article about the workshop, which is quite entertaining in itself, but the comments interested me more: Watercrac invented some kind of Olympic and there was an Olympic; The Olympic Olympic in Kazakhstan was called – and right there: And in the Urals and, as always thought, in the adjacent regions, she was more often called a underwear. It is interesting that in Kazakhstan is not so. Although in the European part, of course, the Olympic; . In Yakutsk, it is called Olympic, For example, the Olympic was called in Kazakhstan, and in Ukraine the warden, In Kherson, they also call a trowel, In Zaporozhye, there has always been an Olympic, and over the past 5 years she became a trowel – and so on .

There is an interesting thing, the trowel and Olympic clearly do not have clear geographical boundaries and it is not entirely clear, which determined the dominance of a particular name in a particular area. In this connection, I have a question for respected frandes – how was this thing called in the area of ​​your origin and what did you personally call it? 🙂

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