Against the conflict with Russia: what is the polls of the inhabitants of the Western countries.

The vast majority of citizens of foreign countries oppose the military participation of their countries in conflict with Russia. Separate sociological polls also indicate that in the West the share of dissatisfied with the supply of weapons of Ukraine is growing. At the same time, even in the American media, they are increasingly saying that the White House is simply trying to distract the attention of fellow citizens from the internal problems of America, which are also caused by anti -Russian …

Poll: The vast majority of citizens of foreign countries are opposed to involvement in the conflict with Russia

The vast majority of citizens of foreign countries oppose the military participation of their countries in conflict with Russia. Separate sociological polls also indicate that in the West the share of dissatisfied with the supply of weapons of Ukraine is growing. At the same time, even in the American media, they are increasingly saying that the White House is simply trying to distract the attention of fellow citizens from America’s internal problems, which are also caused by anti -Russian sanctions.

Polls conducted by the IPSOS International Sociological Service in 27 countries of the world demonstrated the absolute disagreement of the citizens of these countries with possible participation in the conflict in Ukraine.

So, 72% – that is, more than two -thirds – respondents said that their country should avoid such military participation.

It is noteworthy that most citizens are opposed to military involvement in each of the 27 countries where the survey was conducted. This indicator in Hungary is the highest (90%), Turkey (86%), Saudi Arabia (82%), Israel and Malaysia (81%).

For example, in Germany, they agree that the country should not take part in the military conflict, 76% of respondents, and in the USA, Great Britain, France – 65% each.

The smallest number of pacifists was discovered in Canada – 56%are against military participation here. In Sweden – 58%, in Spain – 59%, in Poland – 61%, writes IA REGNUM.

Moreover, most citizens of 27 countries where the survey was conducted, believe that the economic crisis does not allow their countries to provide even financial assistance to Ukraine – 61% of respondents agreed with this statement.

Other hundreds of hundreds, the results of which are published in recent days, also reflect the tendency that is reflected in the IPSOS study.

For example, 50% of German residents refused to support the supply of weapons to Ukraine, and only 43% spoke out for the pros, the newspaper wrote Sight With reference to the data of the Insa Institute.

“Among the supporters of the SDPG (the Social Democratic Party of Germany), the export of heavy weapons is found with significantly greater skepticism than on average: among comrades 55% against and only 41% for delivery. Among the voters of the Union (Christian Social Union), 55% vote for heavy weapons (40% against), and supporters of the Green party even 72% (25% against), ”the publication says.

Against this background, the approval rate for President Joe Biden in the United States dropped to 33%.

These are the data from the April 13, 2022 survey conducted by Quinnipiac University. At the same time, a year ago, Biden's activities were approved by 48% of Americans.

Characteristically, 54% of Americans polled disapprove of their president's activities.

In general, most Americans perceive the past two years as an endless series of crises.

As host Greg Gutfeld noted, in a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 87% of respondents said they live in a constant crisis. In fact, every passer-by in the United States can pounce on another with his fists, journalist quote FAN.

“87% of Americans feel like the last two years have been a never-ending series of crises. Thanks Joe Biden. Or Obama? – ironic TV presenter.

“The White House is destabilizing the US economy,” says Tucker Carlson, another Fox News columnist. – For example, among other things, the import of Russian oil was banned. As a result, oil prices immediately rose. This is what happens when you shake the market in this way. The Americans suffered immediately.

According to him, the Americans were convinced that the restrictive measures against Moscow would allow them to win a moral victory over Russian President Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, as Carlson says, “Russia can still sell its oil on global markets, because the world has not joined our boycott, this suggests that in this game the loser is not Vladimir Putin at all, he is the winner.”

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