The verdict "Brest James Bond" was upheld | Belarusian partisan

The collegium for criminal cases of the Brest Regional Court considered the appeal of the loud case of Alexander Stroganov. The verdict issued by the court of the Moscow district of Brest, chaired by Judge Inna Tiunova in February of the current year (7 years of a colony of enhanced regime with property confiscation) was upheld.

The verdict Brest James Bond was upheld

The collegium for criminal cases of the Brest Regional Court considered the appeal of the loud case of Alexander Stroganov. The verdict issued by the court of the Moscow district of Brest, chaired by Judge Inna Tiunova in February of the current year (7 years of a colony of enhanced regime with property confiscation) was upheld.

Such a harsh sentence of the 33-year-old Brestchain was issued by the totality of several articles of the Criminal Code: fraud on an especially large scale; incitement to a large -scale bribe; obviously false denunciation of the commission of a crime; illegal acquisition and storage of firearms. Stroganov became the “media person” in connection with the scam with the Bentley car and the illegal receipt of large insurance compensation.

According to the court verdict in favor of the Belgosstrakh branch in the Brest region, about 60 thousand rubles were recovered from the perpetrator (about 30 thousand dollars). In addition, he must pay more than 20 thousand dollars to the design engineer of one of the Brest enterprises. He lured this money from his ex -friend fraudulently, blackmailing him with a punishment for illegal entrepreneurial activities. Another 55 thousand dollars, allegedly intended for giving a bribe, are turned into state revenue. Thus, the Brest businessman, the deputy director of one of the enterprises to whom Stroganov promised to resolve the issue of receiving a land plot in the Telm region by giving a bribe to an official, remained, as they say, with his interests.

The fraudster himself did not hide that James Bond is an example to follow him. During a search in the house on the territory of the garden partnership where he lived, a “shooting pen” was found, which experts recognized with firearms. He can appeal the decision of the two courts to the Presidium of the Brest Regional Court and to the Supreme Court.

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