The Voronezh Business Champions League pleased with the cool end of the autumn season – KP. Ru

Particularly interesting were the games in the division France

Voronezh Business Champions League pleased with the abrupt end of the autumn season

There were fewer final games than in regular rounds, but they all turned out to be very stubborn.

The final of the autumn season of the corporate championship League of Champions of Business has come to an end. Once again, he pleased with spectacular matches and fierce confrontations. In the last round, in most of the matches, the teams fought for the cup.

In the Brazil division, technical victories were won by Molvest, Gazprojectengineering and KBHA

In the Spain division, the Elektrosignal players defeated the demotivated champion BORAVTO (2:0), Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions tied with EkoNiva-Chernozemye (2:2), and Avangard-Agro drew with RVC-Voronezh (2:2).

In the Portugal division, Quadra failed to beat Comus (2:3). SK Vybor could not break the resistance of Etazhi (1:2), and in another match Voronezh-oil was stronger than the leader of the championship DOM.RF (3:1).

In the France division, the uncompromising final was between KP VO Unified Directorate and VES (4:3), and Gidravlika SK defeated Promsvyazbank (4:3). Technical victories were won by Hoff and CenterElektroMontazh .

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