TV Program – Present Tense, Friday 6 May 2022

Present Time is an international media project about topics and events that excite people.

Without a keyword

Face to the event

Sharp political talk show on the main topic of the day. Politicians, experts, journalists are in the Radio Liberty studio.




Voice of America's daily news program from the Washington DC studio.



War between Russia and Ukraine



Real cinema: Ivano-Frankivskteplokommunenergo sings

Ivan Vasilyevich has been the head of the trade union of a municipal institution with the unpronounceable name Ivano-Frankivskteplokomunenergo for many years, and he treats social work with soul: he organized a choir at the enterprise, in which dispatchers, mechanics, repairmen, accountants and other employees sing. The chairman of the trade union is proud of the creative achievements of public utilities, but at first people are warm – and then they sing. The heating season makes adjustments to the rehearsal schedule. Director: Nadia Parfan. Ukraine, 2019

Daily information program.



Man on the map: How a rake will save Russia

On a small site in the village of Ust-Ordynsky, Irkutsk region, the production of Sergei Belyaev is operating. There is no workshop here – agricultural rakes are harvested all year round under a pair of sheds. The designs are author's, made according to the samples of still conscientious equipment from domestic materials. Sergei Belyaev is sure that his rake will save Russia, which means they should be available. But this spring, due to sanctions, prices for components have grown significantly. What to do with it now and decide in a small production.

Face to the event

Sharp political talk show on the main topic of the day. Politicians, experts, journalists are in the Radio Liberty studio.



Real series: Under the sound of wheels

Program about railways of the world and their passengers. The famous traveler Philip Gugler prefers to travel by train because he likes to meet people and stick his nose into other people's business.



Real cinema: Ivano-Frankivskteplokommunenergo sings

Ivan Vasilyevich has been the head of the trade union of a municipal institution with the unpronounceable name Ivano-Frankivskteplokomunenergo for many years, and he treats social work with soul: he organized a choir at the enterprise, in which dispatchers, mechanics, repairmen, accountants and other employees sing. The chairman of the trade union is proud of the creative achievements of public utilities, but at first people are warm – and then they sing. The heating season makes adjustments to the rehearsal schedule. Director: Nadia Parfan. Ukraine, 2019



Live: Russia's War with Ukraine (Part 1)



#InUkraine: Mariupol city of war

Artem is a native of Mariupol and a local blogger. With the outbreak of war, he decided to stay in the city and tell on social networks what is happening in Mariupol and how people's lives have changed.When the shelling subsided even a little, he went out into the streets of the city and filmed what was happening. After 3 weeks, when most of the city was bombed by the Russian army, and there was no way to post the video on social networks, he decided to get out of Mariupol himself with his relatives. But, he and thousands of other townspeople had to make the green corridor themselves.

Interview: Evgeny Chichvarkin

Evgeny Alexandrovich Chichvarkin is a Russian businessman. Co-founder and former co-owner of the Euroset mobile phone network. Since the end of 2008 he has been living in the UK, where he is engaged in the wine and restaurant business.

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