Weather in Panino for a week. Russia. Kostroma region. Nerekhtsky district

It's clear

Detailed and accurate weather forecast in Panino for a week (Nerekhtsky district, Kostroma region. Russia). Up-to-date meteorological data updated every 4 hours. Temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure and other weather data.

Weather in Panino for a week

It's clear

Weather for the week from 06 to 12 May – the maximum daily temperature +17°C will be on Sunday 08 May, the minimum – on Monday 09 May +11°C. At night, the lowest temperature in Panino is predicted on Friday 06 May to +2°C..

Weather in Russia

It's clear


Partly cloudy


It's clear


Partly cloudy


It's clear


It's clear


It's clear


Light intermittent rain


Partly cloudy


Partly cloudy


Partly cloudy


It's clear


It's clear


It's clear


It's clear


It's clear


Partly cloudy


Partly cloudy


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