Weather in Novokuznetsk for today, tomorrow and a week. Weather forecast in Novokuznetsk for 3, 10, 14 days in detail from Gismeteo and Hydrometeorological Center

The weather in Novokuznetsk is now the air temperature ° C (for comparison yesterday at the same time it was ° C). Wind . The speed of wind meters per second. Atmospheric pressure of millimeters of mercury

Weather in Novokuznetsk now

Now in Novokuznetsk, temperature ° C

Air temperature ° C (for comparison yesterday at the same time was ° C). Wind . The speed of wind meters per second.

Atmospheric pressure of millimeters of the mercury.

The relative humidity is %.

A detailed weather forecast in Novokuznetsk for 10 days

About the weather features in Novokuznetsk

Here is a detailed weather forecast in Novokuznetsk (Russia) for today and for the next 10 days. At the top of the page is an accurate actual forecast at the moment, according to the country's weather centers (forecast from Yandex, Hydrometeorological Center and Gismeteo/ In the forecast, in addition to air temperature, indicators of air humidity, atmospheric pressure, direction and wind speed are indicated. You can follow how weather conditions will change, including temperature, cloudiness, amount of precipitation, within a day. We also offer accurate information about the duration of daylight hours, the time of sunrise and sunset, the phase of the moon and the state of the geomagnetic field. You can familiarize yourself with the equally accurate weather forecast in Novokuznetsk for tomorrow, 3 days, and the next 7 days (i.e. a week), 10 days, 14 days. The air temperature is indicated in degrees Celsius.

Know the weather forecast is always important. Our plans depend on what the weather will be in Novokuznetsk today and in the coming days. Correct forecasts for travelers and business travelers are especially important. Going to Russia, take an interest in the characteristics of the climate and what the weather will be during your stay abroad.

At the disposal of meteorologists, the most modern equipment that allows predict the weather with a high degree of accuracy. In addition to ground weather stations, space satellites, meteorological sea ships are watching the weather. Scientific forecasts are created after a thorough analysis of many synchronous measurements of humidity, atmospheric pressure, temperature, and wind direction. Short -term forecasts (today, tomorrow) are more accurate, but forecasts for several days and weeks are becoming more and more reliable. Knowing what the weather will be in Novokuznetsk, you can properly plan your time, choose clothes or choose time for vacation. The weather surprises will not be able to spoil the mood if you are ready for them. On our site you can find out the forecast for today and tomorrow, as well as for a period of 3 to 10 days in Novokuznetsk and many other cities of Russia.

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