About victory and fools. Part 2 | – News of the Vologda region

The other day I published nbsp; a large post nbsp; with examples of inappropriate shares by May 9. Now, as promised, I lay out a selection of all kinds of mistakes, many of which are shocking much more than the most fierce idiocy from the previous part. It collected both examples of past years and those that appeared for the 70th anniversary of Victory.

About victory and fools. Part 2

The other day I published a big post with examples of inappropriate actions by May 9. Now, as promised, I lay out a selection of all kinds of mistakes, many of which are shocking much more than the most fierce idiocy from the previous part. It collected both examples of past years and those that appeared for the 70th anniversary of Victory.

By tradition, let's start with the most harmless errors – grammatical ones. We still include our heads, but we have already forgotten how to incline the words.

It would be nice if they remembered the norms of spelling.

The author remains only to become a hero.

In 2013, in the Ulyanovsk region, it would obviously would not hurt to deploy the training of designers for the Russian language program for the 5th grade:

And here, apparently, the word haron was taken as a verification word:

We are very fond of repeating Victory Day “no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten,” but in the next example they clearly forgot to even re -read the inscriptions on the poster before sending:

Others threaten to reach Berlin, although it would be better to reach the library.


And in Naberezhnye Chelny, they could not remember how this phrase is written.

In 2013, stands with poems about the war appeared on Rozhdestvensky Boulevard in Moscow. True, people who installed them were not aware that each work has his own author, so Boris Pasternak turned into Joseph Utkin:

And Utkin himself not only stole half of his poems with Anna Akhmatova, and also turned out to be a loser: in the name of his poem you can read “You write”:

The fact that the verses of amateurish are leveled in the center, probably, should not be said. In general, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this disgrace in more detail.

In Yakutsk in 2013, posters were placed with a veteran who barely reached the full age:

However, he had already managed to receive awards for all sorts of Germany and Japan there:

One of the television portions showed a sketch of a medal entitled The winner of the blockade of Leningrad.

The blockade, it turns out, can be defeated. “Do you know the dead sea? I killed!

And the officials of the Palace District in a poem that would make the honor of Pushkin himself opened unknown pages of history:

In Kaliningrad, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of Victory, the city decorated posters with poems about veterans, into which one very vile typo crept in:

They don’t give, you see, calmly sleep veterans, distract all the time.

But the Communists from Chita will forever remain real champions in abuse of their native language:

This poster must be printed in school textbooks as a literacy test.I managed to find 12 errors. What do the Communists like to write down in their merits? Creation of the most reading country with the best free education in the world? Oh well.

Problems are observed with dates.

Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny is still more alive than all living things.

Someone did not close the doors of the psychiatric hospital, and alternative historians scattered around the city:

Not everyone else caught:

In the next picture, an unknown person may not notice mistakes, but she, like a gopher, still has:

The photograph was reflected mirror, so the fighter’s awards were not at all where they should be.

Another draftsman who gave us the next masterpiece stepped on the same rake:

Well, not lovely, huh? The dwarf Zhukov is riding a fantasy horseman trampling a banner decorated. a symbol of the solstice, and not at all Nazi swastika.

Well, this is enough for warming up. Now heavier artillery will be used. On February 21, 2006, the Kaliningrad newspaper Cascad-Info very originally congratulated the veterans-Frontoviks:

The wishes of health, peace and happiness are accompanied by the image of the German Tiger Tank, the outlines of which, it seems to me, are familiar to every person who at least heard something about the Great Patriotic War.

The same car appears on the sticker by May 9.

And somewhere they sell magnets, on which the Tiger-Commander of the PZKPFW III AUSF tank is recognized in Russia's love for Russia. N.

Well, now let's move to the harsh Chelyabinsk. Everything is harsh there, including ways to congratulate front -line soldiers. If the banner is huge, if the governor’s signature is on it-then so that you can see for a kilometer, and if the tank is, of course, the famous T-34:

Yes, broken and with Fritz posing on it. Rejoice, Russen veteranen! Mi make a pif-pack your friends tank tanker ibal on a bow against the backdrop of their panzer! In my opinion, in order to specifically find such a photo-with a rare early “thirty-four” model, not burned, and even with the Germans, picturesquely leaning on it-it was necessary to try very hard. And then the designer accidentally managed to put her.

This was in 2008, and two years later the Directorate of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, which during the war, produced a significant part of the Soviet armored vehicles:

Tank builders, it turns out, made a special contribution not to the defeat, but to the development of the enemy. “We began to make tanks better,” as if the engineer Hans tells them with gratitude. Although, on the other hand, there is a share of truth in these words – the Germans really constantly improve their armored vehicles, trying to make them better than ours.

But the governor of the Tyumen region especially notes countrymen who honestly worked in the rear of the enemy:

– Vovochka, did you help the soldiers in the war?
– Certainly! I brought them shells!
– Well done! What did they tell you?
– GOOT, Voldemar, Kerent!

At the next billboard, we see the most famous photos of motorcyclists from the German illustrated magazine Signal:

However, here justice triumphed by itself.Anacephals, who made, who approved and hung these posters, themselves signed that they are worthy of the same memory with the murdered fascists.

The Battle of Stalingrad Museum-Reserve may well know the history of war, but, unfortunately, they don’t remember what the Russian flag looks like:

It turns out that one of the decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War was held on the territory of the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, organized by the authorities of the Third Reich.

The Volgograd residents, by the way, are not alone in this belief:

And at school No. 80, the Soviet flag gradually mutates in Chinese.

In the meantime, Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, meanwhile, is told in Crimea.

Schoolchildren are not behind the elders.

Ah, this holy friendship of the Hitler Youth.

And the great people are not quite like that.

Marvanna, well put the five!

The First World War, the second – who excites such trifles? The child tried!

Here are the planes on coloring! How American, like post -war?

The wall newspaper was painted, as you asked, with a tank! German PZKPFW IV.

But this is generally a unique example.

The picture shows the KV-1 tank, but not simple, but in the rarest modification. The Germans, capturing the tank in good condition, equipped it with their gun and commander’s turret and used it against the Red Army.

And happiness was so possible.

In 2015, Ivanteevka became famous throughout the country.

Formally, there is nothing to complain about. They really fought for their homeland. For his German homeland.

In fact, this is a well-known propaganda photo of the crew in the cockpit of the Ju-88 bomber from the 71st bomber squadron KG71.

In 2014, a memorial shield was installed in Moscow at the Belarusian station, which was also adorned with the German carbine “Mauser” 98K.

The first mistakes were the veterans who were invited to the grand opening.

True, they say that soon the carbine was cut off.

Have you heard about the company Guarantor Cheboksary? I don’t know, the guarantor of what it should be according to the plan of its creators, but I personally can guarantee only one thing: under no circumstances can I deal with people suitable for their work as well as the creation of these holiday posters:

Against the background of the inverted Russian flag, young Fritz is covered with a grenade from this famous photo:

“I pulled the ring and threw it out the window. Grandpa is old – he doesn’t care. ”

Interestingly, this expressive fascist liked the designers so much that another poster was released with him, this time in Ukhta:

Moreover, here the author decided that one German is not enough on the poster, and added three more Americans to the heap in the background.

By the way, the same photo was placed on the festive postcard by February 23 in Nefteyugansk:

And about such trifles as the Sherman depicted on the left surrounded by a group of American infantrymen, probably, you should not talk.

These are still allies, but they could draw some Japanese.

In general, it seems to me that our comrades-in-arms in the anti-Hitler coalition are represented on the posters by May 9 much more than the authors of these posters wanted. Here's a picture of the airplanes:

Only the planes are not ours, but American – Grumman TBF Avenger torpedo bombers:

Petersburg patriots were also apparently banned from Google:

No, I understand, the second front and all that. Well, at least they would take the equipment used during the war in Europe – no, these planes fought only with the notorious Japanese. Designer apparently thought: the photo is black and white, there are planes, there are stars – that means it will do. Although, this is only if you make an optimistic assumption that he even thought.

The US Air Force violated our airspace at least once more: in 2010, a streamer with American T-6 Texan aircraft appeared on the streets of Krasnodar.

Even in Krasnodar, they are sure that American engineers won the victory on May 9, 1945:

But the coolest thing, of course, is this poster:

Behind the veteran grandfather, aerobatics are demonstrated not by the Russian Knights and not the Swifts, but by Italian pilots from the Frecce Tricolori. Actually, they write out a tricolor in the sky – only not for Russia, but for Italy, the birthplace of fascism. Against the backdrop of all this, the inscription “Remember” looks especially touching.

Someone decided that May 9 is the day of the great victory of the post-war American tank M46 Patton:

It's a pity he didn't specify what victory over. Apparently, over common sense.

In Voronezh in 2015, another American tank, the Walker Bulldog, was glorified.

This, by the way, is an example of a double fail, because the journalists who wrote about it confused the tank with the Pershing.

And in Zelenogradsk (not Zelenograd) they are sure that the main events of 1942 unfolded at Cape Helles as part of the Dardanelles operation, and the British participated in them in the form of the First World War:

A very strange poster in 2011 invited the inhabitants of Kazan to listen to a charity concert in honor of Victory Day:

Three photographs designed to illustrate the Great Confrontation depict an American Avenger torpedo bomber, a German SdKfz 251 armored personnel carrier and a British P.82 Defiant fighter:

In the great confrontation between the Americans, the Germans and the British, there was no place for Russian soldiers and their equipment. Participation was not significant enough, apparently. And after that we still wonder why the Americans are sure that they won the Second World War?

And why be surprised if the students and the teaching staff of secondary school No. 9 believe that a veteran of the Great Patriotic War looks like this?

In this regard, it seems quite natural that the Motherland offers him to sign not a military oath, but a contract:

Just some kind of Pelevinism.

In addition to errors, there is also outright trolling. Only dead men go into battle:

In the picture – the characters of the American TV series Supernatural in the costumes of the heroes of the Soviet film.

New pages of the history of the Great Patriotic War are revealed to us thanks to the selfless work of designers. It turns out that the battles could be so hot that palm trees grew behind the soldiers!

And the original (American soldier on the island of Guam):

However, the US Army, judging by posters, did not always fight on our side. In Berdsk, for example, billboards appeared on Victory Day, on which the Yankees aimed in elderly veterans:

But soon they, apparently, came to their senses, and near Vyazma they had already fought for the advice:

Ultimately, the past insults were forgotten, and about American soldiers (though the time of the Vietnamese War) in the USSR they even put down songs:

Now this is our common victory.

Girls joyfully meet the heroes.

By the way, Vyazma mentioned above also managed to make a consistent compliment to the quality of its architecture:

Apparently, vile Germans, having left the city, left behind richly decorated buildings, which the inhabitants of Vyazma had to disassemble for many more years in order to build huts that were visible behind the billboard. But if you throw off the jokes to the side, then in the photo, of course, Vienna.

Some students (4th year, by the way. Hefty foreheads!) By May 9, 2012 they prepared a wall newspaper:

This is the case when the use of a more complex technique (computer) only goes to the detriment of the result – I think if they were able to draw this newspaper with hands, at least one could read the text. But we are, however, not about the text, but about the master and thoughtful selection of photographs.

First, there is a picture of the tea point in the Red Cross of the time of the First World War (an interesting historical artifact, but then it is?):

Then-a photo of the pre-war R-5 aircraft (he still managed to fight a little in the Great Patriotic War, but again, with what fright they took such a rare car?):

And finally, in the third photo again our best friends are Americans:

Hmm. “Other people have two higher education, but not enough initial.”

Often we are confused with our own. Rokossovsky became Katukov:

The Panfilovs tried to glorify the Russian Railways, but the whole plan went downhill.

“The site is dedicated to the border outpost of the Panfilovsky (Zharkenst) border detachment of the eastern border district (KVPO).

In the next picture, there seems to be not errors, but the word “police” in the context of dates 1941–1945 is clearly the wrong color.

And here you are the most curious creative from the Chrysostom:

On May 9, American soldiers establish a Soviet flag on the island of Ivodzima. Everything was broken off in the Smeshansky house. Here is the original photo:

Interestingly, a few years earlier, the city administration of Murom also sent similar pictures to residents:

Against the background of this, it no longer looks so strange when someone is whether it is joking, or seriously hangs on the eve of the Victory Day posters of the game World in Conflict:

Call of Duty fans should also evaluate.

Continuing the theme of blunders that appeared online, one cannot help but recall the story of the Good'ok service from MTS. Do you think that only provincial design studios, whose employees graduated from three classes of a parochial school, can screw up with posters? But no: even such a giant on a federal scale managed to make several gross mistakes on its website at once:

The voice of the Motherland from under the characteristic helmet sounds with a strong German accent, and a tank takes part in the military parade, in the outlines of which it is impossible not to recognize the same PzKpfw VI Tiger. And these are not photographs taken from somewhere, these are icons specially drawn by the artist. At this point, you involuntarily doubt who actually won that war?

By the way, noticing such an oversight, the site hastily removed the German helmet and replaced the picture with the Tiger with a photograph of Katyusha, hastily passed through a Photoshop filter.

But there remained Eternal Flame for 50.3 rubles. / month Here it is, commercial eternity.

Problems with distinguishing between Soviet and German helmets, by the way, are typical not only for MTS:

Another example of an error in the identification of technology immediately and you can’t make out. It seems to be a good idea – to acquaint the townspeople with outstanding examples of weapons of victory and their designers. They took a rather spectacular photo of the aircraft, they didn’t even make a mistake with its name and the name of the designer:

But, of course, this photo would not have made it into this collection if it were not for one epic fail: in the background, in the same formation with our toothy La-5, no less toothy German Junkers are flying.

Help for the patriots of Yugoslavia because of this photo also turned out in the spirit of humanitarian bombing:

On the Moscow posters of 2013, the German “troechka” timidly looks out from the edge:

In Cheboksary, they decided that it would be best to illustrate our Victory Day with a photograph of a German mortar from the American Museum:

Now, here's a counterexample. By May 9, 2012, the administration of Yekaterinburg prepared the following posters:

Their aesthetic component is a separate conversation (which is worth only a blue boxing glove, which the number “9” has turned into), but in this case, the German PzKpfw V “Panther” is depicted below. Residents of the city noticed this and raised a big storm, but, meanwhile, the original photo looks like this:

The Panthers, it turns out, are trophy ones, but our Soviet guys are standing on them and waving their tank helmets. That is, the photograph is quite suitable, but in the form in which it was placed on the poster, only tanks can be identified.

As it turned out later, a false alarm about the same picture was also raised in Ust-Kamenogorsk:

In general, such photos need to be signed, at least in small print. However, the administration of Yekaterinburg got out of the situation in a way typical of Russian bureaucracy, simply destroying the printed posters and releasing new ones without any photographs at all.

The topic of correction and redrawing of posters, by the way, would be incomplete without the next sad example.

In 1945, a wonderful poster was drawn, which became a real symbol of victory:

But in 2009 it occurred to someone that he no longer meets the realities of time, and the poster was shouted:

Instead of Glory to the Russian people! On it now, the American is the political correct Glory to the winning people! Which one – it is not specified in order not to offend anyone. Interestingly, during the census, someone indicated their nationality as a “winner”? It seems to me to scratch the phrase Glory to the victorious people! Only an individual specially grown in a test tube could say, who would say “Masha, I have a feeling of deep attachment and sympathy inherent in a person!”

In Perm, by the way, we went on and placed next to the reduced copy of the poster of the “Red Army – Glory!” Photos of the Germans, including the famous frame with a machine gunner:

Look at these happy faces of the soldier Waffen SS, who will soon go to kill your grandparents!

As the designer was justified later, there were no rather expressive Soviet soldiers. He would with this statement – yes to the council of veterans: they would clearly express everything that is necessary.

On the left, by the way, according to the already established tradition, the Americans were on the poster:

Something is clearly wrong and in Tver:

Deutcha Zoldaten niht capitulic!

Some highly spiritual photoshopers approached the heritage of the Great Patriotic War:

A touching military photograph by adding a candle and domes turned into a kinz poster in the spirit of there are no atheists in the trenches. In this way, wind crossbars are made.

In the same firebox – and the St. Petersburg creative, created on the basis of a modern staged photograph, also stolen from the author:

Breast in crosses, head in the bushes.

The cerebral mucosa, which devoured the gray matter of domestic designers, reached Ukraine. When the body is still trying to resist the invasion, the soldiers on the posters remain Soviet, but problems with the choice of the time period are already beginning:

The military form of such a sample appeared only in 1955.

Well, or time they choose the right one, but they confuse the side, and it turns out that the hero-ruler helped the Germans deliver the Tiger tanks to the front:

When the mucus penetrates deeper into the brain, billboards from the series “Find a surprise in the picture” appear:

Oh, not that, Odessa remembers.

When the body almost stops fighting, the mucus tells the designer extraordinary solutions – for example, to reflect the heroic status of the city with the help of a photograph of a Romanian machine gunner impressively falling on the Primorsky Boulevard:

Well, when the mucus absorbs the brain completely, the parade of eras and nationalities begins directly:

Here you have Cambodia in 1956:

And Macedonia of the First World War:

And Vietnam 1975:

And – where without it – fascist Germany!

Behind the shoulders of the soldiers are Vehs flamethrowers. An excellent congratulations came out, you will not say anything.

But let's get back to Russia, since the designers have already prepared a bunch of fresh, steaming creative for us. Not for the first time, Tyumen distinguished itself: in April 2013, a poster “Thank you for the peaceful sky above your head” appeared on the main street:

Only now they thanked for him, for some reason, again the Nazis.

And in Orel, a boy was depicted on a billboard, which is a real medical sensation: he has three grandfathers!

One of them is Russian, the other is an Englishman, and the third is a German at all!

– And my grandfather worked as an electrician in the war!
– What is it like?
– He had two lightning bolts painted on his helmet!

And here is a masterpiece example from Alapaevsk, where the Nazis are no longer just fighting, but marching victoriously.

The next masterpiece appeared in 2010 in Volgograd:

In the background, the blown up Soviet IS-2 is burning down, and in the front we see businesslike Fritz and their half-tracked SdKfz 251. And, pointing at all this with her hand, the Motherland froze in a soundless cry. And there is something to cry about.

Although, on the other hand, why be surprised if in 2005 the administration of the then governor of the Volgograd region, Nikolai Maksyuta, sent the text of an appeal to the city and regional newspapers, in which he heartily congratulated the veterans on the next anniversary of the defeat of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad?

Subsequently, it turned out that the poster on top has a sibling:

The tank is a German PzKpfw III. How long?!

But even after so many flagrant blunders, Volgograd designers did not come to their senses. Fresh example, 2015:

Stepping on the same rake so many times is not even funny anymore. Some citizens seriously see here signs of a conspiracy aimed at eradicating the historical memory of the Russian people. But I always repeat that you should not look for treason where everything can be explained by banal stupidity. Idiosyncrasy, unprofessionalism, disregard for work – do we encounter them only in the context of the celebration of the Victory? Maybe it's America, the Zionists or the Reptilians that make us insult veterans and make ourselves look like a laughing stock? Unfortunately, this is not so. An anti-Russian conspiracy certainly exists – the only problem is that the entire adult population of Russia is participating in it.

If we want to change something, we need to start with ourselves. My post is a small attempt to draw attention to a huge problem. Show it to those who are engaged in design and printing, who are involved in decorating cities with holiday paraphernalia. I will be incredibly happy if my collection of blunders finally becomes nothing to replenish.

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