Farewell to Petrov and Boshirov – Strategic Culture Foundation

Our collage contest, announced in the article In the West, there is only talk about Boshirov and Petrov is over. According to the results of voting on the site, we publish the works of the three winners of the competition, which received the greatest approval from readers.. Contest

Farewell to Petrov and Boshirov

In the information war, everything happens the same way as in the hot war. One battle ends, another begins. Some types of weapons become obsolete, others are invented. From this point of view, the Petrov-Boshirov (PB) phenomenon has become one of the innovations of Western designers of information weapons.

The invention was made at the most critical moment of the fight around the “poisoning of the Skripals”, when a specific villain was desperately needed. All the howls of the performers about the hand of Moscow flew into the chimney – there was no performer of poisoning. Even the impassioned speeches of Prime Minister Theresa May did not help. A costly campaign, on which large political bets were made, threatened to turn into nothing.

And so MI6 rolled onto the battlefield a fabricated image of intruders who, traveling through time and space, became the embodiment of the forces of darkness. The image was manipulated out of nothing, from several shots on an outdoor CCTV camera of two Russian tourists visiting the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Salisbury. True, for the PB tandem, the cathedral could hardly be of interest due to the lack of such a level of development among the employees of the Russian special services.

The invention of virtual terminators somewhat helped the writers of the scandal: it did not add credibility, but the scandal rose in the informational rating. And by the time the “Skripal case” was over, it could be said that, on the whole, a successful test of the new weapon had been carried out as another tool for mass brainwashing.

And everything would have been great if not for Yaroslav Gashek, who wrote many years ago: The war went on as usual until the General Staff intervened in it. And so it happened. The splendidly conceived British development was stolen by the Czech special services and made up a ridiculous farce with the participation of the PB in the explosions of artillery depots in Vrbetica. The farce was arranged so incompetently that it became a laughing stock all over the world and devalued the British invention. Perhaps the advice of colleagues from the CIA to the Czech counterintelligence played some role here: let's say, let's not get worse. However, it got worse. The PB virtual terminators will have to say goodbye, as they are struck by the most merciless weapon – laughter.

It remains to be seen what the British secret services said to their Czech colleagues for the slipped pig. It's not even that the Czechs gave rise to ridicule over the invention of the Anglo-Saxons. The fact is that the project was originally designed for the mass production of terminator ghosts, and now this plan has been crossed out.No sooner will someone hint at the Russian trace than mocking memories of the PB will immediately begin.

The Czechs put the British in front of a difficult task: they need to write off the serial PB project as scrap and come up with a new one. I must say that the project with virtual terminators inspires respect for the imagination of the authors. The originality of the thinking of British intelligence officers is well known. They were the only European intelligence agency that used pigeon mail to communicate with agents during the Second World War. It doesn't matter that the Germans solved the riddle on the crap facade of the SIS (the pigeons lived in the attic), it's still extraordinary.

Our collage contest, announced in the article In the West, there is only talk about Boshirov and Petrov is over. According to the results of voting on the site, we publish the works of the three winners of the competition, which received the greatest approval from readers:

First place

Farewell to Petrov and Boshirov. Competition results. First place

Second place

Farewell to Petrov and Boshirov. Competition results. Second place

Third place

Farewell to Petrov and Boshirov. Competition results. Third place

And then we are waiting for new inventions. And we express our sincere gratitude to the Czech special services. New successes to you, fellow Slavs!

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